Sharing a song i wrote

Beautiful female vocal, words that inspire, I can only say-bravo.
It is so beautiful. Great job Seppo Ilmarinen.
Yes, excellent work, Seppo with your band! I liked the "etheric" feeling of the whole, and the vocalist had also a sensitive touch to her singing. Being a musician and singer, I can't help listening with a "critical ear", and there was one tiny little thing that you could perhaps think of for future projects: the text in the verses felt occasionally a bit "rushed", like too many words "crammed" too tightly into the musical phrase. The lyrics are perfect, and it would be nice to hear them more clearly with a bit more "spacing". It's a difficult task, I know, but just as a suggestion you could try and use more melismas in the phrases, in this way letting the singing voice also ring out more. If you want ideas or help with figuring out things related to what I wrote above, I'd be glad to help. :)
Great Job Seppo Ilmarinen and everyone involved! :clap:
A very lovely song. While I was busy writing code today I listened to it, as well as the others on sound cloud, for quite a while.

Thanks for sharing!
Wow! Very beatiful!!!! I loved it! :thup:

I would certainly go to your concert! :lol:
Thanks, i'm glad to hear you liked the song(s). There's been lot of interesting discussion about music on the forum lately, so i'm hoping to create songs that give something positive to others here.

Aragorn said:
If you want ideas or help with figuring out things related to what I wrote above, I'd be glad to help. :)

Sure! It can sometimes be challenging to combine lyrics, melody and voice without making compromises, so it's educating to see how other people would have arranged those parts. I can send you notation of the song and you can take a look when you have time.
Very nice work, Seppo. I agree with the points that Aragorn made and think it will only enhance the songs and the singing, if the words are spread out a little more or slightly less. The use of melismas is a good suggestion.

Good luck with it and great to see more hope inspiring music. :cheer:
Here's a new song I've just finished, thought I'd share it here. It's electronic music combined with virtual orchestra instruments and some acoustic ones that i've recorded. Vocals I've used from several samples, tweaking some notes and rhythms to fit the background. I made the video by combining different copyright free clips together. I've recorded, mixed and mastered this at my home studio. Hope you enjoy!


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