Smartphones, Laptops, Microwaves and other household electronics

I think I heard on the web somewhere about disabling the WIFI adapter in Windows, maybe on I knew that my work laptop had it disabled, but didn't realize that I had not disabled it on my home laptops, both my current and former one! I just had the software switch off or in airplane mode.

So I re-enabled the WIFI adapter on my Win 10 machine and ran my Acoustimeter across the laptop, and couldn't really find a signal spike. But then again I was not connected to any networks. Not sure if there are periodic burts of WIFI that get transmitted if it's on but not connected. So not really conclusive. I should connect to a network and see if it spikes.

I just wanted to know how long I may have been being blasted with WIFI if the adapter was enabled. My previous laptop, and old Vista PC, had its hard drives just wiped. But I forgot to check it for EMFs with the WIFI adapter still enabled. I may have an image I could load back onto it or I could use the reinstall discs. Not sure if it's worth it though. Anyone else have an EMF reading device and can confirm if you need to disable the adapters to fully block WIFI and Bluetooth EMFs?

Luckily, we live in an age where battery life is considered important enough that manufacturers allow you to turn off Wifi to save power. The user can still do this.

So in Windows 10, just right clicking on the internet icon will allow you to turn off the Wifi from the prompt available, and that will turn off the Wifi card in your computer -and it will actually stay shut off until you change your mind. Amazing! I've confirmed this multiple times with my little EM meter, and I trust the conclusion because I know how valuable battery life is to the industry, so shutting down all non-essential tasks is something these modern devices are able to do.

Where it gets annoying is in the world of plug-in wall-socket power devices, like printers and DVD players and such. The modern ones are all hungry for Wifi and automatically try to connect and provide little to no ability for the user to opt out. If the packaging proclaims that it is Wifi friendly, chances are it's on by default. -Whereas things like cameras, which are battery operated, will generally allow the user to opt out in the menu system to conserve power.

But the only way I've found to reliably disable my printer from reaching out to the mother ship over Wifi is to keep it unplugged from the wall socket. When I print stuff, I stand clear and unplug it immediately when I'm done. I'm fairly certain that if I were adventurous enough, it wouldn't be too hard to open it up, locate the Wifi card, and unplug it. But that's going to change soon; announcements were made last year of the new generation of CPU/controller chips for general hardware which will have Wifi radios built right into them, so they will no longer need separate Wifi boards which for now are easy to identify and unplug.
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Just saw the following demonstration. And wow, these wireless headphones are really evil! :shock:

My cousin told me he bought a pair of airpods (wireless headphones) and they affected his sleep negatively. If I remember correctly, he also mentioned headaches. Needless to say, he returned them!
What and how much difference do adapter settings make when turned off while a device is not in use/you're asleep, if the Wi-Fi in a building is still on?

From what I remember while reading here: distance plays a part, so therefore if the router is downstairs over 5 feet away, and adapters are turned off on devices, then there is a difference?

Generally, I've observed I sleep better with adapters off. A suitable EMF detector might help shed some clarity here.
What and how much difference do adapter settings make when turned off while a device is not in use/you're asleep, if the Wi-Fi in a building is still on?

Well, it's one thing you've eliminated. The fewer sources of EMF you have beaming you, the better. And like you said, proximity matters too. So your devices in the house will be the main ones to focus on.
Well, it's one thing you've eliminated. The fewer sources of EMF you have beaming you, the better. And like you said, proximity matters too. So your devices in the house will be the main ones to focus on.

Exactly. It's like pollution.

You can live in an area with heavy metals or chemicals or whatever in the air, water, etc.

Then on top of that, you can eat Big Macs and down several kg of sugar every day. OR you can eat healthier and drink purified water and so on to not only minimize the crap you're putting into your body, but also possibly help it detox and deal with environmental pollutants.

With EMF, it's pretty much the same idea.

This chemical pollution analogy is also helpful to keep in mind because it also highlights the fact that simply ditching WiFi or your cell/smartphone isn't the end-all and be-all... There are many factors that influence overall health, and the influence of those factors no doubt varies depending on the person.

And even then, it ain't just the physical about which we need to be concerned. If your emotional health is bad, then taking care of yourself in various ways physically can become nearly impossible.
If you have to be near your cellphone for some reason during the day or carry it with you somewhere, carry it in a bag pack some +15 cm away from the skin. If needed get a little emf/metallic mesh bag to put the cellphone in or buy a flip cover for the mobile phone and on the inside of the cover you can fill it with aluminium foil (cheap solution) to reflect away from you most of the radiation power. Beware most cellphones losing tower signal amp up the transmitting power.

The 1st solution is to search for a mobile phone with the least radiating power specs. always turn wifi and data (3g/4g) off. Sometimes I am carrying it in airplane mode.
My cousin told me he bought a pair of airpods (wireless headphones) and they affected his sleep negatively. If I remember correctly, he also mentioned headaches. Needless to say, he returned them!

I sust saw this article concerning apple airpods, featuring a petition signed by 250 scientists who are concerned about their long-term effects:

Since their introduction, more than 44 million AirPods have been sold, with another 55 million predicted to be sold in 2019 alone. Forecasts were that 80 million would be sold in 2020, but when the final tally came in, they actually hit over 100 million.

It’s an undeniably alluring bit of technology — one that was further made into a “necessity” of sorts when Apple removed the headphone jack from its iPhone 7 — but it’s one that may come at a steep price.

The petition to the United Nations (U.N.), led by the International Electromagnetic Field Alliance, takes aim at both nonionizing electromagnetic fields (EMFs), which are used by AirPods and other Bluetooth devices, as well as cellphones and Wi-Fi, which emit radiofrequency radiation.


Why wireless earbuds could be particularly problematic

Joel Moskowitz, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley and one of the petition’s signers, explained that earbud technology is so new that research hasn’t yet been done to detail what effects it could have on the brain.

However, he stated in a news release, “I couldn’t imagine it’s all that great for you,” noting that AirPods “communicate with one another using a magnetic induction field, a variable magnetic field [one] sends through your brain to communicate with the other.”

Bluetooth technology like that used by AirPods is typically low intensity, but it’s the close proximity to your brain that could make earbuds particularly dangerous, especially since they tend to be used for longer periods.

Moskowitz said the technology could “open the blood-brain barrier, which evolved to keep large molecules out of the brain.”

He believes that with earbuds, exposure leading to neurological disorders and diseases may be more likely than cancer.

“From a precautionary standpoint, I would argue you shouldn’t experiment with your brain like this by keeping these kinds of wireless headphones on your head or in your ears,” Moskowitz said in a news release.

“You’re conducting a health experiment on yourself, and current regulations are completely oblivious to these kinds of exposures.”

EMFs may damage your cells by causing excessive free radicals

Martin Pall, Ph.D., professor emeritus at Washington State University, is another one of the scientists who signed the petition.

A review on what EMFs do inside us, which was very good for me to read as I'm not very saturated by direct waves, and thus don't spend a lot of time thinking about the metabolic cascade from voltage-gated calcium channels all the way to DNA damage due to free radicals:

He discovered more than two dozen bodies of research asserting that EMFs work by activating voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs), which are located in the outer membrane of your cells.

Once activated, they allow a tremendous influx of calcium into the cell — about 1 million calcium ions per second per VGCC. When there’s excess calcium in the cell, it increases levels of both nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide.

While NO has many beneficial health effects, massively excessive amounts of it react with superoxide, forming peroxynitrite, which is an extremely potent oxidant stressor.

Peroxynitrites, in turn, break down to form reactive free radicals, both reactive nitrogen species and reactive oxygen species, including hydroxyl radicals, carbonate radicals and NO2 radicals — all three of which do damage. Peroxynitrites also do their own damage.

EMFs are not, therefore, causing damage by having a thermal influence or heating your tissues; they are not “cooking” your cells as some suggest.

Rather, EMF radiation activates the VGCCs in the outer cell membrane, triggering a chain reaction of devastating events that, ultimately:

  • Decimates your mitochondrial function, cell membranes and cellular proteins
  • Causes severe cellular damage
  • Results in DNA breaks
  • Dramatically accelerates your aging process
  • Puts you at higher risk for chronic disease
Like Moskowitz, Pall believes consequences of chronic EMF exposure to the brain can include neurological changes leading to anxiety, depression, autism and Alzheimer’s disease.

Further, it’s known that elevated VGCC activity in certain parts of the brain produces a variety of neuropsychiatric effects.

According to Pall:

“I reviewed a [large number] of studies on various kinds of EMF exposures, each of them showing neuropsychiatric effects. What you find is that these effects have been repeated many times in these epidemiological studies.

“It’s the same thing that everybody’s complaining about, ‘I’m tired all the time,’ ‘I can’t sleep,’ ‘I can’t concentrate,’ ‘I’m depressed,’ ‘I’m anxious all the time,’ ‘My memory doesn’t work well anymore.’ All the things everybody’s complaining about.

“We know all those things are caused by EMF exposures. There’s no doubt about that. Because we know their effects on the brain, we know that the VGCCs’ excessive activity can produce various neuropsychiatric problems.”


They also made the following nine requests regarding EMF:

  1. Children and pregnant women be protected.
  2. Guidelines and regulatory standards be strengthened.
  3. Manufacturers be encouraged to develop safer technology.
  4. Utilities responsible for the generation, transmission, distribution and monitoring of electricity maintain adequate power quality and ensure proper electrical wiring to minimize harmful ground current.
  5. The public be fully informed about the potential health risks from electromagnetic energy and taught harm-reduction strategies.
  6. Medical professionals be educated about the biological effects of electromagnetic energy and be provided training on treatment of patients with electromagnetic sensitivity.
  7. Governments fund training and research on electromagnetic fields and health that are independent of industry, and mandate industry cooperation with researchers.
  8. Media disclose experts’ financial relationships with industry when citing their opinions regarding health and safety aspects of EMF-emitting technologies.
  9. White-zones (radiation-free areas) be established.

And then some diet tips! Looks like sauerkraut time to me.

16. Pall has published a paper suggesting that raising your level of Nrf2 may help ameliorate EMF damage. One simple way to activate Nrf2 is to consume Nrf2-boosting food compounds.

Examples include sulforaphane-containing cruciferous vegetables, foods high in phenolic antioxidants, the long-chained omega-3 fats DHA and EPA, carotenoids (especially lycopene), sulfur compounds from allium vegetables, isothiocyanates from the cabbage group and terpenoid-rich foods.

Exercise, calorie restriction (such as intermittent fasting) and activating the nitric oxide signaling pathway (one way of doing that is the Nitric Oxide Dump exercise) will also raise Nrf2.

17. Molecular hydrogen has been shown to target free radicals produced in response to radiation, such as peroxynitrites. Studies have shown molecular hydrogen can mitigate about 80% of this damage.

18. Certain spices may help prevent or repair damage from peroxynitrites. Spices rich in phenolics, specifically cinnamon, cloves, ginger root, rosemary and turmeric, have exhibited some protective effects against peroxynitrite-induced damage.
I'm sure I'm soaking in way too much EMF.. Unfortunately we actually need wifi at our house - my mum is disabled and her iPad is her lifeline, her only way of interacting with the world outside and keeping in touch with family. (She couldn't physically use a laptop, and even an ethernet adaptor for ipad, with a cable running across the room, would be extremely awkward for her, if not impossible).. And probably like many people, all our neighbours have multiple wifi networks which reach into our house anyway so, oh well! When we moved here 8 years ago there were 3 visible networks including ours.. now there are usually 16! TVs, printers, hot water systems(!?).. none of the neighbours seem to customise their router settings either so everyone has at least 2 networks - the dominant internet provider here gives everyone modems which default to having both a 2.4ghz and 5ghz network enabled.

I do try to minimise what I can - got powerline ethernet adaptors for my own setup (dunno how actually clean that is though), always disable bluetooth on everything. I got a non-wifi-capable mp3 player device to listen to podcasts and music on, instead of my phone.. I turn off all electronics before bed etc. Quite a change - I grew up with a computer in my bedroom that was usually left on 24 hours a day ever since I was a teenager, heh..

A few months ago I switched from laptop to a desktop PC, one without a wifi card.. BUT perhaps foolishly, I bought one of those tiny little mini PCs like the size of a book (well it's smaller than From Paul to Mark!)..because they're cute and I don't have much space... Anyway I'm guessing at least with this particular one, it has terrible shielding. Or none! Because I noticed the other day it causes massive weird undulating interference on my radio around 621 khz. I don't know very much about all this, guessing it doesn't really make much difference, such low frequency, we're floating in a sea of radiowaves anyway.. annoying though.. I'd like to get an EMF meter some time and actually learn/test stuff..

Also I'm much too much in the habit of using a mobile phone to read/write things on the internet. I'm typing this from my phone right now, because the computer is shut down for the night. I no longer leave my phone in the bedroom at least.. always disliked phones and I was the last person I know to get one 😎 But, actually need one (and for it to be reachable to calls at all hours) currently.. This thread is a good reminder though, I must try again to commit to stop using the phone except for phone calls...! Really interesting info on the mechanisms of EMF damage, iamthatis..

Sauerkraut and turmeric all round!
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I'm sure I'm soaking in way too much EMF.. Unfortunately we actually need wifi at our house - my mum is disabled and her iPad is her lifeline, her only way of interacting with the world outside and keeping in touch with family. (She couldn't physically use a laptop, and even an ethernet adaptor for ipad, with a cable running across the room, would be extremely awkward for her, if not impossible).. And probably like many people, all our neighbours have multiple wifi networks which reach into our house anyway so, oh well! When we moved here 8 years ago there were 3 visible networks including ours.. now there are usually 16! TVs, printers, hot water systems(!?).. none of the neighbours seem to customise their router settings either so everyone has at least 2 networks - the dominant internet provider here gives everyone modems which default to having both a 2.4ghz and 5ghz network enabled.

I do try to minimise what I can - got powerline ethernet adaptors for my own setup (dunno how actually clean that is though), always disable bluetooth on everything. I got a non-wifi-capable mp3 player device to listen to podcasts and music on, instead of my phone.. I turn off all electronics before bed etc. Quite a change - I grew up with a computer in my bedroom that was usually left on 24 hours a day ever since I was a teenager, heh..

A few months ago I switched from laptop to a desktop PC, one without a wifi card.. BUT perhaps foolishly, I bought one of those tiny little mini PCs like the size of a book (well it's smaller than From Paul to Mark!)..because they're cute and I don't have much space... Anyway I'm guessing at least with this particular one, it has terrible shielding. Or none! Because I noticed the other day it causes massive weird undulating interference on my radio around 621 khz. I don't know very much about all this, guessing it doesn't really make much difference, such low frequency, we're floating in a sea of radiowaves anyway.. annoying though.. I'd like to get an EMF meter some time and actually learn/test stuff..

Also I'm much too much in the habit of using a mobile phone to read/write things on the internet. I'm typing this from my phone right now, because the computer is shut down for the night. I no longer leave my phone in the bedroom at least.. always disliked phones and I was the last person I know to get one 😎 But, actually need one (and for it to be reachable to calls at all hours) currently.. This thread is a good reminder though, I must try again to commit to stop using the phone except for phone calls...! Really interesting info on the mechanisms of EMF damage, iamthatis..

Sauerkraut and turmeric all round!
Brandon, yep, me too. I am mostly using my phone for online tasks during the day. It is mobile and of universal usability. But still of course it limits the functionality.

At home i have a simple and weak router in the balcony-in the farthest corner from living space. It covers only dinning room and not reaching bedrooms at all (max distance range is around 5 meters on straight line). During overhaul of our apartment several years ago (big apartment house), i was worried about the EMF/4/5g issue, so i asked my workers to install faraday cage basically on all the walls/floor/ceiling and have it grounded (used stainless steel net with 1 mm mesh) and put shielding conductive primer (german made) around the perimeter as well. And luckily the construction company installed windows with low emission properties, so i did not have stick a special tape on a glass/or even change the whole window blocks. As a result, not a single wifi goes through from neighbors (in an old flat i counted 8-11 of them) and the cellular signal dropped almost by 2/3 of initial strength. So i consider it a success in a heavily residential urban area👍.
A book you may like is:

The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life​

Paperback – Illustrated, March 9 2020​

... you can find it on Amazon (Kindle. Paperback) and other sites.

Since the 1800s every wave of increasing EMF has led to a 'pandemic' which they blame on a 'virus'.
* I also suggest you look into Terrain Theory vs. Germ Theory - Louis Pasteaur was a con artist/fraud.

Electrification of the first cities in the 1800s, when military radar was added, weather radar makes it debut, WiFi and on and on - each one lead to pandemics and outbreaks. It takes time for the body to mount a counter to the forces (which are enormous compared to natural fields).

You'll see in history sudden mysterious cancers and illnesses pop up which were actually the result of EMF/RF. THe early telegraph operators (many from farms and never exposed to electrical EMF fields), the women whom worked in telephony services (ie: operators), radar operators, police radar gun operators and so forth.

The (non)Spanish (non)flu of 1918 was eugenics con job involving the Rockerfellers and Gates. The plan for that eugenics project was the same as what today's Gates is using:
* The Gates bloodline is pretty interesting.

1. Dr. Gates created a horse derived serum (vaccine) first given to solders in Fort Riley, KS (USA).
2. Radiation towers were in heavy use in many urban areas, a very new technology (people's bodies were not used to them). The 'radiation towers' are now abreviated as 'radio towers' - basically that era's 5G/4G/WiFi.
3. 'Masks' were put in use by Dr. Tuttle, the 'Dr. Fauci' of the 1900s. He even looks like him! 'Masks' are extrememly dangerous and injurous to health - it's there to make/keep you sick. The body removes about 80% of toxins via respiration (why your diafram in the lungs powers the lympatic system and not the heart).
4. Enforcement to take the poison - vaccine certificates, social shaming, fear-campain in media, forced mask wearing 'mandates', vaccine 'mandates' (a mandate in Blacks Legal dictionary is actually a volutary agreement between two parties).

^-- Look familiar? I can probably find a few videos on this if anyone wants.

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In regards to microwave ovens - terrible for your health, fast, but not all that good on power. Also, stay at least 10' away as the the field is about 100mG or more and extends outwards 360 degrees. Example, if it's against the all in the kitchen and on the other side is a headboard that person's head will be in the field.

Consider a PRESSURE COOKER for cooking and warming foods. Uses less energy then a microwave, doesn't dry out the food, if your steaming the leftover juice is a good soup (use filtered water), cooks really fast, and you won't develop health issues over time.

If it's your first one, for 1-person a tall 3-liter of 4-liter is probably the best. Not too big, not bad on power but large enough for most tasks. I have a 2-liter unit (super good on energy, super light to travel, super easy to clean but you have to be creative to make things fit) and a 6-liter unit.

Mine is mechanical/manual, it's about $45 US, stainless steel (never aluminum) and I usually use gas to cook on (sometimes electric). You can sometimes find good units at garage sales if cost is an issue. Make sure it's 15PSI, some units only go up to 12PSI or less. Advised is a pop-up pressure indicator - great to know when to time from or when the pressure is gone.

I have a 2-liter and a 6-liter (2-person use). Large famalies or canning requires larger units then these. Both have steamer racks, stainless steel I bought separately I use the 2-liter maybe 80% - 90% of the time. Small but perfect for steaming veggies and the water left over makes a good soup. Best of all the nutrition is intact - a pressure cooker makes the food/drinks toxic to the body (after time you may develop issues like minor aches and pains).

For warming certain items I wrap it or put it in a sealed container to avoid it getting to wet (like pizza). In the 6-liter unit I've even 'baked' cakes - came out great and I didn't even cover them. For ribs, chicken and so forth I cook it in the PC, then use a skillet to caramelize it (I use bacon for flavor). The left over liquid (usually I use 2-cups filter water in the 2-liter unit) is a tasty chicken soup, the bones, I save in the freezer to make more chicken soup in the PC later on.

There's some tricks to squeeze out extra energy savings- even without them - it's way more efficient then a microwave and way safer (plus the food tastes much better).

09/20/2023 // Ethan Huff
Just days after France ordered all Apple iPhone 12 sales to cease immediately due to radiation concerns, South Korea launched its own investigation into the safety of this controversial smartphone.

“The Korean Ministry of Science and ICT released a statement explaining that the probe is aimed to "resolve public anxiety" about the iPhone 12, which in French tests was found to emit more radiation than the legal limit established by the European Union (EU).
All smartphones retailed in Korea, including the iPhone 12, have qualified for the global standard related to radiation safety and have been certified," the ministry said.

"However, in order to resolve public anxiety, we requested that Apple report on the issue and will have four variations of the iPhone 12 model go under deliberate inspection and have the results made public."

Should this deliberate inspection show radiation levels in excess of the legal limit, then all four versions of the iPhone 12 series, which also includes the 12 Pro, the 12 Mini, and the 12 Pro Max, could face import and retail bans throughout Korea.

Germany, Spain likewise considering iPhone 12 ban due to excess radiation​

Several other countries have also since made announcements that they plan to take a closer look into the safety of the iPhone 12. Germany's network regulator BNetzA says the iPhone 12 could be emitting too much radiation in violation of the law, and Spain's OCU consumers' group has indicated much the same.
France, the first country to take action, found that the iPhone 12's absorption of electromagnetic energy by the body is around 5.74 watts per kilogram. This is 1.74 watts per kilogram higher than the legal limit of 4.0 watts per kilogram in both Europe and South Korea

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