"Stop avoiding your emotions"



In "The Pleiadian Book" of Barbara Marciniak, one can read :

Feeling is what connects you to your humanity. Feeling is what connects you to your emotions. Emotions are connecting you in this realm of existence to your spiritual body.
What we are saying is that emotions, feelings, are the key to being alive in this reality.
Many realities exist without emotions. If you want to deny the emotional self in this lifetime then you had best just realize you have hung it up. Because if you are not going to be part of an emotional self then you are never going to make the game that we are talking about. You will simply be one of the masses who watches television and feels like she is a victim over and over and over again.
If you are feeling pain within your emotional body, ask yourself why you believe this pain is there and what purpose the pain serves and why do you choose to create pain through emotions. Why is it not your choice to create joy? All is choice. We need to remind you of this.
Most humans are afraid of the emotional center, the feeling center. They are afraid to feel. Trust your feelings no matter what they [are]. Trust that they lead you to something, the way that you feel brings you a realization.
You all want to be in life and be removed from it at the same time. "Let me just be here and be a powerful person but I don't want to feel or participate too much in it because it hurts too much and then I will get sucked down."
[When] you are not afraid of feeling and you are moving past judgment and you are allowing yourself to feel all the ways that you feel and you move through it, you will come to a tremendous breakthrough because you will be able to ride feeling into other realities.
[Some of you] are afraid to feel in this reality so you will not even participate in this reality, let alone ride into other realities.
If you wish to have an acceleration, dive into something that brings up feeling. Stop skirting the issue so that you can think you are in control. Dive in the middle then see if you are in control.
It's not that you don't know how to feel. You are afraid of your feelings. You don't know what to do with them when you have them. They bring up a sense of powerlessness within you. You associate feeling with, "Oh, no, I blew it." You have a boundary of belief system that when something comes up that is emotional, that brings pain or feeling or anger to you that that is not good. It is time to stop tip-toeing around things. Stop avoiding your
QUESTION: I have a fear that when I get into my emotions and let them flow that I will become less centered.
PLEIADIANS: Do you understand that because you have a fear of something it keeps you from experiencing it because you put up that wall that says, "If I go there it is bad." You put the brakes on so you don't go there. In actuality, sometimes the greatest thing is to simply say, "What the heck, I will go there." Then deal with being there while you are there and not worrying about being centered while you are in the feeling center.
That is wanting to take control into that situation again. Of course, you will strive to be centered within the feeling center. But if you intend to go into the feeling center and always just be centered, you are not giving yourself the range of movement that is needed to ride the emotions that knock down boundaries and belief systems. You can make an intention to go into the feeling center and that you learn how to be centered there while you explore all of the opportunities of the feeling center. Not to say, "And I am going to be centered there." Then it sounds as if you won't allow yourself any movement within it.
Strive to have eventually a centeredness. A centeredness does not mean that things don't fluctuate. It means that you allow things to fluctuate. When the you allow things to fluctuate. When the boat is ready to tip over or when it is calm water, you allow it. You ride it. Then you get out of the event, whatever the ride was, a calm ride or a rough ride.
Anger serves a purpose. All of you want to get finished with it. You want to sweep it under the rug. You want to act as if it is no good. You act as if it is rotten vegetables. Throw it out. Bury it back in the garden. There is no purpose to it.
What we are intending to emphasize is that there is a purpose to fear and there is a purpose to anger. If people would allow themselves to express, to experience their fears, which may lead to the expression of anger, they would learn something. Those of you who want desperately to avoid fear and anger and make a huge issue not to confront it and who are really afraid of it, you have something great to learn through these techniques and you are simply afraid to experience it.
Most of the time you are wanting to be accepted. You feel, "No one will like me if I do this or if I feel this way." And you don't give yourself permission to have certain feelings. That is where the anger comes from. You make the anger because you make the judgments
about what you can and cannot do.
If you do not give yourself permission to feel, you cannot learn. You can have good things in your life if you do not feel. It is not a very fulfilling existence. Feeling connects you with life.
We will say to you, enjoy yourselves during this time of transition. There are many wonderful discoveries to be had. We trust that you will gather all of them for yourself.
I wonder how valid of this source ? Can we understand our emotions while experimenting them (without distance) ? Comments ?
This topic could seem too simple, but we have to control the expressions of negative emotions, don't we ? So supervising/controling is/could sometimes be in conflict with the necessity of experimenting ?
jsf said:
So supervising/controling is/could sometimes be in conflict with the necessity of experimenting ?
by letting your negative emotions control your behaviour you are being lead by your motor centre. you can experiment in being more animal-like but it is unlikely to produce positive results. see this thread 'depression as a stepping stone' http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=2832.
this is from mouravieff's Gnosis II.
How can we awaken the emotional centre and then develop it? The answer is simple: by mastering negative emotions and transmuting them into positive emotions.
it is hard but doing anything converse to this isn't productively awakening and developing the emotional centre. OSIT
Jsf, which book is this from? There are several Pleiadian book by Marciniak, but none called "The Pleiadian Book" published in the USA. I ask because there are comments out there on the web from several who say that Marciniak grew "spoiled" by the success of her early books -- a self-important attitude that must surely affect her work if we consider that the motivations and degree of polarization of the channeler determines, in part, the kind of contact they can make.
AdPop said:
Jsf, which book is this from? There are several Pleiadian book by Marciniak, but none called "The Pleiadian Book" published in the USA. I ask because there are comments out there on the web from several who say that Marciniak grew "spoiled" by the success of her early books -- a self-important attitude that must surely affect her work if we consider that the motivations and degree of polarization of the channeler determines, in part, the kind of contact they can make.
Hi AdPop,

The book you are asking is: Bringers of the Dawn.
A friend sent it to me, it's a 17-pages ebook, I also don't know if there is a published version but I read the same Pleiadian answers in Bringers of the Dawn.
I once had a dream that was frightening. In the dream I realized being frightened while trying to run away from the monster flying towards me was not beneficial, so in the dream I consciously turned off my fright. I wonder if this was the right thing to do, because if it isn't then I can purposely create fearful experiences in my life, will those help me in any way? Heres a thought I just had. In our subconscious is stored memories. Perhaps these memories can be released and remembered when an emotion similar to the emotion of the memory is felt. For example, if there was a method to quantize fear on a scale of 1-10 and I had a suppressed fearful memory of say a 9 and then I had a dream that was equally fearful, do you think the suppressed memory could be awakened and transmuted? I'm sure its much more complex than that, but I think there is something to this.
"trust your feelings no matter what they [are]"

this part is a bit suspect, leads me to doubt the validity of the source. i don't know if anybody else gets this, but sometimes i'll be contemplating something, quite lost in my train of thought, when out of nowhere i'm overwhelmed by this feeling of guilt, like i've done something terribly wrong, but suddenly i can't for the life of me remember what i was thinking about. now, rather than trust this guilty feeling (once i've discerned that i don't actually have anything to feel guilty about), having read some cass transcripts i'm more inclined to see this as some form of external emotional manipulation - a distraction to throw me off my train of thought, as i was presumably going somewhere with it. i suppose a major lesson to take from this is to not get "lost" in a train of thought, but to remain ever vigilant.

emotions are about as subjective as can be, and while it is necessary to give each emotion its due, and not to suppress or deny them in any way, they still need to be observed and fine-tuned as well as felt. if you blindly trust all your emotions it can lead to a very warped view of reality indeed. emotion tempered by logic, knowledge and instinct - they all have to be brought into synch to together harmoniously
"trust your feelings no matter what they [are]"
I'm not really sure but the Pleadians could have meant to trust what your feelings tell you. If you are more conscious of yourself when you "let yourself go into the feeling" then the feeling can tell you to what degree you are subjective. After eventually centering yourself with 'active reasoning' you may be more able to "tune" yourself into being more objective about your subjective experience from the knowledge gained from the experience. It might be like in a carrier modulation where information is conveyed in "inexactitudes" or in the deviation from a center frequency.

•Amplitude modulation (AM), in which the voltage applied to the carrier is varied over time
•Frequency modulation (FM), in which the frequency of the carrier waveform is varied in small but meaningful amounts
•Phase modulation (PM), in which the natural flow of the alternating current waveform is delayed temporarily
Also reminds me of the "controlled abandon" of Castaneda:

A warrior is a hunter. He calculates everything. That's control. Once his calculations are over, he acts. He lets go. That's abandon. A warrior is not a leaf at the mercy of the wind. No one can push him; no one can make him do things against himself or against his better judgment. A warrior is tuned to survive, and he survives in the best of all possible fashions.”
tmsojo said:
emotions are about as subjective as can be, and while it is necessary to give each emotion its due, and not to suppress or deny them in any way, they still need to be observed and fine-tuned as well as felt. if you blindly trust all your emotions it can lead to a very warped view of reality indeed. emotion tempered by logic, knowledge and instinct - they all have to be brought into synch to together harmoniously
I think this is a really good point. Until we have Worked enough to understand the source and purpose of our 'feelings' - our emotions, then 'following them' seems to only lead us deeper into the 'matrix'; seems to only lead us further astray. fwiw

Kenlee, no offense intended at all, but I think you may be putting the cart before the horse with your explanation in this situation and that your examples are rather difficult to follow, and, at best, muddy the picture - but that could just be me. Perhaps I simply am missing your point.
anart said:
... Until we have Worked enough to understand the source and purpose of our 'feelings' - our emotions, then 'following them' seems to only lead us deeper into the 'matrix'; seems to only lead us further astray. fwiw
What Ken posted above is exactly relevant to what you are saying here: "working to understand the source and purpose of our "feelings"".

And that's the point. It's actually a pretty good description that may be recognized internally by those doing it, when you get on the right track. A tiny crack is noticed, and if vigilant, bootstraps to more, widening the gap, until you can start seeing the difference between feeling, chemically induced "emotions" by the body/brain, and sensing. The side-effect of this vigilant observation changes perception immensely.

Maybe I misunderstand what it is you might have misunderstood?
anart said:
Kenlee, no offense intended at all, but I think you may be putting the cart before the horse with your explanation in this situation and that your examples are rather difficult to follow, and, at best, muddy the picture - but that could just be me. Perhaps I simply am missing your point.
Well, basically my point is that we can allow ourselves to go with the emotion, let it pass thru us, and feel its effects. If we are conscious while doing this it can show us how it effects our thinking process (as well as how it effects us physically). But we can only allow it to take us so far. At some point we come back to ourselves and we can learn from it.
kenlee said:
Well, basically my point is that we can allow ourselves to go with the emotion, let it pass thru us, and feel its effects. If we are conscious while doing this it can show us how it effects our thinking process (as well as how it effects us physically). But we can only allow it to take us so far. At some point we come back to ourselves and we can learn from it.
I figured that's what you meant, and put this way, it makes so much more sense! (to me at least) =)

(it was the AM/FM/phase modulation threw me off a bit)
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