Sharing a calming dream with FOTCM members

RedFox said:
Thanks for sharing Marina9 :)

Marina9 said:
Then when I woke up my curtain was a little bit open and the first thing I could see was the really blue sky and the sun coming in, it made me feel like calm in some sort of way and happy.

Could that be why you are having trouble sleeping, your room isn't pitch black?
Are You Getting Enough Sleep? Sleeping properly?

Thank you very much for sharing RedFox, it all makes a little more sense now hehe, some of the points mentioned are habits I have before going to sleep :/ like using my cell phone before sleeping or even sleeping with my door open. I'll give it a try changing this habits and see how it goes! :D

solarmind said:
Marina9 said:
... there were also lots and lots of people, and we were all gathering to have a big barbecue, I remember seeing some cooking, other chatting, and there was also like little groups were you could go and talk about different topics, there where also kids running around, people from all ages..

O wow, thank you for sharing Marina9 ... last night I dreamed something very similar to what you described here, only that I woke up thinking who were those people, and trying to locate place and remember what interactions I had with them, but so far I couldn't remember, but now reading your dream ... funny! And just a few minutes before I spot this thread, my son asked me how it will be if we could know what our dog dream about? ... eh ...


Hehe it is funny, most of the people in the dream i didn't know, but still now I can remember the interactions we were all having, and the joy that you could sense in the place, I think it'll be those type of dreams to remember whenever I feel down.. About dogs, hehe that's a good question, my dogs whenever they're in deep sleep they even make noises or move their little paws, I heard once that this could happen to them if they have a bad dream or maybe they're just running around the woods hehe.
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