Small Meltdown at my house

NormaRegula said:
Jonathan said:
Gandalf said:
Alada said:
Meechel17 said:
I know it's slightly disjointed, but, it's how the thoughts flowed.

It was all very well said, and fitting tribute to your cat to channel the emotions into something creative. I’m sure kitty would be very happy about that. :hug2:

Ditto to that.

Double-ditto. Meechel17, you should take a crack at writing something else for SOTT. Your thoughts are quite well articulated. :)

Very sorry also to hear about your cat. :( Hope things are ok. :hug2:

Triple-ditto here. Just another reason how anger can be channelled in a positive manner. Your rant energized me, prompting yet more awareness of this insane world we live in. I thought again of that free-range farming couple in NY who are fighting charges for mistreating their animals even though 2 Vets said otherwise…while horrific corporate CAFO's are left alone.

The book you referenced at is a real eye-opener. It sits right next to Fast Food Nation and similar titles on my bookshelf.

And it's very sad to lose a cherished animal. 20 years is a long time for a kitty. Take care. :hug2:

I can't imagine being that farm owner in NY. Devastating... The more awareness there is, the better... What else can we really do?
That's Beautiful Loreta, what you do. Thank you for bringing our attention to the women and children hauling their water. I will now be more careful of my water usage (I'm also fairly low impact) and be more respectful/thoughtful of All water. I love water!

Its a sad and crazy world in so many ways and to see that clearly is very sobering to say the least. As you say.

Speaking of water, I spent some time today researching our local water and what it contains. Mainly, just a few rivers in the area. Very interesting all the studies that have been done over the years. We are surrounded by mountains with a lot of old, abandoned gold mines in them so I wanted to see how this may be affecting the rivers here but I found much more then that. Also a good article from 2013 in the local paper about fluoride being added to the local drinking water. It explained how an industrial, cheap fluoride is added to the water(world wide) because its more cost affective. Then causes a lot of health problems which could be avoided if a food grade fluoride was used instead....but it costs more :(. One Crazy/psychopathic example for you.

Meechel17, I just read your post....that's awesome! Much "food" for thought. I have thought about the bulk idea somewhat. Really, I'm in a whole new territory here and I'm learning SO much, very inspiring.

Yes, terrible about these farmers.. I know the raw milk people around the country are also being terribly harassed. Others as well I'm sure.
Aloha Meechel17 --

I am very sorry about the loss of your dear cat. I'm sure you miss his/her presence. Maybe s/he will incarnate into another furry friend? My neighbor just read a book recently -- from the dog's point of view -- where the dog lived through several lives and what lessons s/he learned from each life. It was quite a sweet and touching story.

And thanks so much for your "rant". I'm glad Joe made it into a SOTT article. It was well written and carried over your heartfelt tone. I think most all of us here, as well as many others on our BBM, can relate to and sympathize with the points you made.

I also agree that channeling righteous anger in the positive way you did is a very good use of that energy. Anger can be very motivating. It could change the world for the better. The example you used about McDonald's being forced to make changes because people are seeing the light about what's contained in their fake food is good to point out. It could/should inspire us to realize that we, the consumers, can be the irresistible force meeting and moving the so-called immovable object (the corporations).

If people actually understood the power of the pocket-book to sway these corporate death cults to make healthy choices -- even though they do so reluctantly -- because the only word they truly hear is "Money" -- they would band together and boycott every big box store, every bank, every unethical corporate practice in every form. If it hurts their profits, they will change their nefarious practices.

I do remember back in the '70's there was a grape boycott in California because Ceasar Chavez united the farm workers to educate the public about the disgusting working conditions of the workers who picked the grapes and were usually migrant workers. It worked too. The farmers had to change their practices. It wasn't just about the abhorrent physical and material working and living conditions either. It was also about the workers' dignity and self-respect -- which is equally important to my way of thinking.

I think there was also a meat boycott sometime after the grape boycott. That was also effective.

So it's not as if we, the people, do not have the power to make these corporations change. We do. But we have to be willing to take the actions necessary. And we have to be resolute and really mean it -- and refuse to back down or take "No" for an answer.

Loreta: Thank you too for contributing your conscientiousness towards not wasting water and considering the plight of the women who must carry water for miles each and every day. I think doing our little bits whenever, wherever, and however we can to ameliorate the negative conditions we're aware of -- or at least align in spirit with those who suffer (including Earth and all other life forms here) -- does count with Divine Cosmic Mind and that our Earth does notice our efforts and love. How can she not? She certainly notices the lack of love and caring and appreciation, yes?

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