The Living Force
Yesterday our kitty began her day in the usual 'thunder-paws fashion'. Other than the itchies for the season, she was fine.
By noon, she'd vomited 6 times, so violently she lay on the carpet and shivered afterwards. I held her, and she felt a bit cool to me. Result being we spent from 3:45 to about 6 pm at the vets office, trying to figure out what the heck was going on. If she's eaten a bug or other substance? I can't find it. The blood-work turned up inflamed pancreas, liver, bladder stones, and high blood sugar.
I am at a total loss as to what is causing this, and the vet isn't sure either, but he suspicions its got to be more than poisoning given the blood work results.
He is looking into poisoning alerts on the food she eats, but warned me it could be cancer or other tumors. If that is the case, we will put her to sleep rather than drag her through more suffering. It was horrifying how fast she deteriorated through the day.
Dexter we knew was a result of old age and multiple health issues. This? Its too much on an emotional level...we're waiting to call in to the vet to see how she did through the night. Kitty is only 8 years old, and she's normally a very bright eyed, ornery, being.
It just happened so fast my brain is still scrambling to catch up.
By noon, she'd vomited 6 times, so violently she lay on the carpet and shivered afterwards. I held her, and she felt a bit cool to me. Result being we spent from 3:45 to about 6 pm at the vets office, trying to figure out what the heck was going on. If she's eaten a bug or other substance? I can't find it. The blood-work turned up inflamed pancreas, liver, bladder stones, and high blood sugar.
I am at a total loss as to what is causing this, and the vet isn't sure either, but he suspicions its got to be more than poisoning given the blood work results.
He is looking into poisoning alerts on the food she eats, but warned me it could be cancer or other tumors. If that is the case, we will put her to sleep rather than drag her through more suffering. It was horrifying how fast she deteriorated through the day.
Dexter we knew was a result of old age and multiple health issues. This? Its too much on an emotional level...we're waiting to call in to the vet to see how she did through the night. Kitty is only 8 years old, and she's normally a very bright eyed, ornery, being.
It just happened so fast my brain is still scrambling to catch up.