The Living Force
I thought you were amazing and so calm and direct when there are sooooo many points to get across at such an opportunity. I felt they were very rude to all of the speakers - they let them say their piece then cut them just at the most important point.
I felt so proud and happy for SoTT and The Team, that finally, after all the struggles (understatement), the points get into the 'media'. It was a feel-good factor for me that it was an Iran-based broadcast. With all the propaganda they are undergoing at present.
Maybe on Russia Today next too.
Am routing for for Syria, Iran, Russia and China collaboration - if it is possible. Always suspect the under currents though.
Today gave a me small chink of hope that the Truth WILL surmount the ponorology this time around. Lond ways to go still....but, wow, CONGRATUATIONS.

I felt so proud and happy for SoTT and The Team, that finally, after all the struggles (understatement), the points get into the 'media'. It was a feel-good factor for me that it was an Iran-based broadcast. With all the propaganda they are undergoing at present.
Maybe on Russia Today next too.
Am routing for for Syria, Iran, Russia and China collaboration - if it is possible. Always suspect the under currents though.
Today gave a me small chink of hope that the Truth WILL surmount the ponorology this time around. Lond ways to go still....but, wow, CONGRATUATIONS.