Straight from the Illuminati's mouth?


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
What do you all think of this? It's a compilation of a thread that I think originally appeared on the generally chaotic and barely readable Godlike Productions forum. Someone who claims to be an actual member of a ruling bloodline family answers questions from posters for a couple of days (and calls it his duty, claiming he was directed to do so by higher beings). I sure know that there have been obvious posers who've done similar in the past, but I thought this was quite an interesting read nonetheless. Wish the questions had been better.

This link should work, but if it doesn't, navigate to topic
"The Dream Expedition >> Spiritual >> Definitely Worth the Read"

You are right, it is interesting reading. Seems like a much more sophisticated disinfo campaign at first glance. A lot of truth in there with a few crucial twists (e.g., don't focus on current events, thinking about bad outcomes will make them happen). Some contradictions, too, I think.

I look forward to your Channel Watch analysis on this one!
Just reading the first part of the link, here is something that struck me off the bat:

After admitting that "peak oil" is a scam the "Insider" punctuates that statement with this one.

Understand that "bloodlines" have been chosen to rule, it didn΄t just appear out of air.
The souls which incarnate into these bloodlines who rule are picked by Divine Law.
Other things don΄t have to be mentioned.
It struck me as interesting that I felt a kind of "wow, this guy is admitting things about peak oil", and before I could assess that reflex reaction, I found myself reading the next line, the one above. The "wow" still hadn't faded from my awareness and was latching its energy onto the statement that these people are "picked by Divine Law" (in capitals no less).

We know these elitists are psychopaths, and yet I felt a minor pressure to ignore that in the face of the bold statement because the aknowledgement of psychopathy generated dissonance with it: How could Divine Law choose psychopaths?

It makes sense to me why so many have attacked this forum by trying to downplay the role of Ponerology and emphasize occult variables. When one is well versed in the ins and outs of psychopathy, the whole "we have been chosen" or "we have powers you cannot imagine" house of cards topples as nothing by psychopathic bully tactics.
Hi Esoquest -- yeah, I found the thrust of the communication to be, "you proles are so much more clueless than you even think," which, of course pushes toward feelings of pessimism. Pessimism seems particularly dangerous because it means hopelessness, defeatism, self-disempowerment.

I was intrigued, though, by another major thrust of this communication, which echoed the C's famous contention that the "battle" is through us. I got this from the recurring statements that I interpreted basically as "know yourself" and "work on yourself" and "it's all inside you." Yes, they were twisted to imply what so many more clearly disinformational sources (OpTerra comes to mind, for example) do, which is, "cut yourself off, remain distant and uninvolved," when, at least for some, involvement and DOing may be the very best way to confront the self, get to know the self, overcome fear, etc.

Session 950311:
Q: (L) The battle was in us?
A: Through you.

Hi Donald, I think this could qualify as new-age cointelpro maybe worthy of dissection, but it would have to go way back in the queue -- there are so many of these things to look at, it's just astonishing and overwhelming! Working now on Channel Watch installments for two dudes who have allegedly 6D sources: Wynn Free and David Wilcock.
Where do you find all this stuff? ;) I do think it is worthy of dissection because it is a more sophisticated new-age Cointelpro op. Look at how he quickly dismisses Icke. That boy may have outlived his usefulness, but then looking at the dumb questions from GLP, maybe not.

Speaking of that, if some super-elite consortium/quorum dude want to reveal himself, I say let him do it here! We could come up with a lot better questions.

I also agree with EQ about the pattern of the guy "revealing" some truth, making you go 'Wow' then he slips in a misdirection or lie.

AdPop said:
Hi Donald, I think this could qualify as new-age cointelpro maybe worthy of dissection, but it would have to go way back in the queue -- there are so many of these things to look at, it's just astonishing and overwhelming! Working now on Channel Watch installments for two dudes who have allegedly 6D sources: Wynn Free and David Wilcock.
AdPop said:
I was intrigued, though, by another major thrust of this communication, which echoed the C's famous contention that the "battle" is through us. I got this from the recurring statements that I interpreted basically as "know yourself" and "work on yourself" and "it's all inside you." Yes, they were twisted to imply what so many more clearly disinformational sources (OpTerra comes to mind, for example) do, which is, "cut yourself off, remain distant and uninvolved," when, at least for some, involvement and DOing may be the very best way to confront the self, get to know the self, overcome fear, etc.
My first post was a first impression from skimming through the information, just reading the first few paragraphs to get a sense of it. My sense is that it is disinformation. Upon further reading, however, I realize that it is what you may call "high level" disinformation, and I even have suspicions of that.

I agree that this is an excellent topic for the Channel Watch series. Maybe it's "too advanced", with other layers or types of disinfo that need to be addressed first. Then again, if this person did present himself here, I think the degree of scratching might be uncomfortable for him.

My original assessment, was and is still based on a perception of arrogance. I think this person can easily be for real, and I think he believes in most of what he says. He may be someone posing as a "bloodliner", but he is stating much of what true bloodliners believe.

It's interesting that my original impression was that he was undeniably legitimate, but the more I think on it, the more I am doubting this.

And I think his views are twisted in ways that are subtle that even quite discerning individuals would find hard to detect. Interestingly enough, his revelations are based on a few postings on a forum with limited outreach, which I think was designed to send out a vibration, not to really spread the word literally. So if this is an impostor, the disinfo program has done a lot of rethinking regarding its strategies. If the person is real, understanding his motives may require a blending of understanding psychopathy, and thinking outside the box.

So I think this is a very subtle vibration compared to the more blatant forms of disinformation, although this person's self-importance cannot help but bleed through everything he says. I think he is trying to head off certain developments by presenting truths, and weaving them with the products of his arrogance, emphasizing the earth as a prison, as humans belonging elsewhere, and the role of his kind as a divine one (although allegedly "neutral").

He actually acknowledges, just as some on this forum have, including myself, that there is energy behind the written and spoken word that goes beyond the content communicated. Perhaps he reads this forum.

What truths he does reveal I think are things he and his kind know will be understood anyway, as awareness is being raised. So I think he is trying to mark these understandings, and taint them in ways most people would find hard to discern, simply because disinfo goes so deep.

One thing I did notice is the limits of his understanding, which I am convinced are real limits and not deceptions. These are defined by his practically relaxed arrogance (I am talking as if this person is male because he comes off as such). To understand these people, we need to have our feet in both worlds firmly planted, that of the box, and that outside the box, and that is not easy.

Let's take the perspective that he is what he says he is.

From the inside the box perspective, these people are psychopaths, and when reading the person's message, that should be kept in mind. From the outside the box perspective, these people have bred their lines to increase what we call psychic abilities of the sorts psychopaths would find useful. This implies that although a "bloodliner" can become more "psychic", their sense of truth can actually diminish because of the connection between the psychic and the psychotic.

So they may have true sense, but that sense is feeding a false understanding, even though the false understanding is a patchwork of truisms. One of the senses these "bloodliners" have developed is a kind of psychic barometer guaging the awareness potential of humanity. They cannot pinpoint groups raising awareness (aside from what their disinfo employees reveal), but they can sense such groups exist, and can sense the effect of their energies on their own plans.

Their primarly goal, IMO, is not so much to directly disinform in the sense that has been examined so far on this forum, but to channel truth potential away from the point they truly fear it will go. "Insider" has hinted a bit about this when referring to depopulation programs as being something other than what people think they are.

He uses truisms, but weaves them together to support a greater illusion. And behind that illusion is the place where the "bloodliners" are deceiving themselves. The heart of their psychopathic arrogance. Even so, the psychopath cannot help but hint at his own fears, the challenges to his arrogance. "Insider" seems to give a few subtle hints regarding the redundantcy of his kind (that we are far more capable of being free of them than we know), juxtopposed with the proclamation that if they did not exist, humanity would have destroyed itself.

The concept of prison I think is part of the facade here, and it refers to the bulk of humanity, but also to the "caretakers" themselves (a term from Bramley's: Gods of Eden) that are really as much imprisoned as anyone else. A more accurate view, I think, would be from Marciniak's terminology where the Pleadian's say that this planet is under quarantine. That what is happening here needs to happen in isolation. "Insider" claims that we do not belong here. That may also be a generalization that truly refers to his own kind, although I think a portion of the bulk of humanity shares this sense of not belonging here.

At the same time, he expresses that resolving the issues we encounter here resolves them once and for all, and further waves of souls will not need to "start from scratch". I share this view.

Anyway, I just wanted to make a few general observations. I think "Insider's" presentation was disinformation, but not necessarily of the conventional new-age cointelpro variety. This one is full of truisms weaved in a particular way and centered on the arrogance of the presenter. It's, therefore, a form of disinformation where the informant is enamoured by his beliefs because they sustain his importance, and so he does not hesitate to "tell it like it is". Beyond the vision founded on arrogance is the truth where the psychopath's very existence is threatened.

Again, so as not to be too convoluted here, the key to reading "Insider's" text is to remember, whether he is what he says or not, that this is a psychopath speaking, and one quite sure of himself.
Nice post, Eso. Well, even though you're making only "general observations," you've done the hardest part of dissection already! Maybe we can get this thread moved over to New Age COINTELPRO, or perhaps I'll start a new topic there with a lot of cutting and pasting from you and Don.

You wrote:
They cannot pinpoint groups raising awareness (aside from what their disinfo employees reveal), but they can sense such groups exist, and can sense the effect of their energies on their own plans.
Do you think this is really so? I'm asking because I've read at least four times (elsewhere) that come to mind that "higher sources" (even 4D STS) are imbued with Santa Claus powers -- that is, they have no trouble identifying anyone in 3D, and they can sense levels of awareness, much as the C's say 6D can. If the bloodline PTB are in touch with these sources, they ought to know just who is pushing at the structure of the matrix and sensing the walls of the prison. Of course, it may be that what I've read is disinfo, too, attributing an only-wished-for power to 4D STS just to enlarge their fearsomeness, and the matrix merely may be something that is more "mechanical" and "automatic" in its responses, as some other sources suggest. What do you think?
If you start a new thread, I'll be happy to cut and paste.

AdPop said:
EQ said:
They cannot pinpoint groups raising awareness (aside from what their disinfo employees reveal), but they can sense such groups exist, and can sense the effect of their energies on their own plans.
Do you think this is really so? I'm asking because I've read at least four times (elsewhere) that come to mind that "higher sources" (even 4D STS) are imbued with Santa Claus powers -- that is, they have no trouble identifying anyone in 3D, and they can sense levels of awareness, much as the C's say 6D can. If the bloodline PTB are in touch with these sources, they ought to know just who is pushing at the structure of the matrix and sensing the walls of the prison.
Actually, I do believe this is so. Here is my take on the matter:

What 4D STS does is inspire its minions to go searching for probable sources that disrupt their activities. If the sources are not encountered by someone looking for them, and do not openly disclose their activities, they cannot be pinpointed. In addition, if one is free of self importance regarding their level of awareness, human minions cannot sense it or cannot be sure of what they sense. Lack of self importance confuses them because it does not resonate with STS.

One does not have to be a saint here, or even worry about having an "ego". The attitude is just to be honest with oneself and do what's right as the natural thing to do, in the same manner one considers basic STS activities like feeding oneself natural. If one has that attitude, one cannot stick out as an individual for STS seekers.

Interdimensional STS has a different sense of space and time than 3D. They CAN do everything you say from their perspective. The thing is to transduce that perspective through 3D human channels. The exception is a very rare animal, a 4D STS being that is living in 3D who basically dwells in both worlds. This would be the fabled anti-christic type.

We have to remember, however, that there are differences between 3D STS and 4D STS, just as there are differences between animal versions of STS and human ones, where the latter can manifest evil. Paradoxically, the 3D human is far more healthy when aligned with 4D STO when the relationship is balanced (although there may be upheavals in attaining that balance if it can be attained). 3D/4D hybrids (dwellers of two worlds) of the STS variety can also be robust, healthy, empowered etc., but they require vast amounts of energy to sustain those capabilities.

They have insatiable appetites, in other words, and if not "properly" fed they cannot express their potential. What I would like to say is that although things on this planet are far from good, they are still not at the level where a 3D/4D being would find satisfactory. From what I observed, there were many hopefuls for 3D/4D STS type powers, and even at the beginning of this century they really thought they had it made.

They were feeding, but were still not where they wanted to be. When they fed enough, one of them would take charge to insure a satisfactory food supply to the 4D STS masters as well as themselves. Awareness, however, made a turnaround since then. The tide is not quite reversed, but things are not going where they want them to go either. So the Santa Clause powers are not quite up to snuff.

What you read is the typical propaganda of STS that is not quite disinfo. It is within the capabilities of STS to have those powers in 3D, but not under the current circumstances. Remember, knowledge does protect. It protects from being food, and if you are not food then that makes one less meal for STS, taking it one more step away from the power it craves.

Without that power, their abilities to seek and destroy are limited, and so are their abilities to generate events that can feed them, and even their abilities to create illusions. To create food you must expend energy (like an investment). Without proper "nourishment" 3D/4D hybrids cannot sustain 4D presence.

The link falters, and they end up being the same as any other human who cannot transduce 4D information into 3D understanding. We must not forget that unlike STO, which has an infinite energy supply and no such concerns (although this must balance with 3D STS to make a difference), 4D influences are guzzlers, and every tiny thing they do depletes their resources.

Of course, this is a little tid-bit that is not well advertised.

So you may want to consider that our "Insider" friend can be "looking" to see if somewhere he can sniff something out. Or he may just want to patch up the storyline so attempts to gain knowledge are corrupted by some of the little details he inserts into what can otherwise be taken as truth. Word gets around, and he may want his word to act as a kind of virus. It would be interesting to see if such presentations as "Insider's" continue.

Coincidentally, yesterday (which was the day after I posted my comments above, unless I'm mistaken, but it could be two days after), I lost access to SOTT, my hotmail account and another site I study ( This lasted for most of the day, and was a general cut-off not something that could be traced to me. There is probably a logical explanation as far as those things go. Still, it was felt as a strange coincidence.

The thing is that if you are identified (usually by people posing as your friends) you can be targeted. If you are part of a group, the group absorbs the brunt of any attack, and if you are alone the best bet is to relocate and then after time you can be free of the energies as you keep developing and learning. If these Santa Clause powers, however, were now at the level claimed, there would be no need for spying on everyone. Culprits would have been singled out and weeded from the crowd already.

This has been tried, but there is also so much of an intermixing of bloodlines in the populous that they cannot read genetic energies as they once could. What remains is to follow mundane methods of seeking people, as occult ones are too costly. Regarding the "mechanicalness" of the matrix, I think all that depends on how much energy is feeding it, not just quantity but quality. It is not just how many are sacrifices, but who is sacrificed that also matters.

Those with the most knowledge would provide the most energy if they could be taken. But those with the most knowledge are the hardest to take. The matrix is like any organic entity in STS. The more it is nourished the more things it can do, and the more it acts "intelligent". The less it is nourished, the more "mechanical" it becomes until it just falls apart and people can see through the holes. We can see this beginning to occur already. We have a ways to go, but I think it is safe to say 4D STS is already way behind schedule.
Alright, a lot to think about there, though I think there may have been some misunderstanding. If I may reduce one of my run-on sentences, it proposes, "Higher sources can sense levels of awareness." EsoQuest wrote:
What you read is the typical propaganda of STS that is not quite disinfo. It is within the capabilities of STS to have those powers in 3D, but not under the current circumstances.
I was was not attributing such powers to 3D of any sort, but to 4D STS. I was tying that to the C's statement that 3D entities could be in direct, conscious communication with 4D STS (Hitler was an example they gave). Also, if I interpreted Insider correctly, he seemed to suggest/confirm the reality of direct, conscious interaction by bloodliners (or particular bloodliners) with what he called "higher beings." So, the critical information could be passed from 4D to 3D this way.

Now, we believe that virtually all of the "visible" and "public" PTB are directed unconsciously only, acting as a buffer between the world at large and the hidden oligarchy. However, I've never held to any belief that the same is true for that oligarchy, those "invisible" men behind the curtain.
If these Santa Clause powers, however, were now at the level claimed, there would be no need for spying on everyone.
As I see it, maybe true, maybe not. The unconsciously directed 3D STS may be carrying out all of this spying for a variety of reasons, not the least of which might be that it is an activity intended to be known to a certain extent, for the purpose of heightening fear, preventing overt and hard-to-manage resistance among the populace, and even as an elaborate cover for what real powers may exist, etc. I don't think any of this is inconsistent with the idea/belief that knowledge still protects -- in fact, I think it may protect in ways that we aren't even close to understanding.
I think it is safe to say 4D STS is already way behind schedule.
That's what we predominantly keep hearing, from sources of every kind.
AdPop said:
What do you all think of this? It's a compilation of a thread that I think originally appeared on the generally chaotic and barely readable Godlike Productions forum. Someone who claims to be an actual member of a ruling bloodline family answers questions from posters for a couple of days (and calls it his duty, claiming he was directed to do so by higher beings). I sure know that there have been obvious posers who've done similar in the past, but I thought this was quite an interesting read nonetheless. Wish the questions had been better.

This link should work, but if it doesn't, navigate to topic
"The Dream Expedition >> Spiritual >> Definitely Worth the Read"
Confusing format - hard to tell who was saying what. Isn't thinking you're "chosen" or "special", STS?
<< Confusing format - hard to tell who was saying what. >>

Yeah, whomever pasted from the original posts on another forum (posts that are now largely missing) didn't take the time to format.

<< Isn't thinking you're "chosen" or "special", STS? >>

Yes, but what do you think might be nuggets of "new" truth or cleverly presented disinformation?
AdPop said:
I was was not attributing such powers to 3D of any sort, but to 4D STS. I was tying that to the C's statement that 3D entities could be in direct, conscious communication with 4D STS (Hitler was an example they gave). Also, if I interpreted Insider correctly, he seemed to suggest/confirm the reality of direct, conscious interaction by bloodliners (or particular bloodliners) with what he called "higher beings." So, the critical information could be passed from 4D to 3D this way.
The thing is 4D STS uses 3D media (people for the most part) to affect 3D. Spotting a person from 4D is, furthermore, different than "spotting" them from 3D. Space and time have different expressions in 4D than in 3D, and humans register differently as do geographic locations. Sure they can pinpoint anyone from 4D, and they can transmit it, but can they express it in terms a 3D minion will understand and translate into 3D coordinates?

The second question is: if they detected a threat, whould they act to neutralize it? Evidence shows that if a 4D STS fingers you, you are surrounded by portals of attack, which act in an automatic manner. Why not just alert a sorcerer to deal with the problem, if it IS a problem? Either that is beyond the capacity of those having a conscious connection with 4D or we do not matter to them. If we do not matter to them, why is Insider even taking the trouble to post? It would seem that the view that 3D black sorcerers have Santa Clause powers would lead to the conclusion that Insider is indeed sincere.

On the other hand, these people are all looking for treasures of an occult nature. There is a lot of crypto-archeology going on. Now why don't they just get the locations of these artifacts from their masters?

AdPop said:
Now, we believe that virtually all of the "visible" and "public" PTB are directed unconsciously only, acting as a buffer between the world at large and the hidden oligarchy. However, I've never held to any belief that the same is true for that oligarchy, those "invisible" men behind the curtain.
I think they maintain a conscious connection with 4D STS, and not only them. My point is that many of their alleged powers are overestimated, and it suites them to do this. That is why there are constant attacks on this forum targeting understandings that scale these psychopaths down from their pedestals, such as Ponerology. And Insider does tend to portray a veritable mythic image of his kind.

AdPop said:
As I see it, maybe true, maybe not. The unconsciously directed 3D STS may be carrying out all of this spying for a variety of reasons, not the least of which might be that it is an activity intended to be known to a certain extent, for the purpose of heightening fear, preventing overt and hard-to-manage resistance among the populace, and even as an elaborate cover for what real powers may exist, etc. I don't think any of this is inconsistent with the idea/belief that knowledge still protects -- in fact, I think it may protect in ways that we aren't even close to understanding.
Knowledge protect, among other ways, by providing a truer perspective regarding the Santa Clause powers of these dark sorcerers. And many people have had "accidents" without the PTB lifting a finger. When you consider that knowledge protects, then you affirm that knowledge is a truth that substitutes a falshood. Those who fall prey to 4D or 3D STS simply take their story-line for granted or are completely in denial of the existence of these adverse influences.

I am not saying that their powers do not exist. Only that they are exaggerated, and knowledge can reveal how that is so, as well as put us in a state where those abilities have no power over us.

AdPop said:
EQ said:
I think it is safe to say 4D STS is already way behind schedule.
That's what we predominantly keep hearing, from sources of every kind.
I base it on a lot of partying from minions in the '90's who really believed things would be going totally their way by the millenium, as well as certain virtual reality and other mind control programs passed off as entertainment that very quickly were withdrawn because of unwanted side-effects. As one STS scientist told me, the problem was that if a person was targeted with manipulation, it spilled over to those who were doing the targeting.

I think my statement is true, but that that truth is twisted by placing false causes behind it, such as "good" ET's.

The original link in this thread was broken so I posted this one. It's a PDF file, but I don't know how long it will be up.

Personally, I don't care if "Insider" is an Illuminati member or if he is some kind of renegade bloodliner whistleblower (haha, I don't know!), this document is pretty relevant for some of its core statements about the nature of Earth as a prison planet, spiritual development, etc.

I believe the C's and Insider share some key concepts, although the language of the Insider material is arguably darker and short.

Of course, the key difference is that the Insider is supposedly a human, even though he talks down on most everybody else.

Take it for what it is... and I believe it is not totally disinformation - in fact, I believe is mostly decent food for thought.
AdPop said:
<< Confusing format - hard to tell who was saying what. >>

Yeah, whomever pasted from the original posts on another forum (posts that are now largely missing) didn't take the time to format.

<< Isn't thinking you're "chosen" or "special", STS? >>

Yes, but what do you think might be nuggets of "new" truth or cleverly presented disinformation?

After reading what he said a bit more closely, there were some statements contradictory to the some of what the C's said about Jesus. According the C's they confirmed he was real, he was born approximately when we thought he was (perhaps 6 year earlier than the official date), and there were three (not 5) guys who visited him at his birth. They also mentioned something about an alien beacon/ship guiding those 3 men, as I recall.

He didn't seem to inspire fear or control, more confusion than anything else. And perhaps some negative emotions from those deep in the vortex of Christianity. Like stirring up an ant's nest. Or maybe a bear raiding a beehive. There were a lot of valid things said in there. Then again, the C's said sometimes the other side can be accurate when they choose to. Perhaps, like the C's mentioned about the Quorum, he's on that neutral boundary between STO and STS. He claimed neutrality, and pretty much stuck to that. The Bringers of the Dawn mentioned something about "double agents", and that this whole game is much more complex than we know.

Perhaps he's not our target audience. Perhaps he's trying to influence those who aren't quite along on the path. Maybe introduce some subtle errors in trajectories.

In the end, it's all up to each of us to discern the truth from lies.
I found this pretty interesting. The answers 'insider' gives are sufficiently complex and interesting that I suspect it's not just someone playing a hoax, whether or not he really is what is says he is however is another matter.

Someone earlier in this thread mentioned the Quorum, and that's what I got to thinking after reading it for a while, that this guy could a member. The C's described the Quorum as part STO and part STS, and were essentially the opposite of the Illuminati, with members of each group being plucked from the higher echelons of freemasonry. They also said the Quorum were in contact with the C's.
Bearing all this in mind, 'insiders' comments are intriguing. He seems to exhibit traits/beliefs of an STO and STS nature, some of the things he says even sound like things the C's would say, but in the next sentence he will go on about the importance of ritual, which is decidedly non-Cassiopaean.
I wonder. Perhaps the Quorum channel many different entities or groups and the C's are only one of them, and as a result, their beliefs resemble a mixture of all of this inspirational material combined.

The things he said also seem to indicate the traces of some kind of secret religion. Notice how he places immense importance on words and their 'correct' usage, even going as far as to suggest that merely uttering the wrong thing could set you back in the reincarnational cycle (which suggests that he follows an extremely strict kind of thought-code, potentially living in great fear of offending the "divine one" that he talks about. If one's only concern in this regard is that by uttering or thinking such things you could be made to experience another round on this planet, then it sounds like a pretty STS motivation to me). At the same time he's also saying that "If it was a "malicious" being guiding me, I would not be talking in the way I do.
Someone who is lead by "malicious" forces cannot utter/write certain words, phrases without it affecting him."
Well, that sounds like exactly what he is doing with regard to phrasing certain statements about "the one"! I wonder who the being who guides him really is.

Then there is the importance he relates to ritual. He suggests to a questioner at one point that simply by performing 2 rituals they would come to understand some fundamental aspect of the truth. Sounds like magickal thinking to me, and not a route to true knowledge.

He gives the impression, to me, of being an immensely sober and serious individual, with his whole life bound up in his beliefs. Interesting also that he uses the word "duty" often, with regard to how a human being should act. Somehow that seems like the opposite of the "Service" of the Cassiopaeans.
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