Strange Dream and item...


Padawan Learner
Something weird has happened just recently.

Last night I remember having a dream about driving down the road. A police officer pulled me over, but not for any violations. He seemed to be checking up on something.

Today I woke up normally, but found a strange black billed cap in my backseat. None of my family, nor I, ever remember purchasing such a hat. Last night, it wasn't there either. I am not sure what this could mean exactly. Any idea?
Here are some questions you can ask yourself about dream that were mentioned in previous threads about dreams:

When you re-experience the experiences in the dream, do they remind you of anything in life?

The setting, what does it feel like there? Does it remind you of anything in current life, any situation in life?

Who is policeman (tell me on the basis that I don’t know policemen), what is policemen like? What kind of personality? What does policemen mean to you? What kind of person might you consider policemen to be like?

What is policemen like in your dream? What is policemen doing in your dream?

Is there some part of you that is like policemen?

I hope it helps but i have some speculation that could be wrong like maybe this hat was something that someone wanted you to notice and this check was a real check and that hat needed to remind you about that, maybe like a warning, trying to scare you or something else? It's really strange!
I always lock my car.

May or may not be related to my first ticket I got about two months ago. At first, I felt somewhat scared in the dream. The policeman did not seem angry or anything, but rather was concentrated on what he was doing.
Later, the policeman felt like an associate. The police was talking to me, checking up on something, I am not sure what.

I don't really see much similarity in the policeman and myself, aside from the focused demeanor.

The hat is a billed black cap, but its wooly as if suited for colder weather. There is a tag inside that says "Made in China" nothing else really.
Well the cap must have come from somewhere! ;)

Has anyone else used the car recently? Are you the only driver? Any recent passengers? Any non routine trips?

It is entirely possible someone you know did leave the cap in there but you have just not noticed until now (things tend to roll around in cars...).
False alarm....

After speaking to my mother, turns out she picked up that very same cap a while ago when I was driving her around, but she put it under the backseat and didn't tell me about it.

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