Simon's Cat


Jedi Master
Hilarous animated cartoon about cats. If you have cats this will kill you :)

Check out the other toons too.
Oh YES! I saw this one some time back and nearly fell on the floor reminded me so much of a cat I had back in the late 70's. Every time I see it, I laugh some more.

Thank you for posting this.

Priceless. As the owner -- er, staff -- of two decidedly STS felines, I guffawed all the way through it....
PepperFritz said:
Priceless. As the owner -- er, staff -- of two decidedly STS felines, I guffawed all the way through it....
As the, staff...of 8 decidedly STS felines, I can totally relate. Have you noticed that STS in cats is a lot cuter than in humans? Or, maybe I am "programmed" by them to think they are cute...
Maybe we just think they're cuter because they are quick to reward us for our good behaviour: purring; paw-paddling; the steady gaze with the slow blink, and most importantly, ungrudging hot-water bottles on cold winter nights!
Hi Tigersoap,

Since there was already a Simon's Cat, thread I copied or merged your entry to this thread.
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