Simbolic dream


Padawan Learner
first of all hi seekers :)
ive had an interesting dream tonight. before sleep i didnt do the prayer of the soul. i was telling Him that i want to awaken! so the dream begins:
the environment is like a map for those first person shooter games- a courtyard, temple with strange doors and stuff. there were me and some friends from highschool which i havent seen for years. it was terror- i was picking up weapons (a "shock rifle" like those from "unreal tournament") and shooting around but i was chased by others too! they wanted to kill me - all the people which i knew and which not. i was going in circles on and on , passing the same things. suddenly, a strange feeling - we stop fighting each other- i sense something big happened and in one instance i was on the balcony of that temple in the "map" and i was looking at the courtyard-it was the same(rectangle shaped,grass covered) excpet some great pillars which occured (i thing they are of great importance for me) - they were made of small elements (tubes, cubes - geometric forms like those wodden children toys). those elements were in all possible colours and they were the "bricks" of those pillars. those pillars were high 25-30 meters in height and if you take a look on them from above they differ from each other in they ground-plan - they were (ground-plans) like those elements in tetris. the pillars were ordered in space randomly on a distynce from each other. an then, a small cloud-round shaped cloud appers - which was like an emiter of some kind- with a head of a budistic monk which was smiling a bit- i sensed that he was satysfied (maybe beacuse we stop fighting). when i look at him i feel safe and happy and feel gratitude (just glorious feelings). then i jumped on the top of the pillars and they started to move and merge in a circle (so we have now one great pillar with round-shaped ground-plan) which fall appart quickly and i find myself on the ground - i am standing on beautiful green grass, people are around me and i sense celebration. now the merged pillar fell apart and i took a fistful of those small elements and throw it in the air(like in the manner when you see pople in movies doing that with money in the fantasies- but this was not money or like it - it was everything-i was playing with everything) - that was really a celebration (i think beacuse of the union). now the cloud is gone and suddenly six wimen appear. they had indian faces, 40-45 year old and they had a serious face expression. one woman talks- i dont remember the first words but i sensed a warning in her voice like "its not all over yet". then, the next thing she mentoined was "Glorious death" (in the manner not to be dissapointed with it). then i woke up - i must say it left a great impression and i remember things in details.
when i sumarize i get: fighting/struggle to survive (in one scene a friend of mine wanted to cut thru me with a big blade) , strange occurance (cloud with s face within- simbol of good faith to me) , unification of those pillars (each was different from each other in shape and colour) , celebration of life and happines (we all were happy and satysfied) , message (woman) talking in serious manner
Hi capt.picard

Regarding your Unreal tournament like dream, I think these are merely a reflection of your desires/addiction(you like it so much that you dream about it), I could be wrong of course, I don't know how much time you put in games.

"its not all over yet" could mean that the thing which you have difficulties with still remains and is not gone, but however when she mentioned ''Glorious death'' it could mean that the difficulty will dissapear. The difficulty will ''die'', this is what I think it means.

Nevertheless you are the only one who can interpret your dreams the best, just keep in mind, that dreams are sometimes just dreams and nothing more.
Bo said:
Nevertheless you are the only one who can interpret your dreams the best, just keep in mind, that dreams are sometimes just dreams and nothing more.

I tend to agree with that, and I think that we use dreams to play over dramas in our particular lives, to explore issues that we haven't yet resolved - whether that be addictions, or things we need to explore from all angles and work through, to kind of 'explore all possibilities', sometimes coming up with symbolic representations of things so that we can see them perhaps with a more detached/external point of view - and they use scenarios that we are familiar / comfortable with, so they can be expressed in our own internal 'language'. I know that many concepts I have developed as part of my own internal representation of knowledge I find hard to verbalise, and so I explore them 'visually' in dreams, these can often be quite complex and subtle dynamics to do with personal development or interaction with other people or the universe and the 'open' process of creative growth in general.
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