Signs (2002)


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FOTCM Member
Seeing "Signs" during its premiere weekend in a sold-out theater, was a pretty powerful movie going experience.

It’s a well made, suspenseful film about an alien invasion, experienced by a family living on a rural farm in Pennsylvania. Mel Gibson plays the father who has recently lost his wife in a car accident, so his brother (Joaquin Phoenix) has moved in to help him out with the farm work and taking care of his two young children. (There’s a nice redemption arc involved in the story: the father used to be a priest, but after his wife’s death, lost his faith in god. Due to certain occurrences, he rediscovers that there is a higher power after all.

The frightening atmosphere was quite cleverly built up, bit by bit. I have rarely seen such a collective gasp of horror let out by the audience, for example when Mel catches a glimpse of an alien in the cornfield, or when one is later fully revealed during a children’s birthday party. (Also, it was one of the few occasions in my experience, where the viewers spontaneously clapped at the end of the movie.)

I remember there being some critiques about the script: for instance, some wondered that if the aliens’ weak spot was water (they ”dissolved” when they came in contact with it), why on earth (pun intended!) did they then try to take over a planet that has it in plentiful amounts?

I always thought that it was just an example of ”suspension of disbelief” and didn’t let it ruin an otherwise absorbing film.

I watch Dave Cullen’s youtube channel from time to time, and in a current video, he happened to talk about Signs, and how the film could be interpreted differently: the villains are not necessarily aliens, but rather they could be seen as demons.

It makes sense in a way, and viewed like this, it might actually improve the movie. As an example, the younger child thinks that the water in the house is ”contaminated” and leaves glassfuls of it around the house. She also seems to be able to see into the future, like her mother. Apparently, she has additional supernatural abilities, and inadvertently blesses the glasses of water, making them ”holy water", which they use to kill the alien/demon left inside their house.

If you took this theory further, the alien/demon element could also be looked at from a hyperdimensional point of view: the 4D STS forces presented themselves as fairies and other other-worldly entities in the old times; nowadays aliens seem to be the preferred manifestation.

Anyways, it’s a good movie worth watching, and I thought this alternate take put a new spin on it!
I remember really liking it when I fist watched it.

Mostly because the story is a fantastic phenomenon, but the character arcs remain very small and intimate, very personal.

Plus the production and how they kept the mystery, it worked for me then! I haven't watched it in a long while, but I saw that YT has it on for free so I might give it a go again.
I didn't like it from the first moment.

The crop circles are something that seemed to me to be something important and in the film they are dismissed in one fell swoop as something unimportant, since they are simply marks of bad aliens.

And aliens are portrayed almost as stupid animals, when there is a huge and very evil intelligence behind the phenomenon.

Good programming for people, yes.
Seeing "Signs" during its premiere weekend in a sold-out theater, was a pretty powerful movie going experience.

It’s a well made, suspenseful film about an alien invasion, experienced by a family living on a rural farm in Pennsylvania. Mel Gibson plays the father who has recently lost his wife in a car accident, so his brother (Joaquin Phoenix) has moved in to help him out with the farm work and taking care of his two young children. (There’s a nice redemption arc involved in the story: the father used to be a priest, but after his wife’s death, lost his faith in god. Due to certain occurrences, he rediscovers that there is a higher power after all.

The frightening atmosphere was quite cleverly built up, bit by bit. I have rarely seen such a collective gasp of horror let out by the audience, for example when Mel catches a glimpse of an alien in the cornfield, or when one is later fully revealed during a children’s birthday party. (Also, it was one of the few occasions in my experience, where the viewers spontaneously clapped at the end of the movie.)

I remember there being some critiques about the script: for instance, some wondered that if the aliens’ weak spot was water (they ”dissolved” when they came in contact with it), why on earth (pun intended!) did they then try to take over a planet that has it in plentiful amounts?

I always thought that it was just an example of ”suspension of disbelief” and didn’t let it ruin an otherwise absorbing film.

I watch Dave Cullen’s youtube channel from time to time, and in a current video, he happened to talk about Signs, and how the film could be interpreted differently: the villains are not necessarily aliens, but rather they could be seen as demons.

It makes sense in a way, and viewed like this, it might actually improve the movie. As an example, the younger child thinks that the water in the house is ”contaminated” and leaves glassfuls of it around the house. She also seems to be able to see into the future, like her mother. Apparently, she has additional supernatural abilities, and inadvertently blesses the glasses of water, making them ”holy water", which they use to kill the alien/demon left inside their house.

If you took this theory further, the alien/demon element could also be looked at from a hyperdimensional point of view: the 4D STS forces presented themselves as fairies and other other-worldly entities in the old times; nowadays aliens seem to be the preferred manifestation.

Anyways, it’s a good movie worth watching, and I thought this alternate take put a new spin on it!
well, i looked at the yt clips, and it is the perfect example for why i no more watch american movies, and still regret having see those in the past. its full of so called suspense and stupid normal people being acted. just a further spielberg. but i am grateful for you having provided these extracts so i did not have to scan through the movie.
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