Spirit Matthew goes offline


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Matthew going off-line. Gives `farewell for a while.` Leaves us with a monologue from `God.`

Suzanne Ward is moving, traveling, resettling, and collaborating on a book that will occupy all of her time for `an indefinite period.` Hmmm. And Matthew`s parting words, always seeming to want to induce a numbing comfort, almost look almost like damage control for the neocons.

The first is the concerns about President Bush`s executive order that permits the arrest of dissenters with his war policies and confiscation of their property. When you put that order into the context of what you know through our messages; the Internet`s widening exposure of evidence of the administration`s deception and wrongdoing; and the facts that major media are being forced to report because of growing public awareness and outcry, you can see that FEAR is the real intent of the desperate ones who conceived of the order. They know that there is no possibility whereby its wide-scale coverage can be achieved; however, they will try to entrap some individuals to `show-case` in an attempt to create fear throughout the populace. We urge you, DO NOT GO INTO FEAR! Remember what we have told you, that a lot of information, including on the Internet, is false and its intention is to create fear. Trust your intuition as to what is true and what is not, and do NOT fear ANY forthcoming grave-sounding projections or developments—we also have told you that you are innately well prepared to navigate bumps along the way. Everything in your world is moving in accordance with the energy invested in it, and whatever is based in darkness is facing a short and increasingly bleak existence.

Second, and related to my previous sentence, is that the events known as `Fire the Grid` and `7-7-7` so successfully accomplished their purpose that Earth is glowing brilliantly in the profusion of light that you generated jointly with our benevolent space family. The light streaming to Earth from myriad points in the universe and mingling with your own has reached unprecedented measure, and while it may not soften the most hardened hearts and minds, the intensity is transmuting the remaining wisps of darkness and transforming its former strongholds into a global fortress of light.
`Remaining wisps of darkness?` Wow. Talk about not being in the reality-based community. I have a difficult time believing this could be true unless there is some kind of miraculous tipping point by which the world`s population suddenly wakes up and throws off the psychopathic, dominant minority that is behind most of the top-shelf strife, such as war-mongering. The C`s did say that the ultimate plan of 4D STS would fail, and that it is represented by `men who are so desperate that they have nothing to lose at this point.` But we`re reminded that in the meantime a whole lot of awful stuff is likely to come down. (See Session 020928).

Matthew then turns it over to God for a few words:

GOD: [...] Many of you have been wondering where I am while so much furor and ferocity is going on in your world. I am here to tell you that I`m right where I`ve been since Day One of this universe—everywhere!—and I have quite a bit to say about this.

[...] Creator, ruler of the cosmos—that`s all the universes—gave you free will to express whatever you want to and gave us universe rulers a law we have to obey: Stay out of your soul parts` choices! Eons later Creator made the one exception to that law: `No nuclear wars anywhere,` so now we rulers have the authority to stop all efforts to do that.

Otherwise, it`s your choices all the way [...]

Pay attention to what Matthew said about DON`T GO INTO FEAR! I`ll add this: If you think you have any enemies, you`d better know that fear`s by far the worst. From my point of view, it`s your ONLY one, and I strongly suggest you give my opinion of this careful thought.

Then there`s what you could consider the other end of the spectrum from fear: pettiness, that clutter-clatter of attitudes, interests and activity that keep you preoccupied with trivialities that aren`t worth even one bean in the hill, yet have the power to prevent knowledgeable, sensible evaluations and decisions. ... letting mere curiosity rather than core interests occupy your thoughts; and worries about `what if` and rumors of dire possibilities.
God lumps `worries about `what if` and rumors of dire possibilities` in with being distracted by mind-numbing entertainment. There is never any suggestion to examine objective reality. I ask, but what if careful attention to objective reality, combined with knowledge, sense, and evaluation lead directly to the ideas that `dire possibilities` are more than likely? And so what if they `worry` (wake up) some people? The C`s have given innumerable clues, such as, `Protection comes from awareness, not the other way around.` They also said, `If one is a soldier in the trenches, just how much `daydreaming` does one do when the shells are exploding all around?` And, `Avoidance may avoid objective.`

God goes on to suggest alternative pursuits:
Playing with your families and animals, smiling and laughing, listening to melodious music or reading something that expands your mind, or connecting with the beauty of Nature. Seeing and feeling thankful for the blessings in your life and going within your deepest self and listening to the song of your soul. [...] It would be good, too, if you also feel thankful that you wanted and were selected to participate in this magnificent time of Earth`s entry into the Golden Age.
God then proceeds to explain how all the religions are corrupt and led by greedy men who desire control over others -- ideas that were seeded by conscienceless, dark, off-world entities. He then explains that the real story of Jesus contains no crucifixition or resurrection, but rather marriage to his wife Mary Magdalene, their move to France, etc. You can read all this, if you want, at _http://www.matthewbooks.com/mm/anmviewer.asp?a=79&z=2

God closes with:
And this brings us to why that LONG merry-go-round ride that you`re sick and tired of is stopping. So is my beloved Earth fed up with it! She`s on the fast track out of third density where, until recently, the darkness has been quite successful, but its time is up—the dark force `has left the building,` so to say. Only the lingering effects of its influence on its Earth puppets remain and those are fading fast. The truths `coming to light` are exposing once-hidden agenda, and by the impartial law of physics regarding form and frequencies, the puppet`s refusal to accept the light will cause their demise along Earth`s ascension path. Your dear planet is homeward bound to her soul`s blissful plane, and all who go with her will live in harmonious cooperation with your benevolent `space` family. The trip ticket is free, but with strings: You need to know and live the TRUTH of who WE ARE. This isn`t complex—it`s as simple as paying attention to what your soul is telling you! `Going within` automatically connects you consciously with soul-self—that`s you and me—and all the rest follows naturally.

Some will journey with Earth because they are living in `godly` ways simply by heeding their souls` messages. They live from their hearts, where unconditional love, kindness, honor, truth, compassion and desire to help others lie.

Some will go through it again—the tyranny, violence, corruption, lies, the hold of religions—and they`ll come in with the brain power to question and reason, yet another chance to break free of dark control. But not on Earth. There are other third density places in our universe where rampant disrespect for life will go on until all my soul parts know the truth of their god- and goddess-selves.

And some will DEvolve and start over from scratch. They`re the ones who persist in choosing darkness over LOVE, the same Creator Source energy as light. Constantly light will be beamed to those souls, who will start with only basic instinct, and when they accept the light, they`ll recall a smidgeon of intelligence. As they accept more light, they will remember a modicum of reasoning ability, and so on and so on. This isn`t punishment, it`s a chance for those parts of me to start over without even a hint of darkness.

It`s quite a lot to think about, isn`t it? There is time, my beloveds, but frankly, not much, to decide what you want. Whatever that is, I will honor it, and if it`s help, ask and it shall be given!
*** END ***
The channeling of Matthew Ward always struck me as off. Too much 'buckets of love and light,' along with a push regarding the 'benefits' of monotomic gold. It was one of the reasons I decided that the Educate Yourself site had way too much subjective wishful thinking...and not enough objective reality thinking.

I do feel some sympathy for the mom of Matthew. Whatever she was channeling, I'm sure it was not her son. Probably a deceptive entity that knew how to manipulate a grieving mother. Her whole act reads like an unconscious agent spouting lots of disinfo...and a way too cheery attitude that the earth's future will be sunshine and lollipops if humans would only think lovely thoughts...cause the benevolent aliens...and God...will soon come to their rescue. That final business about Jesus and Mary Magdalene tells me Mama Ward has been dipping into the Philip Gardner/Dan Brown stuff...or worse.

Scary and pathetic. And dangerous to those that get suckered into it.
WOW!!! We actually get to hear god? Holy smoly!

And isn't it coincidental that he suggests that:
Playing with your families and animals, smiling and laughing, listening to melodious music or reading something that expands your mind, or connecting with the beauty of Nature. Seeing and feeling thankful for the blessings in your life and going within your deepest self and listening to the song of your soul. [...] It would be good, too, if you also feel thankful that you wanted and were selected to participate in this magnificent time of Earth's entry into the Golden Age.
No wonder that so many people are just sitting back, watching TV, sports, videos, porn.....whatever. Hey, god said it was okay!

The good side is that this one is not advocating going out there and "killing all those that are different from you" type of thing.

I guess that this is what the people who fall for this kind of stuff want to hear, though. Something for everyone.
I guess that this is what the people who fall for this kind of stuff want to hear, though. Something for everyone.
I have to admit it sounds pretty good to me. The only problem is that it's so hard to do any of those things. Nature is being destroyed, ditto for animals and families, our minds are limited by being constantly bombarded with pathological material. What passes for melodious music is more often than not garbage, and the songs of our souls are being ruthlessly repressed in favor of maintaining wage slavery.

In the rare instances that it is actually possible to really enjoy and appreciate life on planet earth, I'm all for it!
God with tail said:
Playing with your families and animals, smiling and laughing, listening to melodious music or reading something that expands your mind, or connecting with the beauty of Nature. Seeing and feeling thankful for the blessings in your life and going within your deepest self and listening to the song of your soul.
What a load of BS! Thinking that all that CANNOT be applied by us people who still have certain conveniences and our lives intact in a material sense just by getting a glimpse of how things are on this planet, just imagine what an insult it is to the people of Iraq, Palestine, Afganistan, Darfur, and all those other nations and communities where the pathocrats created an earthly hell for them! But no, you go back to sleep and dream that there actually real laughters and melodious music, and nature to play in. Will the lullaby continue even beyond the point where reality is too obvious to deny? Honestly wonder sometimes.
<< Honestly wonder sometimes. >>

Yes, pretty transparent. I imagine that blessings don't come to mind when you're ducking bullets day to day, but the message is in keeping with Matthew's concepts of love/light, laugh, don't worry about that stuff, and most of those dying agreed to go this way.

"God" is channeled a lot by Suzy, actually, and comes off as kind of bumbling and grandfatherly, without critical answers, pointing out his many flaws and imperfections. It/She/He's the god of only this particular universe, you see, in Suzanne's cosmology, and not "Creator," whom "God" claims is something else.

The point of my post, though, was that this "source" is becoming unavailable, which sounds to me like it could be some kind of manipulation on those who cling to it and daily over-stuff Ms. Ward's email box with questions. Perhaps some event is expected that will be too difficult to explain away? Perhaps Matthew will return with a new take on things, kind of like Op Terra's "Hosts of Heaven" after their extended sabbatical? Maybe to tell us that martial law and house arrest aren't so bad and won't last long? That's another neat theme of so much of this channeled stuff -- it appears aimed at the ever-shrinking audience of people whose comfort bubbles haven't yet been burst by the encroaching fascism. Instead of taking note of the tightening strictures, it opts for "count your (remaining) blessings" instead.

So, I find the hiatus curious. Suzanne had written about the great difficulties in getting the Matthew stuff published. So, what's this mysterious book collaboration all about? There's nothing on the web site about it. If you happen to know, please post.
What a load of BS! Thinking that all that CANNOT be applied by us people who still have certain conveniences and our lives intact in a material sense just by getting a glimpse of how things are on this planet, just imagine what an insult it is to the people of Iraq, Palestine, Afganistan, Darfur, and all those other nations and communities where the pathocrats created an earthly hell for them!

Maybe to tell us that martial law and house arrest aren't so bad and won't last long? That's another neat theme of so much of this channeled stuff -- it appears aimed at the ever-shrinking audience of people whose comfort bubbles haven't yet been burst by the encroaching fascism. Instead of taking note of the tightening strictures, it opts for "count your (remaining) blessings" instead.
I have to admit that before happening across Cass and Sott I was a Matthew addict. The straw that broke the camel's back for me was repeatedly reading that the aliens weren't going to allow the detonation of any nuclear weapons. Meanwhile, I was reading about mini nukes, depleted uranium, and white phosphorous being used. I was pissed!!! The warm fuzzies were sure nice, but I don't appreciate being made to think that everything is all hunky dory while my soul is being raped.

I share you curiousity about Suzanne's disappearance strategy. Wouldn't it be great if it was because she was actually waking up and writing a book about becoming the victim of 'Matthew's' deception? I mean, if her ever shrinking audience can wake up, maybe she can too....
Miss Isness said:
I share you curiousity about Suzanne's disappearance strategy. Wouldn't it be great if it was because she was actually waking up and writing a book about becoming the victim of 'Matthew's' deception? I mean, if her ever shrinking audience can wake up, maybe she can too....
That would be something positive...and a shock not only to her followers, but seekers like us who have an inkling of how difficult it is to come to terms with objective reality, let alone deal with our own deeply-embedded blinders to the truth.

It would take a great deal of strength for Suzanne to admit to being deceived. The Matthew Ward stuff that I am familiar with had a 'self-importance' ring to it, even if it was couched in humble-sounding words that said 'relax, everything will be fine, with love and light triumphant.' Her last post from Matthew and 'god' doesn't indicate even a smigeon of objectivity. It looks more like she's going to take some time off to write a book in the same vein to reach a greater audience.

Time will tell...if the 'end of the world as we know it' doesn't come first.
strange coincidence, or maybe not. We got an email today:


My name is H*** M***. I have been a reader of Laura Knight's websites including SOTT. Because I have read through her works I know that one of her projects was to track down the real life of Jesus. Well it seems like God himself has spoken on this subject! Take it as you will, but this is one of the most fascinating thing I have read. Matthew Books is a site about a mother who had established telepathic connection with her deceased son. She has been publishing these various sessions on her website every month and the message from this month is apparently none other then God.


Please scroll down for the part about the Bible, but I believe you will find the whole text rather interesting. Here's a quote:

"The FACT is that Jesus was never put on a cross, so there was no crucifixion or resurrection. That rather blows the whole foundation of Christian dogma, doesn't it? For how, then, could it be that "he gave his life to save sinners"? Sinners means the whole lot of you, according to those who came up with the idea that everyone is "born into sin." Oh dear me! The only "sin," if you will, is interfering with the growth of a soul, your own or anyone else's, and the result is DEvolution with as many more chances as needed NOT to do that."


Hi. M.
Got a tip that Ken Hadachi of EducateYourself.org finally has had it with Matthew Ward's latest (last?) message. Seems that Ken's been suspicious of some previous messages, but kept posting and/or linking to the nonsense because in Ken's words it "...provided a sense of hope and optimism which did much more good than harm, so I continued to post them."

An email from a person that Ken identifies as 'Hideyuki M.' wrote EducateYourself.org a letter trying to justify (in a round about way) Matthew's message from 'god.' Same initials as the SOTT letter writer Joe posted about on this thread. Same style. Coincidence? Damage control?

If interested in how Ken Hadachi handled this caper, go here: http://educate-yourself.org/lte/matthewanddisinformation03aug07.shtml for a lesson (or lessons) in how not to educate others in objective reality.

"There are no sacred cows in my barn," claims Hadachi, now that he has rid himself of Matthew Ward's disinfo. Er, there may be a few more hiding in the hayloft, Ken. Well, at least he's willing to burn one bovine. Should have done so sooner...the moment Matthew plugged monotomic gold...Fire the Grid...and other New Age garbage.

UPDATE: Edited Ken's quote regarding sacred cows, since I got it wrong in my first posting.
Yes, the passage that Ken quotes in his email is from the latest missive, though possibly the general content is repeated from an earlier Ward book. It struck me as "appropriated" from other sources, including Cass.

It's amazing that almost every channeled source has a different story about Jesus. I'm not sure that I've seen any two that agree near fully.
AdPop said:
It's amazing that almost every channeled source has a different story about Jesus. I'm not sure that I've seen any two that agree near fully.
Years ago, I recall reading similar theories that had Jesus going to Egypt, Iran, India, and Tibet to study the mystery religions in his so-called unaccounted-for period.

Then along came Sir Lawrence Gardiner, Philip Gardner, and others, (culminating with Dan Brown's recent fictional bestseller) with their ideas of Jesus being married, and having children who became part of the start the Merovingian royal bloodlines. (A hundred and fifty years previous, Joseph Smith, founder of the Latter Day Saints/Mormons, claimed Jesus married not only Mary Magdalene, but several other women as well. How convenient for the polygamous American sect.)

With a possible glossed over history, the Merovingians still read like a bloody, pathological lot. If Jesus really was in their woodpile, the family fruits of war, conquest, injustice, greed, and colonialism, for the most part, appear rotten to the core clear up to the present day. That alone might make a person used to the "Gentle Jesus" or "turn the other cheek" programming wake up a bit and wonder why this specific bloodline is being pushed. Sigh. Well, maybe not. (Again, cosmic cointelpro is covering all bases...even the Mormons get in on the act.)

The C's telling of who Jesus was, what he actually did, and why he would return, didn't activate my b.s. meter. (Although, in the beginning, I balked at Yasser Arafat being a decendant of Jesus, mostly because I was still running a Zionist propaganda program against the guy.) While not totally convinced that the C's are the end all in terms of understanding the true mission of Jesus here on 3D earth, it made a lot more sense than most theories, myths, and the religious fanatic's believe or be damned nonsense that surrounds the Christ.
Matthew checks in, with predictions for 2008 and some "tough love."

Now for an overview of what you will see during your calendar year 2008 as undeniable evidence that the patterns of behavior and systems of the old ways are tumbling to make way for the new. Disclosures in mainstream media—where truth still is sparse in the plethora of omissions and misleading information—are only the tip of exposures so plentiful that when they come out, it will seem more like an eruption than an emergence as peoples demand an end to pervasive corruption and oppression. Yet, be mindful that what is transpiring is reformation, not revolution, and although changes ultimately will be profound, they will come within the just laws and orderliness of a civilized society and not the untenable disarray of anarchical upheaval.

All happenings are due to the frequencies Earth has reached in her ascension. The raising of consciousness and spiritual clarity enabled by these higher vibrations is reason to leap with joy, but in the short term, some effects may be unsettling. [...]
Ah, the old stand-by -- yes, we know things look like they're getting worse and worse, but don't worry, because they aren't. Sounds like a certain president I know.

Despite the highly publicized war-mongering rhetoric that is meant more to arouse fear than to undertake action, armed conflicts will ease, then cease as bellicose national leaders are ousted and lighted souls step in to govern in peace. Peoples will start enjoying the liberties and better living standards so long denied them, and a cooperative spirit of working in harmony for the good of all will replace current conflict, anger, jealousy and ruthlessness. [...]
We'll see.

Please remember that in previous messages I have told you that my intention is to inspire you to develop your innate ability to discern truth from falsehood and learn to trust your intuition, and I offered suggestions to assist you to achieve this essential aspect of spiritual evolvement. [...]
The ever-present warning from seemingly all sources. Discern, but we won't tell you how -- you're supposed to know.

Tough love means that no longer will I answer questions that are basically curiosity: Will so-and-so be the next US president, will President Bush be impeached, which world leaders are dark and which are light, will Iran be invaded, where is the economy heading, when will the war in Iraq end, how far will the new virus spread, what will stop the chemtrails, what if…? ... the promised Golden Age that other evolved souls and I have given you clearly show that any momentary concerns about such matters are unnecessary.
In other words, quit whining and go to sleep! Wow.
AdPop said:
Matthew checks in, with predictions for 2008 and some "tough love."

Tough love means that no longer will I answer questions that are basically curiosity: Will so-and-so be the next US president, will President Bush be impeached, which world leaders are dark and which are light, will Iran be invaded, where is the economy heading, when will the war in Iraq end, how far will the new virus spread, what will stop the chemtrails, what if…? ... the promised Golden Age that other evolved souls and I have given you clearly show that any momentary concerns about such matters are unnecessary.
In other words, quit whining and go to sleep! Wow.
Matthew's version of tough love means he will not provide direct answers or any data that in some point in the future would become verifiable. It makes me wonder how Matthews tender hate looks like...
How anyone can buy into this nonsense is beyond me.
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