Shut Up and Sing - Documentary about The Dixie Chicks


Jedi Master
At the start of the second Gulf War in 2003, the American country music group The Dixie Chicks spoke out against the war and saw a violent backlash from many of their redneck fans. This documentary film follows the group through the boycotts and death threats as they recovered, were vindicated by history and came back stronger.
Hi Griffin, did you like the documentary? What was the main idea you got from it?
Joe said:
Hi Griffin, did you like the documentary? What was the main idea you got from it?
I hadn't listened to The Dixie Chicks and didn't pay attention to their travails at the time, but I knew they had spoken out against the war and suffered for it commercially. I watched the film out of curiousity and found it engaging and well worth the time. It's inspiring to see that they spoke out against the Iraq war and still managed to not only survive but eventually thrive again in the imperial entertainment industry.
I just watched the first 35 minutes and it details their journey from being the most popular to being trashed by the US public. It shows (with photage from 2003 onwards) that they also had the guts to persevere and to come strengthened out of it. One of them said that it liberated their expression as they did no longer have to please anybody as no radiostations etc. were playing them anyway. So it proved to be a wake-up call, unintended perhaps, and they found themselves from this challenge. I stopped watching it due to time, but I think it is worth watching. It could be scheduled for a movie night ;)
Aeneas said:
I just watched the first 35 minutes and it details their journey from being the most popular to being trashed by the US public. It shows (with photage from 2003 onwards) that they also had the guts to persevere and to come strengthened out of it. One of them said that it liberated their expression as they did no longer have to please anybody as no radiostations etc. were playing them anyway. So it proved to be a wake-up call, unintended perhaps, and they found themselves from this challenge. I stopped watching it due to time, but I think it is worth watching. It could be scheduled for a movie night ;)

Yes, it's a great documentary, I think. They got so much attack for just speaking up a bit, that it's a surprise they remained strong and kept playing.

For those who don't know them, this song was inspired by what happened to them (the background is explained in the documentary).

ADDED: There was already a short discussion about them on the forum:,1777.msg10175.html#msg10175
I have it and have watched it a couple time. I never really got into the Dixie Chicks before, but now I am a fan of Natalie Mains, for sure! What a voice!

This is my favorite: loaded with political implications:
Yes, I remember them from that time in 2003, when they first popped up on my radar, of course thanks to Sott. They showed a lot of guts and you can see that due to sticking together and networking about it they came stronger out of it. As can be seen in the documentary, they really encountered the authoritarian followers, with bulldozing and trashing of their CD's just because they dared to criticize Bush and the war on Iraq.
Thanks for sharing that movie, we watched it 2 days ago and what a lovely story!

Laura said:
I have it and have watched it a couple time. I never really got into the Dixie Chicks before, but now I am a fan of Natalie Mains, for sure! What a voice!

Same here - what a voice, and what a strong personality (in a good way)! I got the most vibe/deepness from her in the movie. It's all a good example of how the battle is through us I think - after all, STS lures us in with promises of money and power, and good for the Dixie Chicks that they stayed true to themselves. Even though I don't like the 'punk attitude' they showed after all this was happening, it's still a good example on how to turn negative energy into something positive and make something of it.
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