Static Dream


Padawan Learner
Hello all!
I would like to relate a dream, well more like an experience I had and maybe get some feedback from
anyone that would like to respond. All opinions are appreciated. Back in October of 2008 I went on
a 5 day vacation to Playa de Carmen in Mexico. On the last night there before I left I had this
dream. For the older crowd out there, before cable tv and 24 hour programming, usually right after
midnight, tv programming would halt and the tv screen would go to static for a few hours before
programming would resume in the morning. If you remember what that looked like this is exactly what I saw. Only
instead of looking at it I felt as though I was immersed in it. Almost like I was in a swimming
pool of static and I was becoming a part of the static. All of a sudden I felt like I was moving and at a
tremendous speed. Far faster than I even thought possible but, at the same time the static was all
around me still. After feeling this moving sensation for a while I came to the realization that I was dying. At
this point a complete feeling of melancholy took a hold of me. I realized that I was leaving this
world and would not be able to talk to anyone, especially my kids, again. I had this feeling that
there were very important things I needed to talk to my kids about but I didn't know what those
things were. Now once the melancholy and the sadness for not seeing my kids again fully sank in, I
realized that I was just dreaming and all I had to do was wake up and this would all go away. This is
when I forced myself to wake up. Once awake, I felt better however, there was a very small part of
me that felt regret for waking up. I think about this experience from time to time and wonder if
there is any symbolic significance to it. Has anyone had a dream like this before? Would anyone
like to interpert it?

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