Stories from a Once-Was cowgirl

A nest of baby wrens is crying for food / their mama in the barn - the place with all the memories and smells and energetic imprint of Vip, wrapped up in a little nest make mostly of his horsehair - wow - that is really going to trigger your instincts and your emotions, little babies crying, parts of your inner child are crying... it's very primal stuff.

Maybe the Universe is gently reminding you that life goes on, everything is connected, Vip's horsehair holding the nest together ... symbolic that life is intricately and intimately interwoven - everything is connected on some level... whether the spirit is here or in a density beyond, the cycles continue; new energies appear in our story to quietly teach us something, to hold a space with us, to support us, to facilitate deeper self awareness and learnings.

Perhaps the nest is a a gentle message to mother yourself now, you have spent decades mothering and loving Vip, we put a lot of love and energy into our 2D family and friends and into other people but often neglect ourselves. Maybe the Universe is saying you really need your energy for you now, you and Vip shared many beautiful experiences and supported one another massively, but perhaps Vip had done all he was supposed to do and it was important that you were liberated from caring for him because your life / focus needs to move in a different direction.

Your crying is so healthy and normal, there is nothing remotely foolish about it. As Alana said, you feel his loss deeply, it's natural. It has been a profound bond on so many levels (and probably a very strong psychic connection) and longer than many relationships/marriages last, so I would honestly be concerned if you were not having bouts of deep emotion. There will be endless reminders and triggers, and it takes as long as it takes. Just let it all rise up naturally so it can be released gradually in a healthy way, helping the pain to slowly shift, soften and transform.

You will likely find that Vip's passing is a massive catalyst for many deep emotional issues, connected to things you experienced throughout life, but also from when you were very young. You will notice even more acutely over time the many ways Vip was always there for you through all the highs and lows, it will take time to adjust to a new reality where Vip is connected energetically - just not through the comforting physical grounding presence that he always has been.

He loves you, he is with you, and I too feel he will be waiting for you on 'the other side'. Maybe then he will explain why he had trouble with 'cuddling' and how much he appreciated that you never forced the issue, that you just loved and accepted him as he was. He has quite a 'wild' essence in his frequency, a part of him that would never be tamed - I think there is a very good reason for this, maybe some genetic stuff but maybe some mistreatment that traumatised him before he came into your loving care. Perhaps he is also energetically a reflection of you to some degree, the parts of you that can only get so close, the parts of you that need space, parts of your nature you won't change or surrender to anyone - maybe that's why you understood him so well.

Our 'inner wild' is what keeps us alert and alive - so stay wild, cowgirl.
One day you will both run free and wild together again 🐎
So sorry for your loss, @pinkfreud and thank you for sharing your journey with VIP. He was cavalier to the end and a great teacher.

When my mom lost her horse, I remember her crying for days. She had rescued him from an abusive owner and he was with us for nearly 20 years. It’s not easy losing such a long time friend.

All the signs agree with you, @forest_light. Thank you for the agreement/ alignment.

I thought the same about the baby birds. And I’m ok with crying. A bit of tarot on the brain (like when the same cards keep coming up), I’m thinking Fool like initiate. Or like how even after I become familiar with process, the next wave feels brand new. Maybe it just helps to imagine myself in a silly hat 😋
I’ve also been getting a lot of “the hanged man,” reminding me to pause and rest.
And lots of other signs saying “change is here.”
Anyway, what you said resonated, and your outside perspective lends creedance.

Honestly, you guys have been just so nice and your words so beautiful and soothing for me. My gratitude for always 🙏

I’ve gotten shy about bringing up what’s bumming me out, especially in a large forum, but I feel your support. And it’s really beautiful.
My deepest condolences for the loss of your horse.🌷 Your heartfelt message moved me deeply and brought tears to my eyes. You are so lucky to have had the chance to share this friendship. It is something I have always wished; I love horses and I would love to live on a ranch. Your descriptions are so vivid that I could almost see like a movie all those wonderful moments you have shared with him. Don't be shy, it is a terrible moment to be alone and all those beautiful memories are worth sharing.
It would seem our birthday is the same day! 😉
I am sorry for your loss, Vip sounds like a lovely companion, and a beautiful influence to have lived with and grown up with.

May Vip find rest and peace, and I hope you're able to find some peace as well, big hug!
@pinkfreud, really sorry for your loss and can empathise with your feelings right now. We've had our share of pets passing away, who seemingly take a part of you away forever and you are never quite the same person again. You have given VIP a good send-off and I am sure he is out there enjoying, running wild with other horses and also, looking over you. Take the time to comfort yourself and allow the emotions to express themselves freely. Big hugs:hug::hug2:
My deepest condolences for the loss of your horse.🌷 Your heartfelt message moved me deeply and brought tears to my eyes. You are so lucky to have had the chance to share this friendship. It is something I have always wished; I love horses and I would love to live on a ranch. Your descriptions are so vivid that I could almost see like a movie all those wonderful moments you have shared with him. Don't be shy, it is a terrible moment to be alone and all those beautiful memories are worth sharing.
It would seem our birthday is the same day! 😉
Happy belated birthday, meadow_wind!
pinkfreud, thank you very much for sharing the story of Vip and you. So beautiful and moving ❤️ I know very little about horses, have never properly met one, though we love looking from a distance at the horses in people's paddocks around where I live. I didn't know they lived so long. I've read about people's connection with their horses but never really understood, though maybe I understand a bit more after having read your thread.. Sounds like you had an amazing journey together in this life! Deepest condolences :hug2:
I am moved by your story and deeply sorry for your loss @pinkfreud 😢.

I know only too well that feeling of losing a 2D loved one you have known for decades. The void is truly horrible, and while the pain does lessen in time, it never fully leaves you. The memories you have of them can be both a comfort and a curse.

Personally the only way I cope is in the knowledge that these much-loved companions of ours now exist in another reality and that we can have a glorious reunion with them again someday. 🙏
Pinkfreud, thank you very much for sharing your story and photos of VIP. He is so beautiful! Sincere condolences to you.
You two spent so many years of life together. So good that you were there with him, comforting him at the end. 🙏
I can tell you two love each other very much. He is on his way to new adventures, until you two meet again. :hug2:
As soon as I started reading your beautiful and heartfelt tribute to your soul mate VIP my throat tightenend and tears fell immediately. VIP is such a spiritual companion, your lives being intertwined for so many years. But to let him go when you felt it time was the kindest act you could have done for him. I am sure he appreciates his new found freedom.
What a graceful parting for both of you - though never forever.
It was always my dream from a child to have the right environment for a happy horse, I live in hope at 68! I used to ride a beautiful Arab chestnut horse in the stables in Germany. Donated as a foal by the queen. She was 22 and the oldest horse in the stables. So thanks to your loving nurturing VIP and you managed many special years and fond memories together.
Thank you so much for sharing VIP with us and allowing us a chance to share your special times together. It is really - naturally - very touching and a lovely way to feel his beautiful soul.
It is my daughters dream to have a sanctuary for horses (she has had a New Forest pony since a foal). I pray her dream comes true.
Thanks to you, VIP never needed that. You were his sanctuary.
Wishing you happiness and inner strength on your birthday. Such profound and meaningful meditations that you have been having too.
Big hugs hon and blessings to you and VIP xxxx
@happyliza Im so happy you’ve had the experience of riding an Arabian!

When I got VIP, I was working at an Arabian breeding stable (about half of the horses were fancy Arabs, and the other half were various types whose owners boarded there.)

They are a special breed - so delicate and fine. Just gorgeous.

And my first real best friend has gone on to adopt off the track thoroughbreds (similar to your daughter’s aspirations 🥰.)

I am telling Vip about you right now. If he can find you, maybe he will take you for a ride in your dreams 💗
I found some photos.. here is is, being a rockstar, a diva, wild, and so gentle when my daughter was little. She loved to feed him grass and he was always so careful not to bite her little fingers.
Also some of his silly side, doing some impromptu yard work, and trying to remove his fly mask without opposable thumbs 😆

Oh he was a good boy. Feeling so blessed.


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@happyliza Im so happy you’ve had the experience of riding an Arabian!

When I got VIP, I was working at an Arabian breeding stable (about half of the horses were fancy Arabs, and the other half were various types whose owners boarded there.)

They are a special breed - so delicate and fine. Just gorgeous.

And my first real best friend has gone on to adopt off the track thoroughbreds (similar to your daughter’s aspirations 🥰.)

I am telling Vip about you right now. If he can find you, maybe he will take you for a ride in your dreams 💗
Yes Arabians are my fave breed. They are so graceful and elegant. But i love the spirituality and love of all breeds really. Especially how horses are fantastic non verbal communicators and tactile healers for people with psychological problems.
I also love the natural practice of horse whispering which thankfully is gaining more traction now.
I shared your tribute with my daughter Amelia. We are both going through very traumatic time atm. Both traumas involve destroying and stealing everything we own and have worked for! Mine i will relate another time.
However, simultaneously in Amelie's case the 5 interns she employed in her international online music business (sync media - she supplied the sound tracks for Scorcese's daughter's last film) colluded together with the ringleader Skye, a Cypriot, taking over her entire business, mobile, everything digital. They have all her intellectual property, clients, everything. Plus spreading vicious untrue lies to her clients who they then stole. They started their own company from everything, and all the hard grind she had put in over many years. So she will have to close her company soon and has lost all her income.
Police using digital forensic experts are helping her but spirit informed me they will not be able to collate enough evidence to prosecute sadly.
So evil and incredible that 5 random interns 100% could collude with not one have an iota of conscience.
Anyway, I explained the above because we were able to chat via her new phone eventually yesterday. She told me about her first day in a new job she had to quickly get so she cld pay her rent - it is with horses!
I am praying for her safety but my pint sized Amelia is now working with some fun people at a racehorse stables. Between them they have to look after and exercise over 150 top racehorses!
I did warn her that spiritual peeps should try to avoid high risk sports but realized this is just what she needs to heal and recover. Her love of horses and the 6am to 6pm long hours with sleeps in between and free meal will help distract her with her fave animals and being in nature. She also has to attend the race meets with the horses.
I also reminded her of the awful treatment of racehorses by wealthy owners as aired in a panorama documentary i can never forget.
But it then occured to me that she is in the very environment and alongside the very wealthy owners who could actually fund her horse sanctuary :-)
A longshot i know but the universe does work in strange ways!
Plus the evening before she started the job she saw and heard from my dad in spirit.
This is what she sent me:

I had a dream last night I saw GPA. He looked a bit younger and had glasses on. I walked round the corner and he was stood waiting for me. He said 'I'm here to take you out of this' then I woke up. Think it was situation related.

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