Shocking weather experience

We experienced one of these microbursts last summer here in the East coast mid Atlantic region of the US. It was described by a weatherperson as having the force of a tornado but instead of blowing in a circle/funnel the force is vertical. It literally came up in seconds and smashed ice and water onto the deck where we were standing with enough force I think to knock us out had we remained standing there, but we rushed into the brick house and were safe while it passed. I remember thinking that this would have been nearly impossible to survive if I had been in a car driving instead of on my porch. Good job Aragorn protecting yourself and your child.
Driving in some of these storms can be truly terrifying as well as intimidating. I have become somewhat versed in doing so by living on the outer banks of North Carolina for a time where fast moving heavy storms hit frequently. I actually drove around during one hurricane because I wanted to experience it fully. Afterwards I realized my folly and how stupid of a thing this was to do however it gave me more confidence in handling a vehicle in heavy downpours and flying objects. :)

Recently we've had some really intense storms roll through for this time of the year. We've gone from one extreme of a heavy winter into extreme heat and sporadic storms. Perhaps it is just my perspective but I don't ever recall the frequency of this type of storm in this area ever. Usually we have a few "boomers" during the spring and then just before fall but we've been getting hit very often lately. Along with the extreme temperatures, it's made for an interesting year so far concerning weather patterns.

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