Sol (Sun) and its phenomena

Unexpected geomagnetic storm UPDATE

G1 (Kp=5) storm for the first time since April 15. The coronal hole facing us sends a high speed solar wind stream with a compression region ahead of it. It contains a period of enhanced southward magnetic field.
An unexpected geomagnetic storm today as the Bz component decided to tip south. Minor (G1) conditions observed.
GEOMAGNETIC STORM--NOW: A minor G1-class geomagnetic storm is underway on April 27th--the result of an unexpected crack in Earth's magnetic field. BsubZ values have dipped as low as -10 nT. This could set the stage for high-latitude auroras, especially in the southern hemisphere where autumn darkness favors visibility

Current conditions

▪︎Solar wind speed: 473.1 km/sec
▪︎density: 10.27 protons/cm3
▪︎ Planetary K-index Now: Kp= 5 storm

▪︎Latest Solar wind speed record: 495.9 km/sec
▪︎density: 7.69 protons/cm3
▪︎Neutron Counts today: 7% High
▪︎Sunspot number: 95 (SN 126 apr 27)
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp2 quiet.
▪︎Unexpected geomagnetic storm due to a interplanetary shock wave and not from Solar wind stream from coronal hole.
▪︎Two Prominence eruptions located on the northwest and southeast not earth directed.

Northwest prominence eruption
Southeast prominence eruption

INTERPLANETARY SHOCK WAVES Interplanetary shocks are a type of collisionless shock — ones where particles transfer energy through electromagnetic fields instead of directly bouncing into one another.
The solar wind typically comes in two types — slow and fast. When a fast stream of solar wind overtakes a slower stream, it creates a shock wave, just like a boat moving through a river creates a wave. The wave then spreads out across the solar system

The shock wave was probably a minor CME overlooked until it hit Earth. Right now the sun is crackling with solar flares, hurling multiple overlapping CMEs into space every day. A faint CME may have slipped through the net of NOAA analysts to deliver yesterday's surprise storm. This will happen increasingly often as Solar Cycle 25 intensifies

Solar flare C7.6 not observed by Solar Dynamics Observatory

▪︎Unexpected geomagnetic storm due to a interplanetary shock wave and not from Solar wind stream from coronal hole.
▪︎Two Prominence eruptions located on the northwest and southeast not earth directed.
Interesting to see these sorts of incidents increasing in frequency, after the relative quiet of the last few years of Solar Minimum.
Interesting to see these sorts of incidents increasing in frequency, after the relative quiet of the last few years of Solar Minimum.

Yep, this reminds me of times when the Cs and Laura have talked about earth now being in a different cosmic environment.

A: A lot of that is due to changes in cosmic environment.

There are numerous mentions of plants blooming out of season; it seems to be part of the whole cataclysmic scenario where everything crazy is going on, and...

A: A lot of that is due to changes in cosmic environment. Not all that governs plant and animal cycles is related to earth and diurnal cycles.

A: General chaotic energies of transition affect environment in many ways. Creatures often suffer thereby. You are doing well with attention and vigilance.

Q: (L) You say the word, "transition"... What kind of transition are we talking about here?

A: Planetary movement through space-time area of realm border.

Q: (Joe) We hit some turbulence flying through space.

R:...Conditions on your planet changed significantly at the time of the destruction of the Roman Empire. Giants from that time forward faced increasingly diffic

Of course, solar shock waves are not a recent phenomenon, however, it will be very interesting to observe the behavior of the sun and it's phenomena in this new cosmic environment. Maybe we can discover something interesting new, a novel phenomenon.

Three days of numerous coronal mass ejections. Most appear to be farsided or limb events and not directed towards Earth. Sooner or later we will be in the path. For now, we wait.

27 Days of the Sun Timelapse. March 28 to April 26, 2022. Still in rise time, the sun is brighter. AIA211 - 715 frames AIA171 - 715 frames total of 1430 frames. 20 fps 1 hour time step.

And we have to remember that the twin sun and the comet swarm are out there

Q: (T) There have been a lot of reports of late regarding major solar activity, solar flares, solar winds, etc. The surface of the sun has a whole lot going on. The last I heard, one of the two satellites observing the sun, one of them is gone. Is this an effect from the sun itself, or is this an effect of the approaching brown dwarf?
A: The sun.
Q: (T) As the brown dwarf approaches, will it intensify the solar flare activity?
A: The effect on the physical orientation of the sun from the periodic passage of its companion is to flatten the sphere slightly. This returns to its original spherical shape with the retreat.
Q: (L) Is this flattening of the sphere of the sun going to have any noticeable effects in terms of enhanced, accelerated, or magnified radiation from the sun?
A: No.
Q: (T) Solar flares or anything like that?
A: No.
Q: (T) So there is not going to be any appreciable effect on the planet from this as far as the sun goes?
A: The sun’s gravity increases, thus inhibiting flares.

Q: (T) Inhibiting flares is good. (L) Not necessarily. Solar minimums have been periods of ice ages. (T) One of the recent crop circles this year shows what the crop circle interpreters say is an image of the sun with a large solar flare coming off of it. It is supposed to be a warning to us that the surface of the sun has become unstable…
A: All events intersect.
This last one is interesting. For example, last week we had the AR2993-94 complex with the potential to generate X-class solar flares
AR2994 had generated an X-class solar flare on April 17 and on the far side of the sun however this complex was a disappointment once it was in front of the earth.


▪︎Latest Solar wind speed record: 491.4 km/sec
▪︎density: 6.85 protons/cm3
▪︎Neutron Counts today: 6.4% High
▪︎Sunspot number: 118 (SN 95 apr 28)
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp2 quiet.
▪︎Two new numbered Region AR3001, AR3002
▪︎There are eight numbered sunspot groups on the sun today. Almost all of them are crackling with minor C-Flares

▪︎Moderate M1.2 Solar flare 07:30 UTC Apr.29 it caused a minor shortwave radio blackout over central Asia.
M- CLASS SOLAR FLARE: A spotless region of the sun exploded on April 29th (0730 UT), producing a beautiful M1-class solar flare. Debris from the explosion does not appear to be heading for Earth.
THE SODIUM TAIL OF MERCURY: Planets aren't supposed to have tails, but Mercury does. Dr. Sebastian Voltmer just photographed it from La Palma in the Canary Islands:
This is NOT a comet, not even a meteor, but the planet Mercury, which is currently very close to the Pleiades," says Voltmer. "How is the tail formed? The solar wind and micro-meteorites eject sodium atoms from Mercury's surface. This creates a yellow-orange tail of sodium gas that is around 2.5 million kilometers long."
A Solar Flare M1.2 from región AR2996 produced a minor R1 Radio blackout over North America (07:30 UTC Apr.29)

Second M flare
SECOND M FLARE. The NW limb just produced another M flare - this time an M1.3 at 18:12 UT on 29th April. It may well have been much larger as some of it was obscured by the limb.
A BUBBLING COULDRON: As AR2993 rotates over the west limb of the Sun we get to see some of it vertical motions (jets). They are many Earth diameters high, especially the one at the end. Not only are there out flows in these jets but look just south and you will see an inflow too.

Current conditions
▪︎Solar wind speed: 506.9 km/sec
▪︎density: 8.98 protons/cm3
▪︎Planetary K-index kp4 unsettled


▪︎Latest Solar wind speed record: 498.5km/sec
▪︎density: 7.12 protons/cm3
▪︎Neutron Counts today: 5.9% High
▪︎Sunspot number: 90 (SN 118 apr 29)
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp3 quiet.
▪︎Third M flare. Departing complex AR2994 unleashed a M4.82 today, April 30th (09:58 UTC). Even with most of the sunspot complex hidden behind the sun's northwestern limb, the explosion still produced enough radiation for a shortwave radio blackout over Middle East and Asia.

▪︎BREAKING. AR2994 unleashed a X1.13 flare minutes ago (13:47 UTC) produced radiation for Strong R3 radio blackout over Atlantic Ocean.
X Flare X1.1 from AR2994 (13:47 UTC) Update

New images

Even with the sunspot completely hidden behind the edge of the sun, the explosion still produced enough radiation for a strong shortwave radio blackout over the mid-Atlantic Ocean and much of Europe: map. Signals below 30 MHz were attentuated for nearly an hour.
This flare almost certainly produced a coronal mass ejection (CME). Images from SOHO coronagraphs (when they become available) will likely confirm that the CME won't hit Earth--a result of the sunspot's farside location.

CME in transit possibly protect the earth from X flare particles.

An Earth-directed CME with speed >1000 km/s is expected to arrive at Earth late tonight or sometime tomorrow morning.
A minor or moderate geomagnetic storm is possible. @spacewxwatch
Is a CME in-transit shielding Earth from solar energetic particles from today’s X-class flare? I am interested to see if solar protons become enhanced with a concurrent shock with arrival from yesterday’s fast CME predicted late tonight/early tomorrow.@spacewxwatch

Today, April 30, we will witness the first eclipse of the year, which will be a partial solar eclipse. It will only be visible from regions of South America: Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, southern Peru and Bolivia, western Paraguay, Antarctica and the Pacific and Southern Oceans just before and a small portion of Brazil. during sunset.

This partial solar eclipse is known as a "black moon."

A black moon is basically the second new moon of the month, something that rarely happens. It works similarly to a leap year. A lunar cycle usually takes about 29 days to complete, but our months are a bit longer. So sometimes, about every 32 months, we have two full moons or two new moons. The second full moon in a month is called a blue moon, and the second new moon is called a black moon.

19:48 UTC South America

MORNING SKY SHOW: The finest conjunction of 2022 is underway. You just have to wake up at dawn to see it. This morning in Poland, Marek Nikodem photographed Venus and Jupiter side by side:

▪︎Latest Solar wind speed record: 481.1km/sec
▪︎density: 6.04 protons/cm3
▪︎Neutron Counts today: 5.4% High
▪︎Sunspot number: 50 (SN 90 apr 30)
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp2 quiet.
▪︎Moderate solar flare M1.99 from AR2994 produced a minor R1 Radio blackout over Pacific Ocean and North America.
▪︎The biggest threat of large solar flares (AR 2994), just rotated onto the far side of the sun.
▪︎There are no coronal holes on the Earthside of the sun

▪︎Yesterday’s Coronal mass ejections


▪︎Solar activity has decreased since the X-flare. X-ray levels are now below C.
▪︎Latest Solar wind speed record: 438.9 km/sec
▪︎density: 2.49 protons/cm3
▪︎Neutron Counts today: 5.4% High
▪︎Sunspot number: 36 (SN 50 apr 01)
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp1 quiet.
▪︎Only 3 regions remain AR2995, AR2999 AR3000 they have simple, stable magnetc fields that pose no threat for strong solar flares.
▪︎No significant flares just C-level events
CME IMPACT POSSIBLE TODAY: A beautiful solar flare (M4-class) on April 29th hurled a CME into space. It might sideswipe Earth today. The glancing blow, if it occurs, could spark a minor G1-class geomagnetic storm on May 2nd or 3rd.

▪︎Latest Solar wind speed record: 408.1 km/sec
▪︎density: 2.52 protons/cm3
▪︎Neutron Counts today: 5.4% High
▪︎Sunspot number: 69 (SN 36 may 01)
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp2 quiet.
▪︎Moderate 1.36 Solar flare from emergin region on the southeast produced a minor R1 Radio blackout over Asia (07:54 UTC)
▪︎New regions AR3004 and AR3005
▪︎AR3004 is growing rapidly and appears to have the type of magnetic complexity that could lead to strong flares. Facing Earth now.

M flare
Radio blackout

▪︎BREAKING: Major X1.13 flare from emerging region on the southeast (13:19:06 UTC) Strong R3 Radio blackout over Atlantic Ocean

▪︎Latest Solar wind speed record: 355.6 km/sec
▪︎density: 2.44 protons/cm3
▪︎Neutron Counts today: 6.2% High
▪︎Sunspot number: 53 (SN 69 may 03)
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp2 quiet.
▪︎The X1.1 solar flare was not a direct hit thus the spike in proton density hasn't happened.
▪︎The sunspot responsible for the blast has been visible for less than a day. it has unleashed 9+ solar flares. Latest a M5.3 (00:19 UTC)
▪︎A M5.76 solar flare from AR3004 (08:59 UTC) produced a moderate R2 Radio blackout over Asia and Europe

Intense (e.g.,X-class) flares may be a lovely object in solar physics research. But they may not be too important in space weather if not associated with a CME.

Intense flares are more often associated with a CME, thanks to big flare syndrome. The biggest CME-free flare is X3.1. @halocme
FIVE M FLARES TODAY: Three were from the SE limb region that produced the X flare yesterday. Two were from region AR 3004 near Sun center. If we get a big flare from that area, it could produce a coronal mass ejection it could affect the Earth a couple of days later.

The Flare from AR3004 produced a minor R1 Radio blackout over North Pacific Ocean

A new sunspot on SE location is crackling with M- and X-class solar flares.
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