

The Force is Strong With This One

This article suggests that spirulina is not just healthy but miraculous considering its healing powers. I was wondering who takes it and in what form as the article says that its better if you take in pill form.
I cannot stand its taste, but it is a good thing to take if you just started changing your diet. With time, the need for most supplements diminishes, especially by the time you are in ketosis.
Psyche said:
I cannot stand its taste, but it is a good thing to take if you just started changing your diet. With time, the need for most supplements diminishes, especially by the time you are in ketosis.

Yes, I think it worked wonders for me when I first started moving away from the Standard American Diet. I used to have a shake of frozen blueberries, vitamin c, and spirulina every morning for breakfast. It was quite a treat :) But I haven't taken any for about 2 years now, as Psyche mentions. The only thing that really helped stabilize my energy and health was the ketogenic diet.
Hesper said:
Psyche said:
I cannot stand its taste, but it is a good thing to take if you just started changing your diet. With time, the need for most supplements diminishes, especially by the time you are in ketosis.

Yes, I think it worked wonders for me when I first started moving away from the Standard American Diet. I used to have a shake of frozen blueberries, vitamin c, and spirulina every morning for breakfast. It was quite a treat :) But I haven't taken any for about 2 years now, as Psyche mentions. The only thing that really helped stabilize my energy and health was the ketogenic diet.

Me, too. I used to take a spirulina shake every morning with some fruits and flaxseed. The shake looked green and tasted very unpleasant that I could not keep drinking it. Since now we know that negative effects of fruits and benefit of staying in ketosis, bone broth looks like the best option to achieve the optimum health.

Bone broth is miraculous food - it is very nutritious, delicious, and you will not get tired of it!

The cooking method and benefits of bone broth is discussed in this thread.
I take Hawaiian spirulina pacifica. It smells bad (like my turtles' supplemental food), but I don't care.
Hesper said:
Psyche said:
I cannot stand its taste, but it is a good thing to take if you just started changing your diet. With time, the need for most supplements diminishes, especially by the time you are in ketosis.

Yes, I think it worked wonders for me when I first started moving away from the Standard American Diet. I used to have a shake of frozen blueberries, vitamin c, and spirulina every morning for breakfast. It was quite a treat :) But I haven't taken any for about 2 years now, as Psyche mentions. The only thing that really helped stabilize my energy and health was the ketogenic diet.

Same here. I used to take it daily (2 tea spoons in powder form, Hawaiian spirulina pacifica) in a similar shake with blueberries as Hesper did (with Hemp protein/seeds, Chlorella, ginger and Maca. I also added at least two- three tablespoons of coconut oil for fat intake). However, as my body is getting more and more used to the ketogenic diet I don't feel the need to drink that shake anymore. I still have it though maybe 2-3 times a week on occasion.
I took spirulina in powder form for about a year, wasn't adding it in shakes because I couldn't stand the taste , instead I diluted it in a small glass on its own and gulped it down as fast as possible keeping my nose closed.
Now I still take it occasionally but I gave in and reverted to tablets.

Yet, I haven't tried the ketogenic diet which from what I understand is a far better and more conclusive solution.
So now, what seems more effective to do as my next goal is to finish reading PBPM and when I've thoroughly understood the mechanics try it properly.
I have just started taking spirulina and chlorella together daily. Why? Because I recently had to undergo a CT scan to look for a potential blood clot (none was found). CT scans give you the equivalent dose of about 100 to 300 chest x-rays(!) Alarmed at this high dosage of radiation I had received (I was not aware it was so high), I researched the best ways to combat the negative effects of ionizing radiation on the body. It turns out that chlorella and spirulina are two of the best sources of antioxidants, which are required to combat the oxidative stress that radiation inflicts upon one's cells. They also contain plenty of minerals. And even though I probably have a low amount of radioactive particles in my body (from general living and ingesting of food produced in our world), spirulina and chlorella are very good at binding to these particles and removing them from your body.
I like spirulina. I love the taste, I don't really know why but I love it. I take spirulina since many years ago. The first time I hear about spirulina was reading a very strange book: Cyberia, by Douglas Rushkoff. It was the first book I read about cyberspace. He named spirulina a smart drug.

We start to take spirulina and it help us specially during the hard winters, in Canada. Now I take spirulina once in a while but surely I should take it more often!

14 Health Benefits of Spirulina Powder​

Story at a glance:
  • Spirulina is a freshwater and saltwater, blue-green algae with powerful health benefits. Often confused with chlorella, the fundamental difference between the two is that spirulina is thousands of years older and does not possess the hard cell wall that makes chlorella closer to a plant than algae
  • Spirulina is a sustainable food source with potential to end world hunger. Unlike most plants, it is able to withstand extreme temperature variations and neglect and still thrive
  • It has been found in studies to successfully treat a wide range of ailments, including arsenic poisoning, Candida overgrowth and allergic rhinitis, and may lower your risk of stroke and cancer
  • The recommended daily dose is typically 3 to 5 grams, taken two or three times a day. Start with a small dose and work your way up to see how your body responds to spirulina
  • This article lists potential adverse reactions to spirulina, and what you can do to alleviate them


This post is dedicated to putting all of the info on spirulina that the C's provided, together.

The following 3 quotes come from 3 separate sessions:

1. Session 20 January 1996
2. Session 5 October 2001
3. Session 29 November 2001

They are all available through Cassiopaean Session Transcripts Search

Here they are in chronological order:

Session 20 January 1996

Q: (S) I have been having some serious problems with joint pain in my fingers and I would like to know what to do to make this better because I think that taking pain pills is something that hides the symptoms and does nothing for the cause.

A: Not true, S, sometimes pain killers cure cause as well as symptom. This is simply reversal of therapy. The symptom dies, thus cutting off the energy flow of the causative problem. Then the root cause dies if its "fuel supply" is interrupted for an adequate duration.

Q: (L) Will this work on me?

A: You need to utilize herbal therapies and nerve or neural blocking techniques, such as self hypnosis and Reiki and acupuncture.

Q: (L) Well, I have been having a HORRIBLE pain in my leg that makes me unable to walk without a cane. What is causing this pain?

A: Tissue nodular grains passing through vascular region affected by mild thrombosis. Try nutragina and roots of water based plants such as spirulina, for starters.

Q: (L) Isn't neutrogina a soap? {I was assuming that “neutrogina” was what the Cs meant, but they spelled out “nutragina” which may be something else entirely.}

A: Base is edible and topical.

Q: (L) Anything else on that?

A: Chlorella.

Symptom: Leg pain that makes one unable to walk without a cane.
Cause: Tissue nodular grains passing through vascular region affected by mild thrombosis.
Cure: Ingesting the roots of spirulina.

QUESTION That makes me wonder if the powder forms of spirulina alvailable in health/organic stores suffice. Or does it really have to be the roots of the spirulina plant?

Session 5 October 2001

A: Hair is key.

Q: (L) Huh? {To A} When did your hair turn white? (A) I have no idea. (L) Did it happen gradually? I think that refers back to the genetic thing. (A) I have this photograph when I was writing on the blackboard. I still had dark hair. But I had gray hair when I was in school. So, probably it started turning when I was about 32. I have no idea. (A) Why is hair the key? What kind of key?

A: Gene block activation.

Q: (L) Gene block activation. (A) What does that mean? (L) Is that activated externally or just internally because of the way the genes where set up. Was a gene block activated by something external?

A: Force, yes.

Q: (L) Are there any nutrients or activities that will be beneficial?

A: Spirulina.

Q: (A) Alright, something that is with hair genetics and so on.

Symptom: White (or gray (?)) hair.
Cause: Gene block activation caused by an external (STS) force.
Cure: Spirulina.

Session 29 November 2001

Q: Is there anything that we are supposed to do regarding this upcoming transition?

A: Yes.

Q: Can we know what it is?

A: Not yet!

Q: Is there anything we ought to be doing to prepare ourselves that we are not doing?

A: A little more attention to physical energy levels would be helpful.

Q: Which of course, suggests that physical energy is important and will be needed in some way.

A: Remember to utilize alfalfa with spirulina.

Symptom: Low physcal energy levels.
Cause: Upcoming transition linked to the wave affecting human beings that are energetic beings.
Aid: Alfalfa with spirulina.

Please add anything that I left out. Correct me if I'm mistaken as well, please.

This article suggests that spirulina is not just healthy but miraculous considering its healing powers. I was wondering who takes it and in what form as the article says that its better if you take in pill form.

I put one table spoon of spirulina powder (PuraSana) every morning in a shaker with about 250 ml of organice rice or spelt milk. Then I shake the shaker and drink it before I eat anything. The plant-based milk makes it just sweet enough to enjoy it. If I put spirulina in water, shake it and then drink it, the taste of spirulina is too much for me, although I don't particularly dislike it. It's just intense.
I use spirulina and chlorella as anti contipation product. I take less than one teaspoon (powder). I don't get any other benefit from taking it. The same effect I get when I eat seaweed for homemade sushi. Maybe I'm allergic to seafood, or seaweed I bought are contaminated. I cannot test it unless I find not contaminated seaweed.

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