SMART Technology products CAN kill you!


The Living Force
Yesterday I had a very distressing phone call with my daughter. She told me that her car had literally stopped itself on the motorway, which could have caused a pile-up and killed her and others!
We just had a huge fire in my village from a car short circuiting, and this was not even one of those Lithium battery electric cars.
But this is VERY different.
I know the evil Cabal can control electric cars via backdoor electronics etc but was not aware that all components in a car can be remotely tampered with even your brakes!
A quick search provided much into online. I share what came up:
  1. › dmv-handbook › 11-ways-your-car-can-be-hacked

    11 Ways Your Car Can Be Hacked -

    But when attacked, hackers can trigger warning lights and even remotely track vehicles through the monitoring system. Disabling brakes: You may control your brake pedal, but microprocessors in your onboard computer really make your brakes work. Hackers who get into your onboard computer can disable your brakes and even stop the engine.
  2. › ways-your-car-can-be-hacked-prevent-it

    4 Ways Your Car Can Be Hacked and How to Prevent It - MUO

    Using Remote Code Execution (RCE), a form of cyberattack in which the malicious actor executes arbitrary commands to access a vehicle from a remote server. 2. Smartphone Access. By hacking into your connected car, hackers can potentially gain access to the devices you have paired with the vehicle.
  3. › blog › car-hacking-and-cybersecurity-in-automotive-industry

    Car Hacking Is Real. Here's How Manufacturers Can Combat It - Auth0

    1. Key Fob Hacks. The most common way hackers gain access to cars today is through the computerized key fob — often in order to steal the vehicle (or what is inside of it). This is typically done by spoofing or cloning the signal that a car and key use to communicate with each other.

  4. › how-to › 7-signs-you-have-malware-and-how-to-get-rid-of-it

    7 Signs You Have Malware and How to Get Rid of It - PCMag

    Scanning for malware with the fake AV is free and super-fast since it's not actually doing anything. But if you naively ask the fake AV to fix the problems it found, you'll find it demands cash ...

All true, but I'd bet that old vehicles also provided the necessary breakdown, which would enable the catalyst for an interesting experience.

You can always learn to repair and create spare parts for the 40-year-old vehicle (like Cuban people do) and then just use those vehicles.

Will that keep you safe from accidents?

BUT this is not all!
3 months ago my daughter and her music business were hacked, scammed and targeted by her entire tam of 5 interns. All came from different countries and did not know each other prior to all working part time with her for her company for 6 onths prior.
The ringleader - a girl called Sky - if that was even her real name, obviously spellbound all the others because none of them showed any conscience whatsoever.
First they copied all her intellectual property, then deleted all her contacts, emails, social media and cloned it all. They also denied her access to all her business sites and files. They then contacted all her clients and made up lies to discredit her so many of them defected to these scammers.
Anything electronic that she uses is monitored and any messages she writes are deleted and not sent.
She had practically been cut off from doing any business, ressurecting her business and prevented from starting any new online business to pay her bills in the interim.
They are using malware and this girl is a psychopathic professional scammer, though not known to the UK police.
My daughter immediately got in touch with her lawyer, got in digital forensic guys and informed the police who are taking this very seriously. However it is difficult to formulate a case for prosecution at the moment. Plus most of them do not live in the UK.
Her whole life has been stopped regarding earning money online, which she has grafted for so many years for her business. She is a popular panelist and invited all expenses paid around the world to speak on sync media and the music industry. One project last year was to provide all the film tracks on Martin Scorcese's daughters film last year, where she was at Cannes promoting it.
Now all clients also do not wish the extra hassle of being connectd to this scam, and go elsewhere in a very copetitive business. My daughter is a talented singer, songwriter and vocal coach too, starting this way into publishing and using her studio to produce music. This has all been her stepping stone into the sync music world which was less demanding for her physically. She has et most of the well known producers and had some good projects lined up.
In our conversation yesterday I warned her that this malware and their actions act literally like a virus. And that she could also become a vector of this virus. Eg access can be gained through her to my laptop, and other technology and smart phones during connections etc. Sadly, I didn't wish to burden her on what has already floored her life, but she needed to be aware of this. She also thanked me for sending her the above links, especially doncerning her brakes because her life is seriously at risk now. And it is hugely worrying for the both of us.

Also sadly, I could not congratulate my eldest daughter when she informed me a few months ago that she ha just purchased the latest Tesla vehicle! I was fully aware of its flaws, and so her safety is another concern now too. But having a lucrative carreer in IT banking she was never one to listen to me. Her husband was in her project team at The Bank of England. So I have little chance to help my grandsons either.

I would be grateful if anyone can recommend any way that my daughter can get her life back. And also for any more information that can assist everyone here, as well as myself, from falling prey to such evil untouchables.
I keep my life as simple as possible, and that is the whole ethos of my project. Should I ever be able to start it due to the ponorogenesis of the Gov and lawmakers here who are involved in targeted persecution of all foreigners here now. So I too, with others are fighting just to retain our assests which we have been told will all have to be liquidated within 2 years if you own a trust or more than one property (as the law permitted at the time!). Plus now there are retrospected tax hikes of 12% on everything, which very few pensioners will be able to afford. They shoot their own feet and economy. Again typical psycho behaviour, though there is a huge movement, including the Bar Association and lawyers waiting to take it to the Supreme court after the Court summer recess in October.
So this is just a samll example of what we can expect in the near future.
Off Topic is also the enforced Polio poison vaccinations of the Palestinians for more genocide, Banning of outside smoking in the UK soon as it prevents illnesses, and UK incarceration of free speech in the UK now.
Biometric ID required by next spring to be able to travel anywhere in Europe!

BTW: I purposefully bought old 1996 models of the reliable Toyota Surf utility trucks that are so versatile for my lifestyle, bug-out camping and my animals.
Can these also be affected by the diagnostic intrusions? I try to keep as basic as possible. (K.I.S.S.).

It is my intention to move back to the UK and sell all but our home here, once the greedy solicitor's son's court case is hopefully successfully won, and his injunction is finaly lifted on all our project assets, so that I CAN actually try to sell up. I an truly looking forward to creating my dream self-sufficiency, remote community of like-minded warriors!
I pray I get market prices but thses new draconian laws here play right into the local wishes of speculating vultures hoping to buy up everythng for a song from all the traumatised expats.

It reads straight out of Political Ponorology!
All true, but I'd bet that old vehicles also provided the necessary breakdown, which would enable the catalyst for an interesting experience.

You can always learn to repair and create spare parts for the 40-year-old vehicle (like Cuban people do) and then just use those vehicles.Well

Will that keep you safe from accidents?

Well thanks Wandering Star, you just answered my question below regarding old vehicles lol!
Yes, I love the fact here that they create parts too.
They even had my old 33 year Mercedes 190E up and running 24 hours after the engine caught fire up in the mountains. Even though all the rubber hoses had perished in the fire!
Ironically the taxi driver I had bought it off arrived at the scene of my fire (which 3 drivers stopped to help put out, and the army arrived too as it was by their barracks!).
The taxi driver said at the scene that the car was a complete write of now. But no, I drove it continually until a petrol garage put in the wrong oil, and despite garage camaras, refused to pay damaged for a kaput engine!

She had served me well for over 10 years and only cost 6000TL in 2007! And was very cheap to run.
I also forgot to mention that once my daughter finally got home from the engine stopping, she went to use her television.
They had accessed that too! So it will not work at all now - also a SMART product.
It also says above that anywhere you plus in your smart phone or USB can also hack into wherever they are connected to.
Is even a burner phone safer to use?
happyliza, I am so sorry for what your daughter is experiencing and I understand you wanting to help her (of course you do!). I recently had a major hacking attack that paralyzed my small existence (not a business like your daughter's). I went into psychotic mode and spent 15 hours a day trying to get my life back and understand who/what was doing this to me. For many reasons, it felt very personal.

To offer my perspective, perhaps your daughter was 'shut down' for reasons that may remain unknown. But I offer the possibility that maybe it was in her best interests? Was she somehow in contact with (or heading towards) people aligned with the 'dark side' of the entertainment business? Is she being made aware that she needs to be much more careful and aware of who/what she is/was dealing with? What lessons can she learn from this experience so that she can try to make sure it doesn't happen again?

Maybe with her skills and talents she is meant to go in a slightly different direction. I apologize for not giving you substantial advice on how to counter an attack/hacking but I've realized that my interpretation of my own attack has changed to look for lessons on how to protect myself from here on in. I wish you both well, sincerely, and hope this ends up being a 'setback' that propels her into a better situation.
This story is straight up from a nightmare movie! I'm sorry for you and your family's ordeals. You all must feel so powerless.

I would be grateful if anyone can recommend any way that my daughter can get her life back. And also for any more information that can assist everyone here, as well as myself, from falling prey to such evil untouchables.
I'm no specialist in that field but here is what I would do: to shield yourself from a professional hacker, you need a professional hacker.

You should look up if there are businesses specializing in that field. Otherwise, for a lower budget, I would research universities to find a student in that field who might be more than happy to practice his skills before graduating.

It's been 3 months since she got hacked/attacked, thus to help you better, the specialist will likely ask you to list all the steps that were taken to secure herself since this happened.

Meanwhile, the only thing I see would be to:
1- Contact the internet provider company to see if they can help with something, such as changing the IP address, or offering more security.
2- Wipe clean all computers, then reinstall everything
3- Use a VPN + MalwareBite professional, but any expert hacker might be able to bypass that. Thus the importance of hiring a security professional.

Gov and lawmakers here who are involved in targeted persecution of all foreigners here now. So I too, with others are fighting just to retain our assests which we have been told will all have to be liquidated within 2 years if you own a trust or more than one property (as the law permitted at the time!). Plus now there are retrospected tax hikes of 12% on everything, which very few pensioners will be able to afford. They shoot their own feet and economy. Again typical psycho behaviour, though there is a huge movement, including the Bar Association and lawyers waiting to take it to the Supreme court after the Court summer recess in October.
So this is just a samll example of what we can expect in the near future.
Off Topic is also the enforced Polio poison vaccinations of the Palestinians for more genocide, Banning of outside smoking in the UK soon as it prevents illnesses, and UK incarceration of free speech in the UK now.
Biometric ID required by next spring to be able to travel anywhere in Europe!

What is it with this liquidation of assets and not being able to own more than 1 house? Would you tell us more? Or maybe link a news source on this? Sounds like the Klaus Schwab agenda is being deployed :(
What is this Biometric ID for Europe?
happyliza, I am so sorry for what your daughter is experiencing and I understand you wanting to help her (of course you do!). I recently had a major hacking attack that paralyzed my small existence (not a business like your daughter's). I went into psychotic mode and spent 15 hours a day trying to get my life back and understand who/what was doing this to me. For many reasons, it felt very personal.

To offer my perspective, perhaps your daughter was 'shut down' for reasons that may remain unknown. But I offer the possibility that maybe it was in her best interests? Was she somehow in contact with (or heading towards) people aligned with the 'dark side' of the entertainment business? Is she being made aware that she needs to be much more careful and aware of who/what she is/was dealing with? What lessons can she learn from this experience so that she can try to make sure it doesn't happen again?

Maybe with her skills and talents she is meant to go in a slightly different direction. I apologize for not giving you substantial advice on how to counter an attack/hacking but I've realized that my interpretation of my own attack has changed to look for lessons on how to protect myself from here on in. I wish you both well, sincerely, and hope this ends up being a 'setback' that propels her into a better situation.
Thanks Jacygirl my thoughts exactly. You were correct in posting this as I had recently mentioned same to my daughter.
It has been an uphill struggle, as it always is making your own way in any particular field. But every month started with having to earn so much money to pay personal outgoings, interns and overheads. I have had to do this too as she grew up surrounded by me distributing catalogues, packing the orders and delivering goods every day rain or shine. She witnessed the graft and tenacity needed to survive when most people would be tucked up in front of the TV self alming with excuses for not getting out is cold wet weather!
So she has the feisty determination and ability to research to cut out niche markets for herself and stay the course to succeed. We do what it takes but work 'smart'.
I give you this background because whatever rationale we give ourselves, just like splitting up in a relationship, or divorce (which was how I came to 'do what it takes to put food o the table"), we nevertheless calculate the 'time and effort' put into the business, should such a suggestion of 'could a better course of work' be chosen.
So aware of this, and her many struggles each month, I did suggest that the music industry isnt exactly Service to others, as it is very materialistic and all about Self and Self success. Though she did say that she wished to reinvent her business to only persuing/promoting spiritual project - which IS much needed.

Outsiders can generally see more than those that are daily fully immersed in pushing the business along though. And the continual replacement of clients as they cancelled contracts due to lack of funds since Covid. But she could always reconfigure each time!

The answer was actually that she is helping people because she is helping them with their careers.

Some interns proved iffy too and had to be released as they expected to run before walking on their clamour for fame, plus always felt themselves worth more than they were receiving despite not knowing the business!!

But for some time I did have a deep impression that her vast energy expended, keeping her business afloat, and the pressure for public exposure in order to remain as popular mentor took its toll.
Especially after publishing her book 'The Secret Fertility Club' and that important part of her life she recently closed for good.
Spirituality is very important to us both, and as I explained, I felt this was an important crossroads as to considering other options, which has just about now been forced on her now.
I am glad that she is now caring for neighbour's horses which keeps contact with nature, outdoors and the spirit of the horses we adore. Very grounding and excellent direction.
It is purely for her to choose, but as she could never afford a house, and money is not a motivating factor, except keeping bills paid, I hope whe will join me in my community project. Her many skills will be invaluable on whatever she chooses to apply them, but more importantly, I always hoped we would live close to each other again.
Without realizing it, our quests are actually the same! But freewill prevails lol.

I empathize with your hacking experience too as it is akin to rape. BAd enough when you get intruders in your house, but this type of hacking infiltrates every part of your life. Nothing is safe or secret unless face to face conversation in a safe environment! It is very debilitating, ,and not a time when you can think properly or make sound decisions.
So I am in the background when needed and still maintain be best pivot is to as simple a life and earning as possible is the safest answer.
The amount of WIFI that she was also having to work with continually can also interfere dangerously with one's health, brain function and brain longevity.
Thanks Jacygirl my thoughts exactly. You were correct in posting this as I had recently mentioned same to my daughter.
It has been an uphill struggle, as it always is making your own way in any particular field. But every month started with having to earn so much money to pay personal outgoings, interns and overheads. I have had to do this too as she grew up surrounded by me distributing catalogues, packing the orders and delivering goods every day rain or shine. She witnessed the graft and tenacity needed to survive when most people would be tucked up in front of the TV self alming with excuses for not getting out is cold wet weather!
So she has the feisty determination and ability to research to cut out niche markets for herself and stay the course to succeed. We do what it takes but work 'smart'.
I give you this background because whatever rationale we give ourselves, just like splitting up in a relationship, or divorce (which was how I came to 'do what it takes to put food o the table"), we nevertheless calculate the 'time and effort' put into the business, should such a suggestion of 'could a better course of work' be chosen.
So aware of this, and her many struggles each month, I did suggest that the music industry isnt exactly Service to others, as it is very materialistic and all about Self and Self success. Though she did say that she wished to reinvent her business to only persuing/promoting spiritual project - which IS much needed.

Outsiders can generally see more than those that are daily fully immersed in pushing the business along though. And the continual replacement of clients as they cancelled contracts due to lack of funds since Covid. But she could always reconfigure each time!

The answer was actually that she is helping people because she is helping them with their careers.

Some interns proved iffy too and had to be released as they expected to run before walking on their clamour for fame, plus always felt themselves worth more than they were receiving despite not knowing the business!!

But for some time I did have a deep impression that her vast energy expended, keeping her business afloat, and the pressure for public exposure in order to remain as popular mentor took its toll.
Especially after publishing her book 'The Secret Fertility Club' and that important part of her life she recently closed for good.
Spirituality is very important to us both, and as I explained, I felt this was an important crossroads as to considering other options, which has just about now been forced on her now.
I am glad that she is now caring for neighbour's horses which keeps contact with nature, outdoors and the spirit of the horses we adore. Very grounding and excellent direction.
It is purely for her to choose, but as she could never afford a house, and money is not a motivating factor, except keeping bills paid, I hope whe will join me in my community project. Her many skills will be invaluable on whatever she chooses to apply them, but more importantly, I always hoped we would live close to each other again.
Without realizing it, our quests are actually the same! But freewill prevails lol.

I empathize with your hacking experience too as it is akin to rape. BAd enough when you get intruders in your house, but this type of hacking infiltrates every part of your life. Nothing is safe or secret unless face to face conversation in a safe environment! It is very debilitating, ,and not a time when you can think properly or make sound decisions.
So I am in the background when needed and still maintain be best pivot is to as simple a life and earning as possible is the safest answer.
The amount of WIFI that she was also having to work with continually can also interfere dangerously with one's health, brain function and brain longevity.
I must start with this: "I empathize with your hacking experience too as it is akin to rape." A million thank you's!! I decided it was an emotional rape, my privacy invaded without invitation...and my mindset was that I was 'out to catch a rapist'. Lol, I feel so validated right now, hahaha.
I love everything you wrote. You have such a good grasp on the situation (amongst many other things) and I have no doubt that your daughter will eventually thrive, and that will have such positive vibes back to you. Yes, I know that's not why you're doing it (guiding/helping)...but that service to her will allow you to watch her success, which will be a positive for you.

I did just want to give my own opinion on music. Music has been my therapy and also part of my spirituality. Instead of looking at the music itself as bad/evil, I have managed to see/feel the lyrics in a way that is personal to me (and the lyrics tend to always be on the spiritual side whether I'm looking for it or not). Even AD/DC and Metallica, lol.

I believe the business itself is a dark world and sometimes try to think about which bands/musicians seemed to never quite make it, but have enough fans to entertain without going 'Hollywood'. (I refuse to think that Blue Rodeo is evil in any way, their songs have literally kept me going through my life.)

It is actually lovely for me to read somebody's own opinion on a personal situation that seems so...well considered from all angles, is accepting that maybe it is what it is and it's time for something different...and keeping a positive connection (mom/daughter) while encouraging horses (yay!) and nature. In my little world, in this little town, I have often felt like the only adult in the room...while everyone displays the life skills of a toddler. I bow with respect.
This story is straight up from a nightmare movie! I'm sorry for you and your family's ordeals. You all must feel so powerless.

I'm no specialist in that field but here is what I would do: to shield yourself from a professional hacker, you need a professional hacker.

You should look up if there are businesses specializing in that field. Otherwise, for a lower budget, I would research universities to find a student in that field who might be more than happy to practice his skills before graduating.

It's been 3 months since she got hacked/attacked, thus to help you better, the specialist will likely ask you to list all the steps that were taken to secure herself since this happened.

Meanwhile, the only thing I see would be to:
1- Contact the internet provider company to see if they can help with something, such as changing the IP address, or offering more security.
2- Wipe clean all computers, then reinstall everything
3- Use a VPN + MalwareBite professional, but any expert hacker might be able to bypass that. Thus the importance of hiring a security professional.

What is it with this liquidation of assets and not being able to own more than 1 house? Would you tell us more? Or maybe link a news source on this? Sounds like the Klaus Schwab agenda is being deployed :(
What is this Biometric ID for Europe?
This is the new law of 21.5.2024.
Majority of purchasers had their kocan/title deeds withheld from developers, were charged up to 30K sterling to obtain them, or the developers went bust, or did a runner. So many people are left without titles deeds, or the possibility of obtaining them, on both sides of the island. But these new laws pertain only to the North atm.
Contracts sufficed if registed with the Land registry, which meant nobody could ever take your property. This is now not so and they will also become nullified unless the impossible to obtain title deed magically manifests. Most people have been chasing theirs, at the financial benefit of greedy lawyers who do nothing once taking their money, since 2004 or earlier.
This is where our flat is now compromised as no title deed. Plus now cannot sell anything without a title deed (unobtainable) so people are trapped. Cannot leave nor afford to live anywhere else as their savings tied to their home
Now on top of this the Government is also going to tax everyone with no kocan/titledeed 12% of the current value of their property EVERY 6 MONTHS, until you get the title deed. Once the deadline on this occures all contracts, flat ownerships will be deemed null and void. eg. you are homeless.
People have grouped together and swear, rightfully, no kocan = no taxes! (Previous taxes on purchase of the property were 3% but could not be paid until the kocan was registered. NOw 12% every 6 months, and still your property can be then taken by the government!
Our Trust for our land and mum's house I live in is also now going to be deemed null and void one month after the court case ends (of which my deceased solicitors son claims is now his trust as his father, by law had to own the shares). So fighting for our land and my home, or could be evicted onto the street with my animals. I have no plan B as another court case for Turkish squatters in our flat!! (Which I cannot sell as no kocan plus not vacant possession with them there). Courts take minimum 3 years to complete and squatters are the worst ones.
So the new law also states that all Trusts (that were made according to the law before) will be nullified in 2 months time and the it is now illegal to own more than one house - retrospective again!
So everyone loses their homes/land if it was situated on more that 1 donum - 1/4 of and acre.
All land ownership has to be liquidated within 2 years!
Plus now foreigners are not allowed to buy agricultural land (for farming etc). Nor any land in the mountains. Both of which my project land is.
Naturally if a Gov can suddenly do this then I want no part nor to remain is such unsafe environment. Plus never would I encourage anyone to ove over here a part of the project as they too would be homeless! With no fore warnings.
My solicitor reckons he is working on a way for me to retain our land. However, I have written to him that the only safe way to retain it is to have citizenship. A Kimlik. But all those that can miraculously get one of those this year are all Turkish names!
I will write about why I can also not get one next. I have some voluntary work I must do now.

Ok the venue is quiet atm. I am a volunteer for The Anglo Turkish Association here in TRNC. So hold a regular member clinic at a local venue.

Ok prior to renting the flat to the Turkish estate agent couple and their child (I required advance rent of one year for their contract due to previous experiece).
This previous exp was regretfully renting to a wealthy 5* nearby hotel owner. His reasons sounded genuine eniugh: a private place for those not wishing to stay in large hotels due to Covid. I was glad i cld help.
But.. .. he ended up behiind on rent refusing my msgs and mettings my lawyer repeatedly requested he attend. Once i had given him the required time to vacate
He was using the flat as an AirBnB and letting any unvetted group stay there. I had just upgraded the flat and it contained all my best furniture and expensive stained glass window in bathroom.
Using it thus also invalidated my insurance!
So with a neighbour's assistance i changed my locks once they informed me nobody was staying there. He had no personal things or furniture there.
I had no reason to know that this was considered a criminal offence here. Especially as the police in my village had assisted me when a financial swindler from Paphos had also not paid rent when i was living in the flat.
He had had heeded my requests to vacate but left the house doors and windows open while half moved some stuff. Feral cats had moved in! And luckily our furniture was still there but in filthy state.
A friend notified police i would change locks and sleep over as we expected him to come back for more stuff next day. They said inform them if any problem. They all know me in the village.
10am he was threatening to smash me and the door down. Police arrived 5 mins after my msg. He was taken to the police station and told he would be in the cells unless he paid me by transfer there and then. Which he did.
After i confirmed the transfer my fave policeman followed me to my house and stayed with me supervising the removal of his goods to ensure my safety and ensure none of our things also disappeared. It also became local knowledge he was a bogus financial advisor!
I needed to live in the flat 7 years after my old car engine blew up due to the wrong oil. I cld not afford another car nor even food a lot of the time!
I sold everything i cld at car boot sales to survive.
So on changing the locks i received a police demand to drive to the city police station at 11.30pm at night 6 months after the lock change.
Even the summons sounded fake, my lawyer also thought so! But eventually calked back saying it was gen but to hide in the house and not answer as they wld just keep me in cold cell until morning anyway!
So this hotelier pressed charges tho refused mtg my lawyer. Court case still ongoing one year now and still no actual hearing date. Though we have to go to each wasted monthly court date. Next one is 29th Sept.
Next Trust asset court 16th October.
So as locks were patently changed i will drfo be charged with a fine and/or up to 2 years in prison!
Lawyer says the charge wording is not even law. And depends whether they use English or TRNC law for the case. But they will be afraid to uphold his facts as means changing all other laws!
Upshot is if i get a criminal conviction no chance of getting a kimlik/citizenship for 5 years until the conviction is spent.
Even so i have not obtained a kimlik up to date because it is near impossible for foreigners to get one unless you have a lot of money!

I think my lawyers solution to my land / asset stripping case is to front for me again with all in his name. Like his Kajakstan wife did for his clients in her country.
I will never entertain such a proposal as strips me of any ownership proof from frying pan to fire. Despite his sincere intentions. He too has a daughter who can claim it is hers on his death.
Plus vaxes killed my first lawyer!
So that is 4 court cases!
My lawyer is holding fire on my 5th court case as it is not the time to cross swords with dead lawyers 2nd son. As he is the respondent in our trust/asset case that his brother has taken to court against him and our trust.
The entire dead lawyers family are respondents too as 2nd son embezzled the entire family inheritance. He became our lawyer on his fathers death and is also the executor of his father's will/estate.

So not only has he embezzled their money but he also illegally put himself as director of our trust ( His mum and sister were already trusted shareholders so we were still safe).
So against my wishes and compkaints he 'handled' the sale of 2 plots of land for mum He changed the sales contract i had written in favour of the buyer and only paid over part of the proceeds. To date he has withheld £160k we desperately need and continues to cook up lies / excuses.
His brother's court case has prevented my accountant from doing an audit trail and forcing official receipts and cost analysis from him. Due to his brother's injunction. (Which came handily just in time for him!).
So until the court case ends and injunction lifted I too am trapped.
Further problems will occur if mum dies as trust is in her name and although i am executor and all hands down to me, we have lengthy probate delays here :-)
But this did bring on extra heart attacks for mum sadly.
I am expecting to hear from dad, mum's mum and my son on the 9th. They are advising and following all they can and see what we cannot see. Which so far is documents / originals going missing from their legal office and fraudulant claims and 'witnesses' of their 'rightful' ownership.
But they stress i am very strong inside and know all the facts!
Yet they know justice is hard to obtain nowadays. Judge has accepted 2 under table funds before this and pray my lawyer above bribes/incentives that will come his way.
He already assures me he stands above all that and his reputation here was founded on his honesty :-)
I keep a positive celebration in sight and my dream of the simple chop wood carry water life with a goal of being a good obyvatel asap :-) x
Hi happyliza. Wow, you do have a lot to deal with...I am so sorry. I am noticing more and more that laws only seem to apply to some people (in multiple countries), and justice is often denied to the victims. So what can you do now?
I cannot give you legal advice but I offer moral support. I have been (many times) in life situations where I didn't seem to have any options, or all the options were lousy. I had to make hard decisions based on what seemed the likeliest to sustain me until I could find better. I had kids who needed me to stay safe.
Oddly/luckily, I always found options, places to go, even enough keep me afloat while I searched for stability. I don't know if you have any options right now, but maybe for the near future you should start thinking about what else might be possible for you. You may get information appearing in your life that doesn't seem relevant, but also could be leading you towards a different opportunity.

You have an amazing attitude through this, remaining positive and also...owning your own truth. If anything, I would advise you to think very carefully about who you trust, and also have their actions been in partnership with their words? Do they seem to be consistent? I hope your lawyer(s) are honest and trustworthy with a good reputation. It's brave of you to open up about this here, so you are strong, brave and positive. I have no doubt that your 'vibe' will be received and as the C's say, "Help is on the way!" (one way or another, not likely anything you would ever expect!!)
I must start with this: "I empathize with your hacking experience too as it is akin to rape." A million thank you's!! I decided it was an emotional rape, my privacy invaded without invitation...and my mindset was that I was 'out to catch a rapist'. Lol, I feel so validated right now, hahaha.
I love everything you wrote. You have such a good grasp on the situation (amongst many other things) and I have no doubt that your daughter will eventually thrive, and that will have such positive vibes back to you. Yes, I know that's not why you're doing it (guiding/helping)...but that service to her will allow you to watch her success, which will be a positive for you.

I did just want to give my own opinion on music. Music has been my therapy and also part of my spirituality. Instead of looking at the music itself as bad/evil, I have managed to see/feel the lyrics in a way that is personal to me (and the lyrics tend to always be on the spiritual side whether I'm looking for it or not). Even AD/DC and Metallica, lol.

I believe the business itself is a dark world and sometimes try to think about which bands/musicians seemed to never quite make it, but have enough fans to entertain without going 'Hollywood'. (I refuse to think that Blue Rodeo is evil in any way, their songs have literally kept me going through my life.)

It is actually lovely for me to read somebody's own opinion on a personal situation that seems so...well considered from all angles, is accepting that maybe it is what it is and it's time for something different...and keeping a positive connection (mom/daughter) while encouraging horses (yay!) and nature. In my little world, in this little town, I have often felt like the only adult in the room...while everyone displays the life skills of a toddler. I bow with respect.
I hear what you say about music, and I am sure they will be the same reasons as my daughter's. I do think everyone can associate with certain pieces of music or lyrics, whether for happy or sad reasons. But they never fail to inspire or remind them of where they were or strong emotions when they hear the sounds again.
So she is right that music is important to people and so is bringing out talents, even using music to encourage people out of themselves. Which she also did a lot of.

Many of her vocal students were very shy and she was excellent with them. Also she always put on a lot of open mike evenings and also found venues and radio interviews for some of her most promising students.
I did truly like a lot of the songs her students wrote or sang and not only was her roadie in London for her but also attended many of her open mike nights.

It was a little like Hollywood in the make up artists and the location or in house videos - some of them were brilliant.

Of course my fave lyrics and songs were always the psychological ones my daughter wrote, and and accompanied herself on piano. I loved her chords and the genuine emotionality with which she sang. I truly miss it. And she was always singing around the house as a kid!
Personally I appreciate complete silence in my home all the time and only have classical music playing in the truck. Mainly to keep me calm and relaxed with the crazy and impatient drivers nowadays.

Most people prefer to sork or study with music or TV in the background. Something I just could not imagine!

It has truly helped me too to share here and network everything that is / has/ and will be going on. I have been too hermmit like concentrating on the location of documents and everything court-wise to be able to give the needed time and attention to write about all this properly.
Apart from the Forum, and my Mum, (who forgets immediately whatever I tell her now, and sadly says/knows she does), there is nobody I can confide in or speak to. Especially as everything is so convoluted and it wears me out explaining so much because it imprints the negativity of it all. That I am trying to keep upbeat about.

So it actually feels a HUGE relief for me now that everything has now been recorded as I am just finalizing the editing of my bullet points to serve as media packs asap.
Though I am in two minds whether to hold off a bit with the Ombudsmand and media for a while. As it has ot mention the 2nd brother by name who is currently 'meant' to be representing us atm. I feel I should wait until the actual first hearing and then guage it afterwards. But have everything ready to get out asap before the court is anywhere near a verdict in their favour. Only spotlighting our case and creating focus on it (with the public already caught up in the new law problems as a potential distraction), will we have any hope of justice here. So I have to be ready to open my floodgates.

Sadly my new lawyer is totally aware of the corruption and injustice but not of the bigger whole picture. Plus his ego does not allow him to think his efforts alone will not win us the case. So he will never condone press releases.
Up my sleeve I also have another lawyer who I used to have coffee with. His family are bankers/Bar Association and he represents the British High Commission cases here. Trained in UK. I will put off seeing him so not to upset my current lawyer but am keeping this in reserve. Yes, it is a war of a kind, sadly. But no war can be won without the needed prep and strategic thinking required to also pre-empt the tactics of the other side. This is where my lawyer fails, not thinking outside the box. Without my training here, and my many knocks of life, I too would have that ignorance and naivity.
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