Sinus Infections May Be Fungal, vs. Bacterial

I had a bad sinus infection a few months ago. One side of my face swelled up (a lot), there was a smelly discharge, and what was just like bad dental pain. Pain killers didnt help that much. It was hard to sleep.

What I did, and naturally consult a doctor/whatever before you do this, was to drink about 2 tablespoons of cider vinegar mixed with a glass of water, 3 times a day. It is the acid that helps with controlling the bacteria. Dont sip it, just gulp it down all at once, it's slightly more pleasant that way.

I also mixed 50% saline and 50% hydrogen peroxide 3% in a nasal spray. This stings for a few seconds, but when combined with a regular saline spray helps to open up the drainage. I did that, and the regular saline, I'm guessing 5-6 times a day. Maybe more.

I didn't come up with this, but read where others had good results. it worked for me. It took about 3-4 days in my case before I was more or less back to normal but it became tolerable after about 2 days or so.
Sorry, cant edit yet.

I also used a cold compress, especially at night. That helped.
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