Shades of Alien?


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Nature is sometimes wonderful and frequently awe inspiring, other times it's plain horrifying and grotesque. A word of warning, just don't watch the accompanying video just before, during or after eating.

It's just the price many creatures pay for being biological entities I suppose.

Parasitic Worm VIDEO Shows Huge Nematode Emerging From Dead Spider Host, Biologist Says

When YouTube user Brent Askwith saw a freakishly large worm slither out of a spider he had just killed, he recorded the ghoulish event and appropriately named the video "WTF IS THIS?!?"

"I was just editing my latest montage and this huge spider came out, so I sprayed it and killed it, then this Rockne alien worm came out," Askwith wrote in the video's description.

That "alien worm" is actually a parasitic nematode, also known as a roundworm. While the nematode in the YouTube video is larger than most, Harvard University entomologist Dr. Brian Farrell told The Huffington Post that every human is infested with thousands of tiny nematodes.

"Most have no obvious effect on us, and we are mostly unaware of their presence," he wrote in an e-mail, "but a few are large enough to cause diseases such as trichinosis."

In addition to looking strange, nematode parasites can cause their hosts to do strange things. Dr. Farrell gave the example of some nematodes that prey on ants -- the parasite makes its host climb a tree and wave its butt in the air in order to catch the eye of a bird. The bird then nabs the ant, allowing the parasite to escape through the ant's abdomen and spread to other potential hosts.

"My personal favorite is Toxoplasma gondii," Dr. Farrell wrote, "the protozoan that infects cats (and is the reason pregnant women should not be around cats). Toxoplasma also infects rats and makes them unafraid of cats, so they get eaten and the parasites are able to then infect the cats they desire. Weird."
This is absolutely disgusting. I forced myself to watch the video all the way.

In addition to your warning, I would say one also should not read the article right before, or right after eating...

While the nematode in the YouTube video is larger than most, Harvard University entomologist Dr. Brian Farrell told The Huffington Post that every human is infested with thousands of tiny nematodes.

This I found very disturbing, I suddenly found myself like I was a few years back, being afraid of things like this, being paranoid of getting it one day, I wanted to find out if this is true and this is what I could find:

from _ said:
Other nematodes are parasites of almost every species of animal, including humans, and plant and cause enormous social and economic damage. They are also known as ‘eelworms’ and ‘roundworms’.


The majority of nematodes are microscopic in size, although some species that parasitise animals are much larger and can grow to several centimetres in length.

The bolded part helped me calm down a little.

Warning: This next website has two pictures that might be disturbing for some. (one shows a child with three worms crawling on his face, two from his nose, one from his mouth. The other shows a child's leg 'Elephantiasis resulting from a filarial parasitic nematode.'

_ said:
Roundworms that inhabit animals and most importantly humans as parasites can be extremely detrimental to the health of their hosts. Often, host immunity is altered by proteins secreted by the parasite, allowing the parasite to thrive inside of the host (Harcus et al. 39). According to the Raven and Johnson Biology textbook, there are around fifty species of nematodes that are normal human parasites (Raven et al. 746).

Hookworms- These roundworms are found in warm regions and burrow through skin they come in contact with. Their hook shaped anterior ends allow them to latch onto the intestinal wall of their hosts and feed on blood. They routinely suck more blood from the intestinal wall than they need and this can lead to anemia in the host (Raven et al. 746).

Pinworms (Enterobius)- These nematodes are a less serious parasite that inhabit the intestinal tract of humans in the same way that hookworms do. The often cause irritation and disturbances in sleep (Kucik 4). Despite being very widespread and affecting as much as 30% of children and 16% of adults, pinworms can be easily controlled by drugs (Raven et al. 746).

Ascaris (Intestinal Roundworm)- These nematodes are found exclusively in humans and are present mostly in unsanitary areas without modern plumbing. Around one in six people worldwide are infected by Ascaris (Raven et al. 746). A study conducted in Cameroon focused on school children and found that 65.5 % were infected with Ascaris parasitic roundworms. Ascaris eggs are spread through feces, and, when ingested, hatch and bore through the intestinal wall. They move to the heart, the lungs, and finally out the breathing passages where they are swallowed, thus perpetuating the cycle. Females lay hundreds of thousands of eggs each day and can reach nearly 30 centimeters in length (Raven et al. 746).

Trichinella- This nematode is responsible for the most serious roundworm-caused disease, which is known as trichinosis. They live in pigs’ intestines and produce young that make their way to muscle tissue and form tough cysts. Interestingly, nurse cells that aid in parasite growth in the cyst contain two different types of cytoplasm ("Microbiology..." 74). When uncooked pork is ingested by humans, the roundworms cause trichinosis, which can sometimes be fatal. This parasite is also found in bears. In the United States it is suspected that almost two and a half percent of the population has are infected with trichinosis (Raven et al. 746).

Filaria- This type of roundworm causes serious problems in the tropics where it can lead to filiarisis, a condition that affects some 250 million people across the globe. In extreme cases, filiarisis can lead to elephantiasis, which is a grotesque swelling of the legs and other extremities due to worms blocking the lymphatic system. In areas that are abundantly populated with these nematodes, settlement is all but impossible (Raven et al. 746). In developing countries like Sri Lanka where filariasis is most common, morbidity control clinics play a key role in disseminating information about treatment and prevention (Chandrasena et al. 6).

According to T.L Heitman and his colleagues, studies conducted on mice have shown that several factors affect the transmission and abundance of parasitic nematodes. Specifically, caloric intake and energy play a huge role in a host's ability to combat parasites and utilize immunity. Hosts that are deficient in protein and other essentials for good health are much more susceptible to parasitic nematodes, because they are less able to fight their transmission (Heitman et al. 1767).

As a result of all the study of nematode parasites, considerable progress has been made in preventing infections and curing them when they occur. For example, universal insecticides known as Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) crystal proteins have recently been found to affect many free-living nematodes as well as a species of parasites in rats. This kind of crystal protein is expected to prove effective in controlling most parasitic nematodes in vertebrates (Wei et al. 2760).

Bold added by me to make skimming easier.
_ said:
Who is at risk for pinworm infection?

Pinworm infection occurs worldwide and affects persons of all ages and socioeconomic levels. It is the most common worm infection in the United States.

All in all, this is pretty disturbing. Even if they're microscopic...
EEEwwweee yuck! Hopefully some of these worms only like sugar filled bodies! Uggh, I now feel itchy :P Although I do have some friendly neims living in the garden soil I am thankful for.
Nematodes have been used as a treatment of some allergic infections:
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