liam1310 said:
Anyone still using this?
I picked some up today at a market never heard of it before, just doing some reading up on it.
Yep, I'm still using it. It's become part of my daily routine.
I've become quite accustomed to the taste and quite enjoy it now.
What I've noticed is an overall support of my digestion. Liver and kidney function are better, elimination pathways more active. I sweat a LOT when I work out since taking it, warm up faster,
can workout harder for longer and recover quicker. I have less stiffness, I'm more flexible and I rarely have any arthritic flare ups in my fingers anymore.
I'm more tolerant of things that usually upset my gut, I couldn't take chlorella because it upset my intestines terribly but I've been taking it again without any problem, same with ascorbic acid. (And also things like dairy which isn't an everyday food for me but if I do have a little here and there it's without consequence)
I want to attribute my stable mood and increased motivation to mumijo also but this is more likely that I'm working out harder and more frequently, sleeping better and have less upsets in my life in general.
I love it. I've got 2 years supply in my cubpoard.