SMART Technology products CAN kill you!

Hi happyliza. Wow, you do have a lot to deal with...I am so sorry. I am noticing more and more that laws only seem to apply to some people (in multiple countries), and justice is often denied to the victims. So what can you do now?
I cannot give you legal advice but I offer moral support. I have been (many times) in life situations where I didn't seem to have any options, or all the options were lousy. I had to make hard decisions based on what seemed the likeliest to sustain me until I could find better. I had kids who needed me to stay safe.
Oddly/luckily, I always found options, places to go, even enough keep me afloat while I searched for stability. I don't know if you have any options right now, but maybe for the near future you should start thinking about what else might be possible for you. You may get information appearing in your life that doesn't seem relevant, but also could be leading you towards a different opportunity.

You have an amazing attitude through this, remaining positive and also...owning your own truth. If anything, I would advise you to think very carefully about who you trust, and also have their actions been in partnership with their words? Do they seem to be consistent? I hope your lawyer(s) are honest and trustworthy with a good reputation. It's brave of you to open up about this here, so you are strong, brave and positive. I have no doubt that your 'vibe' will be received and as the C's say, "Help is on the way!" (one way or another, not likely anything you would ever expect!!)
You are 100% right about the trust issue. It has been decades since I have been able to trust anyone. Yet when there is is an urgent need to find a 'professional' or similar you do your due diligence as best as you can. But it generally means selecting the best of a bad bunch to begin with!
Ponerology with its greed and corruption is rife everywhere now. Keir Starmer has bought it flagrantly out in the open now in the UK and here these laws are also bringing it out of the shadows.
Laura explained the situation very well here in the 9/11 book I felt I now needed to read! So glad I did as it truly shows where most of the population in this neck of the woods originated from!
I thought it was just the proximity to Israel, but they actually came in from all directions to here and Turkey etc!
Very few are consistent here and one acquaintance actually starts shouting when he lies - so blatently obvious to me but not him!
I minimize my contact with the outside world as much as possible, it is also draining anyway. So only drive into town 2x per week to pay bills, chase things up, petfood and shopping! Still the 'to do' list never gets shorter and study time is my pleasure time. Earned once pressing or odious tasks are done first lol.

These new laws are actually against their own constitution evidently. But does the USA follow its constitution now? Far from it. There is very little of tradition left to guide those in charge, as they wished such to be.

At least my lawyer is 'old school' and quite eccentric like me. Plus he always had his own horses and trained in Australia as well a TRNC laws.
I didn't realize how much I appreciated tradition, until it was no longer there! Everything that kids need nowadays sadly.

Thank you so much for your moral support, I do feel very much on my own. Sharing always helps and I feel a deep relief now having this all recorded here and out in the open. Although I have always had to rely on myself and have no fear at all of being on my own, even welcome what tranquility I can get, having like minded souls nearby who grok everything would be a Godsend. But we also learn to value our independence, whilst we still have it! We still have choices available to us, even though the scope of those choices reduces daily.
However, I am still very grateful every day for what I DO have, and for my loving animals too. Plus my deep faith and knowledge 'of all that is' that we know, sustains me.
There has never been a time in my life, no matter how dire, nor how hungry I was, that I ever felt totally forsaken. Help ALWAYS did come in many different forms, or even just some respite.
I will never forget how spirit actually pushing me up over a jutting outcrop at the top of a sheer cliff I had just climbed, but could not find any way to get up to safety by having to go totally anti gravity by two feet - my arms were nowhere long enough to do so! The alternative was rows of razor sharp jagged rocks 150 feet below! I was faced with the impossible, and certain gruesome death!
So even when no options are available, we still have PRAYERS.

Now in all honesty I didn't really deserve that help. I was a stupid 25 year old mum, who had just given birth to her second child 3 months earlier, after extracting all my husbands infidelities from him, after a tip off from my brother in law. I had deep post natal depression and we had just arrived at my in law's holiday home in Blind Harbour a few days earlier. They were all heavy expat drinkers. I rarely drank alcohol. But I joined them. Stupidly swam miles from one sideof the huge cove to the other (with a visitor on a paddle board neaby). Then after the inevitable show down, about the infidelities and how the inlaws and brother in law had assisted/been complicit (whilst I was unable to take holidays from running the property consultancy in Abu Dhabi). It wasn't just about my whole marriage being a sham, and innocent newborns to care for, it was also about WHO he chose on regular occasions, my own bridesmaid, my own close relative, and anything else around!
So I had very shakily and fairly tipsy stormed off for a walk on my own to evaluate a shattered future, knowing my children were being cared for and I needed space. I only climbed the cliff because I had got tired and it was the quickest way back to the house!
So if good spirits can help me, after such a stupid and rash decision, then there is hope for us all. All I could think of, when I realized my options had run out on me, was who is going to love and care for my beautiful babies, my first experience of unconditional love in this world, if I am smashed on those rocks. They need me and I need them, as what kind of upbringing would these people replicate on my innocents?

All did not go according to plan, I stayed, had my second daughter, then divorced 6 years later. I paid a huge and very lengthy, and extemely emotional, price in the end, my children too. That is when I learned what a psychopath can do, though I did not have a label for my ex at the time.

Since then, I have been unable to trust anyone. Though it still didn't prevent me making my own bad choices and wrong decisions! Of which I made so many, in hindsight - blessed, shattering, hindsight!

So my quest, my life teachers, my lessons and objective learning, and my deep spiritual understandings, are all that I am grateful for. Nothing that will ever be wasted, eternal.
My constant dream of 'happy families' loyalty and 'happy ever after' blinded me to reality for 13 years of marriage. Just because my parent's were my role models, together, but not always 'happy' that marriage too had many dysfunctional aspects. Yet nobody could be more grateful for the parents that I chose than I am. They both taught me so much, and I realize - in hindsight - they DID always have my best interests at heart. And still do, on BOTH sides of the veil.

I have been warned that those instigating these greed-driven court cases, resent that I am strong and can stick up for myself. I am seen as a thorn in their side/ambitions. That they can normally crush, as they do, to their own women, as the domestic abuse here is appalling. To animals too. I never encountered, or felt that threat, in the UAE.

Although I am forced to remain here until at least the main Trust/Asset court case is completed, I have informed my lawyer that I need to return to UK later in the year as I need to renew my passport.
However, in the interim I will be very mindful for my safety.
My lawyer has recently informed me that I will need to pay for a translator for all the court cases and also have all the hundreds of documents translated, (a huge expense), as although everyone in all my cases speaks English, everything and the hearing itself has to be in Turkish. Which also makes it very difficult to state my case fairly as not only do we have to request to be co-respondents, but I can only answer questions that are asked of me in court. Which is open to abuse and ignorance of the facts.

I hope I have been able to clarify everything, as it is not easy to understand, not least the lie of the land here currently, for anyone whose home country is not friendly towards the TRNC. And especially those countries that are helping Israel. The inmates are running the asylum.
Wow. *standing ovation* I am almost speechless over what you wrote. We have a lot in common, some similar experiences, and have also reached a place where it all makes sense and now I am grateful. Plus I never trusted anyone after a certain point...but that is about my relationships, so another story.
Business wise, you certainly know what you're talking about. I too have never fallen without there being some type of safety net there for me, even if it was not ideal at the time and I never felt forsaken either.
Perhaps you talking about it here, will hit the frequency circuits of the members who will vibe you a positive outcome...and nobody will even be aware that it happens. We really don't know what we can achieve altogether so I like to imagine that it's possible.

I do look forward to the follow up thread in the near future that tells the story of success and a lovely path forward for you.
I do feel very much on my own. Sharing always helps and I feel a deep relief now having this all recorded here and out in the open.
That's a feeling a lot of people have in common, unfortunately. You seem like a strong person to have been able to go through all this crazy ordeal. It's quite mind boggling, to say the least. You and your daughter don't seem to have any respite from attacks. It seems so unfair, but maybe it's the best way to grow your soul on the fast track!
I truly hope these issues are resolved positively for you all.
You and your daughter seem prone to attack. In addition to figuring things out in the physical world, I think you need to put up your shields. This is from Dr. Gazipura's book Not Nice:

Energy Bubble

This is a simple and effective visualization that can help your subconscious mind let go of taking on so much responsibility for other people’s feelings. You can do this first thing when you wake up in the morning, or as you remember throughout the day.

Imagine a clear bubble all around your body. It surrounds you completely and is about two or three feet away from your skin on all sides. It goes out in front, behind you, to the sides, above your head, and even several feet down into the ground beneath you. It can be completely clear or it can have a slight color to it, whichever color you like: green, blue, pink, red, yellow, or anything that feels right. Mine is typically light green.

Take a moment to look around you, imagining this bubble. Seeing it on all sides, becoming more aware of its presence. This is your energy bubble. It stands between you and other people as a semi-permeable membrane. That means it lets in certain things while keeping others out. Other people’s anger, anxiety, judgments and criticisms remain outside the bubble. Love, excitement, and positive connection can pass right through so you can feel it deeply.

This may seem strange to you, or too simple to be of any real impact. But it can be quite powerful. Imagery and symbols communicate directly with our emotional brain in a way that words and language do not. This is one of the reasons why our dreams, which are made up almost entirely of imagery and symbols, are often so dominated by feelings.

I first began using this technique when I was doing face-to-face counseling as a psychotherapist. I noticed that after certain sessions I would be affected by what my client had shared, emotionally wrapped up in the drama of their lives, as if I were the one who was fighting with my partner, breaking up, anxious, or depressed. I wanted to be supportive, yet I needed to take care of myself in order to do effective work and thrive in my own life.

Each morning before I began my sessions, I would take several minutes to imagine this bubble. I gave mine a bright, transparent green color that I could see through. I would remind myself that it kept everything out that wasn’t mine, and that taking on other people’s struggles was very different than helping them through theirs.

During sessions, when there was a particularly intense moment or story that a client was sharing with me, I would remind myself of the bubble and let myself imagine it there again in the session. Sometimes, I would imagine clear water cascading down on the outside of the bubble, gently washing the outside and adding another boundary to keep me completely safe.

If I felt myself taking in too much of any emotion that I didn’t need, I would imagine myself gently moving it back outside the bubble with my next exhale, saying in my mind, this is not mine, thank you.

Using this technique doesn’t eliminate compassion or empathy for the people around us. We can still be strongly moved by the joys and sorrows of the people in our lives. It just helps distinguish between being moved by another’s suffering, and taking that suffering on as your own. Seeing the pain and desiring to help alleviate it is compassion. Feeling the pain and becoming angry, sad, anxious, or upset yourself is a sign of taking on something that is not yours.

You can experiment with this technique to emotionally release feeling overly responsible for others’ experiences. For example, one of my clients, Olivia, imagined this bubble around herself whenever her mother was angry. Her mother would storm around the kitchen, silently oozing anger and resentment in a way that was hard to ignore. She would occasionally say something to my client in an impatient or harsh tone.

Olivia felt responsible for her mother’s anger, even though she intellectually knew that it had nothing to do with her. Regardless, she would instantly react with strong feelings of anxiety, unease, and an impulse to do or say something that would fix it instantly (or just run away).

As she imagined this bubble, she became more able to simply be in the presence of her mother, doing what she needed to do in the kitchen, while feeling more space between them. During one session, she told me that while she was in the kitchen with this energy bubble around her she had this insight, which helped her feel calmer around her mother, even when she was angry: There’s something going on with her, and those are her feelings to deal with, not mine.

Is this energy bubble going to solve all of your problems and bring you instant joy, peace, and happiness forever and ever? Yes. And for the low price of $9,999.99 you can get your very own bubble now!

No, this bubble is not a cure all. But it is a simple and easily doable technique that can powerfully reinforce what you need to remember in situations that matter. Combined with what you are learning in this chapter and in this book, it can help you be freer around others, no matter what is happening around you.

All I would add is that its outer shell doesn't have to be a semi-permable membrane. You can imagine your bubble sheathed in a pure mirror that reflects ALL negative energy. Something like this:


In the meantime, something for you to consider is that some people are emotionally addicted to drama. They actually can't stand a peaceful, normal life. It's also their way of getting attention. Do you think this might apply to you?
You and your daughter seem prone to attack. In addition to figuring things out in the physical world, I think you need to put up your shields. This is from Dr. Gazipura's book Not Nice:

All I would add is that its outer shell doesn't have to be a semi-permable membrane. You can imagine your bubble sheathed in a pure mirror that reflects ALL negative energy. Something like this:

View attachment 101076

In the meantime, something for you to consider is that some people are emotionally addicted to drama. They actually can't stand a peaceful, normal life. It's also their way of getting attention. Do you think this might apply to you?
No it doesnt apply to me as these are outside factors which are outside of my control. Eg court cases instigated out of the blue through greed and corruption and Government new laws here which break the constitution, are going to the Supreme court as soon as recess is over and is affecting over 5000 UK expats that we know of (as they have formed a group to fight it), ,and that doesn't even include the thousands of Russian, Iranian, German and other foreigners here.
Actually I have just 10 minutes ago finished conversing with my spirit family who say how proud they are of me for keeping it all together in such a positive manner, and that I have full understanding of the matters - which even upset them!
Plus how strong and 'business like' I am being, strategically thinking and planning the best options before tshtf.As they say this is likely to lead to a revolution here.
My son had previous told me, when I asked of best coping mechanism, that my breathing, exhaling is the best out of all things.
But the edium did give me the pink bubble, just like you, today so that any negativity that may creep in can be bounced back. This mirror I knew about, and my daughter does this precise method.
All in all I everyone was really pleased, and I only have to obtain 2 documents, that I knew about, but they are just currently lying by the side of my files in this law office and the files themselves have not even been opened yet by my ex lawyer who is our respondent for this case.
Dad had told me to just 'sit tight' now as I have done everything that I can possibly do already and I have bostered my solicitor into the right actions now. I never sit idle, but am pleased to hear everything is ready for the next hearing on 23rd.
Meantime I am always tickin off long 'to do' lists, so keeping my mind occupied on things I CAN achieve, and that helps with the 'feel good' factors of daily progress.
Today I made a pile of winter squash and pepper soup with bone broth for my freezers, all from my own garden. Plus prepared all my remedies for the next 3 weeks. As well as up to date on housework. So now I can finally tackly the 40 odd boxes that have been piled for months o my dining room table since a water ingress in my attic. Now that will be a HUGE achievement, and further brighten up my living space with the decluttering.
So I also did much research and studies online for my Plan B to UK, which I have been feeling very excited about all week now. I will not be able to recover as much as I had hoped for (another answer to my questions), but. if anything, I am actually quite done with here now and impatient to be able to commence the next phase, my new life! :-). Dad has just advised to sell up asap the injunction is finally lifted, which he thinks will be in November, fingers crossed, and they all love my new plans. And that I have been covering all bases.
The icing on the cake today was finally my best friend who died in 2004,(just after my dad and a few months aftr my son), was able to sit around the table with my family and commincate with me for the first time ever. She explained the delay but has been with me alot, which I felt as she had been on my mind alot these past few months.
Also my son was so pleased, excited, and eager to chat at the end he was dancing all over the place. Again confirming he ha been beside me alot and helping. Was I aware? Yes without a doubt I said, as I have been particularly up beat and am very grateful for all his suggestions that I had written down as and when I relax in bed.
Thanks for the bubble, I also intend to write any negatives that creep within - which I instantly recognise and deal with -on to a piece of paper and also burn it. Just to remain 'happy-go'lucky' and in 'joy' that the C's say is our right and fully recommend.
As I mentioned earlier, I have never been left long in a dire situation hungry, cold etc, which I am very grateful for. Though with catastrophies looming I never say never.
As someone who has more of a leaning to the intellectual centre, I have been purposefully concentrating on my heart/feeling centre, for balance - including on outside suffering in the world.
But what is the worst thing that could happen?
I think my signature here is always close to my heart. Plus I already have all the proof I will ever need that I am eternal, and life goes on. (And I apply that to those I love too, so other than being a mother who loves and cares for her children, I know we also will never be parted for long). What is to truly fear?
Situations come and go, we handle them to the best of our knowledge and experience. Another one then arises. These are lessons. These help fortify us and prepare us for more austere times to come. We are encouraged to share and network, so hopefully these obstacles may help others too cope with different obstacles in their life.
We know life is not 'fair', nor is it up to us to change what IS. Thank fully these latest hurdles have actually shown and proven to me just how far I have come.
How I used to feel 'victimized' a lot years ago, but now change immediately into proactive, and fact-finding mission mode.
Thankfully previous experiences have proveninvaluable, including all knowledge to date.
In fact today I was asked, and helped, by the leading FB ex pat group administrator, if I could provide him with the 'facts' concerning a red flag 'scam in the making' aimed at the beleaguered ex pat, due to the current situation. I had already flagged it weeks ago, AND written warning the scammers.
This (latest update, including my letter and replies), I was able to pass on to help prevent further loss of moneys of desperate pensioners!
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