The Force is Strong With This One
A very excellent essay disseminating the facts and actions of Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada which categorize him as a full-blown psychopath:
Horrifying facts like these and more can not dispute the confirmation of his condition. Of course these actions came as no surprise to me.
A very excellent essay disseminating the facts and actions of Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada which categorize him as a full-blown psychopath:
If that is a shock to readers, remember that Harper produced a large manual for all Harper MPs, teaching them how to destroy democratic rule in the House of Commons. The manual was a handbook of ways to make sure that the work of Committees of the House of Commons could be wrecked. Production of that manual is not, I insist, the action of a healthy mind, but of a psychopath.
Remember, too, that a case is still before Elections Canada alleging that the Harper Party calculatingly took money for constituencies and fraudulently redirected it, thereby violating the Elections Act and the trust of Canadians. Many Canadians are convinced the allegations are true and I, for one, do not believe that, if true, in such a despotically run party, Stephen Harper could be ignorant of the “transactions”.
Remember, too, Harper’s litigious leanings. Unlike Canadian prime ministers of the past, Harper turns to the courts at the drop of a hat. He is suing the Liberal Party and Stephane Dion. He is acting strangely in the case concerning the allegations that Chuck Cadman was offered a bribe (in fact) to vote with the Harper party.The wonderfully innocent biographer of Chuck Cadman has had his character brutally aspersed, and the court has been hearing from strange and special experts on audiotapes, clearly at the instigation of Stephen Harper. All that, some believe, is to keep the heat away from Stephen Harper. His adventures into litigation smack of the psychopath. Isn’t he also suing people in Elections Canada for suggesting the Harper party misused Election funds? He may not be … it’s hard to keep track….
A common way to meet charges of wrong-doing among dirty corporate fighters is to erect palisades of counter charges.
Horrifying facts like these and more can not dispute the confirmation of his condition. Of course these actions came as no surprise to me.