Shazam movie.

Wandering Star

The Living Force
I have seen these days the film directed to a young audience called Shazam.

Winks to esoteric knowledge and magic are plentiful, but there is a detail that caught my attention enormously: "The superhero layer".

What is a layer?

It is used to protect against inclement weather. It is a garment that "protects".

In the movie, one of the dialogues refers to the layer that the superhero wears, calling it "ridiculous". What makes you notice her!

When you do, you think ... Oh, how weird!

"It's a Roman cape!"

In fact it is a layer worn by the Roman emperors in the old films of the genre.

Most of you at this point will have already established "connected the dots".

It made me smile the "wink".:-)
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