Spirit Matthew goes offline

AdPop said:
Matthew checks in, with predictions for 2008 and some "tough love."

... the promised Golden Age that other evolved souls and I have given you clearly show that any momentary concerns about such matters are unnecessary.
In other words, quit whining and go to sleep! Wow.
It seems to be the same old story with these "evolved souls".
People at higher levels of ascension(whatever that means) will be exempt from the tribulations of lower "frequencies".
Everything is always perfect and unfolding according to "divine plan".
They tend to yap on and on about wonderful shifts that are always going to happen "soon", but nothing really seems to change very much.
The technology changes but the basic structure and theme just stays in place.
The wonderful Golden Age has been promised for decades now.
I was just starting high school when the "Age of Aquarius" song was playing all the time on the radio. That was during the Vietnam era.
Many people were sure that things would be transforming into a new golden age.
When Nixon left office, even more people were expecting incredible change.
That was almost 40 years ago.
I wonder how many older new age people have died waiting for the magical shift that they were sure was going to happen "soon".
This sort of stuff sounds just like the "Jesus is coming soon" promises that are made to Christians. That failed promise has been working for about 2,000 years.
Imagine the thought process of an over-credulous person when they hear news about US threats to Iran, "Oh, Matthew said there will be no invasion of Iran, so, I don't have to pay attention to that. I can just block anything connected with that." Whether there is an invasion or not, the person has blacked out a bunch of dots that might later be connected in awakening ways. That'll curb growth with amazing success -- so easily.
Matthew checks in said:
Now for an overview of what you will see during your calendar year 2008 as undeniable evidence that the patterns of behavior and systems of the old ways are tumbling to make way for the new. Disclosures in mainstream media—where truth still is sparse in the plethora of omissions and misleading information—are only the tip of exposures so plentiful that when they come out, it will seem more like an eruption than an emergence as peoples demand an end to pervasive corruption and oppression. Yet, be mindful that what is transpiring is reformation, not revolution, and although changes ultimately will be profound, they will come within the just laws and orderliness of a civilized society and not the untenable disarray of anarchical upheaval.
Strange! As i was reading this i got the sense that I was hearing the Wizard in the Wizard of Oz, thundering "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain"!!!

Some exposures that will need to be predigested and spun for the sheeple perhaps? Or is my imagination just running wild again?
Recently, Suzy Ward sent a forwarded message from Matthew via Jean **** to Ken Hadachi of the Educate Yourself website.

Hi Jean!

"Dear soul, Jean, you do a great service for the light by not publishing that material. Your mission, like my mother's, is to truthfully inform all receptive people, and in addition to the great importance of focusing on positive instead of fearful information, consider two truths about dowsing: That practice can reflect the dower's beliefs and fears just as telepathic communication can; and, also like telepathic communcation, unless the individual has asked for protection of the Christed light, he or she may reach dark sources." [from Matthew]

First he asked me to thank you for him, then decided he wanted to speak for himself.

After the August 1st message that mostly was from God, Ken published a letter on his site about Matthew being a dark soul or I was a fraud and composing all the messages -- it seemed that what God said about no crucifixion hit a tender spot. He wrote that he checked with Carol (her last name just flew out of my head-- she and her husband do energy work with HHG -- I think that's holy hand grenades), who astrally travels, and she said there is no such soul as Matthew -- of course she has no way of knowing that in replying to several people who asked about that couple, Matthew spoke highly of their intentions and effectiveness. Naturally I was shocked and terribly disappointed in Ken -- he used to publish all the messages but deleted them after that one. Someone forwarded his letter so I could respond but what would I have written -- how can I convince anyone of Matthew's existence and what can anyone say to a person who has closed their mind?

I'm always happy to simplify those parts that are pesky to translate!

Hadachi responded:

KenHadachi said:
...To set the record straight, I had never said that Matthew was a dark soul or that Suzy was a fraud or that she composed the messages. I never used those words. Nor did Carol Croft say that Matthew was without a soul. She said that the information was deceptive and that Suzy was unaware of the deception. Here's the article, you can read it for yourself (_http://educate-yourself.org/lte/matthewanddisinformation03aug07.shtml)
It would seem that spirit Matthew has not paying close attention as he obviously didn't inform his poor mother of the exact details of Hadachi's words and decision to no longer post Messages from Matthew on his site.

The page containing the original email and Hadachi's entire response can be read here: _http://educate-yourself.org/cn/forwardedmessagefromsuzytoken06mar08.shtml
Matthew has been back on regular schedule since the end of last year. The two latest missives are nothing new.


I was going through a couple of the bigger bookstores in town yesterday, and was somewhat amused (and bemused) at the sheer quantity of New Age stuff in the "Spirituality/Religious" or "Self-Help" sections of the stores. All sorts of titles aimed at "manifesting your desires", "the law of attraction", and a fair bit more Wicca stuff than I've seen before, too. It's interesting to me that women seem to be the primary target market of this whole navel-gazing paradigm. Perhaps this is to ensure their creative energies are vectored towards the powering of illusory beliefs which, despite being "harmless" little things like getting a new car or attracting a great boyfriend, on a more subtle level help to reinforce larger illusions that benefit "something" out there?
Ryan said:
It's interesting to me that women seem to be the primary target market of this whole navel-gazing paradigm. Perhaps this is to ensure their creative energies are vectored towards the powering of illusory beliefs which, despite being "harmless" little things like getting a new car or attracting a great boyfriend, on a more subtle level help to reinforce larger illusions that benefit "something" out there?
Yep, it's the "fourth shift".

In "The Beauty Myth", Naomi Wolf argued that when the "myth of motherhood and domesticity" (i.e. the idea that taking care of house, husband, and children should be the ultimate fulfillment for women) was no longer enough to keep women in line, they were then expected to work a "second shift" (i.e. the pursuit of a "successful career" -- albeit at much lower rates of pay and power than men). Then came the "third shift", i.e. the "beauty shift", which requires excessive attention to make-up, hair, diet, and exercise. Wolf argued that the hidden agenda behind the "beauty myth" was to take over where the myths about motherhood, domesticity, and career were no longer sufficient in a coercive patriarchal society. Women were taught to squander whatever energies they might have left to compete in the "beauty game", which, of course, in reality, can only be a losing battle against age and decay.

And if all that was not sufficient to to keep women from applying their considerable creative energies towards personal, social, and political transformation, we now have the "fourth shift" -- the job of "manifesting your perfect life". Women are being taught if their lives do not reflect their every fantasy of perfect husband, perfect family, perfect home, perfect career, perfect health and beauty -- it is because they have failed to master the "secret", the "law of attraction".

And so the rats are given yet another little pointless maze to keep them focussed on that ever elusive "prize" at the end of the race. Run, rats, run....
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