A nest of baby wrens is crying for food / their mama in the barn - the place with all the memories and smells and energetic imprint of Vip, wrapped up in a little nest make mostly of his horsehair - wow - that is really going to trigger your instincts and your emotions, little babies crying, parts of your inner child are crying... it's very primal stuff.
Maybe the Universe is gently reminding you that life goes on, everything is connected, Vip's horsehair holding the nest together ... symbolic that life is intricately and intimately interwoven - everything is connected on some level... whether the spirit is here or in a density beyond, the cycles continue; new energies appear in our story to quietly teach us something, to hold a space with us, to support us, to facilitate deeper self awareness and learnings.
Perhaps the nest is a a gentle message to mother yourself now, you have spent decades mothering and loving Vip, we put a lot of love and energy into our 2D family and friends and into other people but often neglect ourselves. Maybe the Universe is saying you really need your energy for you now, you and Vip shared many beautiful experiences and supported one another massively, but perhaps Vip had done all he was supposed to do and it was important that you were liberated from caring for him because your life / focus needs to move in a different direction.
Your crying is so healthy and normal, there is nothing remotely foolish about it. As Alana said, you feel his loss deeply, it's natural. It has been a profound bond on so many levels (and probably a very strong psychic connection) and longer than many relationships/marriages last, so I would honestly be concerned if you were not having bouts of deep emotion. There will be endless reminders and triggers, and it takes as long as it takes. Just let it all rise up naturally so it can be released gradually in a healthy way, helping the pain to slowly shift, soften and transform.
You will likely find that Vip's passing is a massive catalyst for many deep emotional issues, connected to things you experienced throughout life, but also from when you were very young. You will notice even more acutely over time the many ways Vip was always there for you through all the highs and lows, it will take time to adjust to a new reality where Vip is connected energetically - just not through the comforting physical grounding presence that he always has been.
He loves you, he is with you, and I too feel he will be waiting for you on 'the other side'. Maybe then he will explain why he had trouble with 'cuddling' and how much he appreciated that you never forced the issue, that you just loved and accepted him as he was. He has quite a 'wild' essence in his frequency, a part of him that would never be tamed - I think there is a very good reason for this, maybe some genetic stuff but maybe some mistreatment that traumatised him before he came into your loving care. Perhaps he is also energetically a reflection of you to some degree, the parts of you that can only get so close, the parts of you that need space, parts of your nature you won't change or surrender to anyone - maybe that's why you understood him so well.
Our 'inner wild' is what keeps us alert and alive - so stay wild, cowgirl.
One day you will both run free and wild together again
Maybe the Universe is gently reminding you that life goes on, everything is connected, Vip's horsehair holding the nest together ... symbolic that life is intricately and intimately interwoven - everything is connected on some level... whether the spirit is here or in a density beyond, the cycles continue; new energies appear in our story to quietly teach us something, to hold a space with us, to support us, to facilitate deeper self awareness and learnings.
Perhaps the nest is a a gentle message to mother yourself now, you have spent decades mothering and loving Vip, we put a lot of love and energy into our 2D family and friends and into other people but often neglect ourselves. Maybe the Universe is saying you really need your energy for you now, you and Vip shared many beautiful experiences and supported one another massively, but perhaps Vip had done all he was supposed to do and it was important that you were liberated from caring for him because your life / focus needs to move in a different direction.
Your crying is so healthy and normal, there is nothing remotely foolish about it. As Alana said, you feel his loss deeply, it's natural. It has been a profound bond on so many levels (and probably a very strong psychic connection) and longer than many relationships/marriages last, so I would honestly be concerned if you were not having bouts of deep emotion. There will be endless reminders and triggers, and it takes as long as it takes. Just let it all rise up naturally so it can be released gradually in a healthy way, helping the pain to slowly shift, soften and transform.
You will likely find that Vip's passing is a massive catalyst for many deep emotional issues, connected to things you experienced throughout life, but also from when you were very young. You will notice even more acutely over time the many ways Vip was always there for you through all the highs and lows, it will take time to adjust to a new reality where Vip is connected energetically - just not through the comforting physical grounding presence that he always has been.
He loves you, he is with you, and I too feel he will be waiting for you on 'the other side'. Maybe then he will explain why he had trouble with 'cuddling' and how much he appreciated that you never forced the issue, that you just loved and accepted him as he was. He has quite a 'wild' essence in his frequency, a part of him that would never be tamed - I think there is a very good reason for this, maybe some genetic stuff but maybe some mistreatment that traumatised him before he came into your loving care. Perhaps he is also energetically a reflection of you to some degree, the parts of you that can only get so close, the parts of you that need space, parts of your nature you won't change or surrender to anyone - maybe that's why you understood him so well.
Our 'inner wild' is what keeps us alert and alive - so stay wild, cowgirl.
One day you will both run free and wild together again