Strange dreams

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I understand that it is not the left-hand or the right-hand that describes how one thinks or analyzes but that by using one hand over another different areas of the brain are activated resulting in differing patterns. These differing patterns are reflected in how one processes incoming/outgoing information. When I think about something I try to visualize the whole thing. If I am unable to adequately visualize the whole I am left with not being able to completely understand each individual part.

For example, when I was writing post #12 I was able to see how everything I wrote logically fit in with everything else such that it became for me one complete thought instead of a random stream. I could see the pattern of how it was connected such that it became in its entirety a complete picture in my mind's eye. Therefore after re-reading it several times to see if I could clarify anything such that it might be easier to understand, I made a few changes and submitted it. I didn't see a need to organize it differently because to me it WAS organized.

Adam said:
By understanding other people's thinking procces you first need to understand your own thinking procces,
do what I did, trow away everything get a pencil and some paper, write down all the names of all the people you have ever met and the good and bad experiences they gave you, try to write down all the strange dreams you had try to see if you see some pattern , analyse it observe it and then something will ''hit'' you and then you will ''see'' and then you won't have too open every door to see what is behind it, but instead you will be looking for the doors that actually do matter.
With regards to understanding my own thinking process, I feel like I have spent the majority of my life in doing so. Having a severe articulation disorder as a child has given me great cause to consistantly contemplate my thoughts prior to expressing them, therefore, from what I can perceive I know them very well. I seem to have more trouble in understanding the thought processes of others because my own particular pattern of thinking seems to be a bit different somehow.

Imagine being able to see within you everything you would like to write and then upon starting to type the entire thought changes. Though both are very similar (conceptually the same), the sets of ideas/words are in a different order such that you have to think more about what you have just written such that as a whole the entire thought you want to express is actually expressed. I have to edit, re-edit, edit, re-edit over and over and over again. It seems as though I am able to perceive the many different I's coming and going perturbing each complete thought that I have. It is exhausting. From the linear perspective my comments are a set of random thoughts. From my perspective it represents a complete thought.
Jedi General, Yeah you are right about all my seemingly random posts! I also only seem to make many new posts and not make many comments for anyone else. The reason being is that I wanted to learn as much as I could before making any comments. I don't want to cause someone else to end up making a decision based on what I said such that it somehow causes them to not continue their efforts. I'd rather have knowledge of The Work in its entirety. If so, any comments I make for someone else would not contradict their efforts! :)
seekingObjectivity said:
I understand that it is not the left-hand or the right-hand that describes how one thinks or analyzes but that by using one hand over another different areas of the brain are activated resulting in differing patterns. These differing patterns are reflected in how one processes incoming/outgoing information. When I think about something I try to visualize the whole thing. If I am unable to adequately visualize the whole I am left with not being able to completely understand each individual part.

For example, when I was writing post #12 I was able to see how everything I wrote logically fit in with everything else such that it became for me one complete thought instead of a random stream. I could see the pattern of how it was connected such that it became in its entirety a complete picture in my mind's eye. Therefore after re-reading it several times to see if I could clarify anything such that it might be easier to understand, I made a few changes and submitted it. I didn't see a need to organize it differently because to me it WAS organized.

With regards to understanding my own thinking process, I feel like I have spent the majority of my life in doing so. Having a severe articulation disorder as a child has given me great cause to consistantly contemplate my thoughts prior to expressing them, therefore, from what I can perceive I know them very well. I seem to have more trouble in understanding the thought processes of others because my own particular pattern of thinking seems to be a bit different somehow.

Imagine being able to see within you everything you would like to write and then upon starting to type the entire thought changes. Though both are very similar (conceptually the same), the sets of ideas/words are in a different order such that you have to think more about what you have just written such that as a whole the entire thought you want to express is actually expressed. I have to edit, re-edit, edit, re-edit over and over and over again. It seems as though I am able to perceive the many different I's coming and going perturbing each complete thought that I have. It is exhausting. From the linear perspective my comments are a set of random thoughts. From my perspective it represents a complete thought.
Its good that you saw how everything was connected, but did you realize aswell that you were looking at yourself from the ''outside'', ''it is the same thing like telling a guy very fast why brushing your teeth is bad for you because you had bad experiences with it, but you then don't take it into consideration that the guy you are telling this has never had this expierence because brushing your teeth is for that guy very normal and always has been normal so he does not understand why you are telling it all so fast and chaotic instead of step by step'' I know its a crappy example but I hope you get the point of what I am trying to say.

I can never feel or understand what you have been trough, but emotions can also lead us asstray , maybe because of your past you are still so focused on it that you are only seeing your own thoughts and because of that you can not understand how other people's thinking procces do work, maybe because you have been thinking so much about the pain you had that is has isolated you between 4 walls and like sleepyvinny said , looking at yourself from outside will also give yourself a different view, because of your posts and the amount of thoughts you put into them and if you reread them you started to see everything and how it was connected, you are somehow actually learning yourself right know how other people's thinking procces are working, because you are starting to look too yourself from the outside.

p.s my english is crappy so if you don't understand some parts I will try to explain them better
I suppose it might also be the same for me if one were to tell me how they processed their thoughts. For me, there are multiple variations I may choose from to express what I say that are equal to what I mean. It's sort of like describing the contents of a box to someone and having to consider which item within the box to choose first. After describing the first item I am faced with having to choose a second item and so and so on, but all the while being able to see all the contents in the box at once. It's like there is a "special" order or sequence of items I need to describe such that it does not appear chaotic or cluttered. And it is the same way when I read, I try not to make any assumptions until I have read the entire thought contained within the passage while at the same time forming a picture in my head of what I am reading. So that by the end I have captured the thought. If the passage were changed it would alter which part of the picture I formed first but by the end I still would have formed the same picture (assuming no assumptions :) ).
SeekingObjectivity, When reading through your posts, I've seen some striking similarities in the way we think...
For example:

S.O. said:
Imagine being able to see within you everything you would like to write and then upon starting to type the entire thought changes. Though both are very similar (conceptually the same), the sets of ideas/words are in a different order such that you have to think more about what you have just written such that as a whole the entire thought you want to express is actually expressed. I have to edit, re-edit, edit, re-edit over and over and over again. It seems as though I am able to perceive the many different I's coming and going perturbing each complete thought that I have. It is exhausting. From the linear perspective my comments are a set of random thoughts. From my perspective it represents a complete thought.
I could not have put it better myself, literally I mean.

Even though you have the skills to express in words what I often only keep in my head, from a reader’s point of view, your posts can become quite a test of endurance and understanding.

I too have the tendency to "stream" thoughts from my mind without enough consideration for the reader; so I have found reading this thread to be very useful.

On the one hand, I can see how hard it is to follow your explanations, so it gives me an insight into how readers may feel reading my own rambling posts. While on the other hand, I can work to apply the suggestions made by other forum members in relation to your method of writing/thinking to my own.

I hope you don't feel offended, I think the reason why your writing appears chaotic is because the way in which you make logical connections might appear solid to you, but seem unrelated and loose to other people.

I think you are making assumptions about how other people might “connect the pieces
Novelis, I appreciate your response. It really does help me to see how my assumptions were playing into the patterns that I thought everyone else could see. I had thought external consideration meant allowing others to form for themselves all the possible connections and not force a specific pattern. I felt that by forcing a particular connection onto another I was indirectly compromising their freewill to choose as they please. I had understood "external consideration" to be one that allows another to do as freewill will allow not being directed by an outside "force". As such, I thought that by doing so they were to do the same for me as well. Having attempted to consider my perspective and reaching the same conclusions that I had wanted to express then we would come to an understanding via "external consideration" as I perceived it to be. Thank you for clarifying that for me, that is what I wanted all along! But I didn't want to directly say it!

About your question, yeah you're probably right about "what could she do anyway?" and I suppose it could have been the same for me. But seeing as how you brought the topic up, I decided to go over everything that I had written and I found that I had unconsciously/inadvertantly said the following in quotes in relation to that (though I did keep in mind that it might merely a coincidence, but I did it anyway):

This, this, this adequate necessary original meaning flavors drinks "speak in code" direct external consideration (externally consider) mirror true see externally considering mirror-image see mirror banned time

Flying thud. Paralyzed. Raping radiate down under arms and legs. We're almost there. What are you doing? Shhh....I'm guiding you helping you. Jerked. Situated. manifest gone. They pass the time. Manifest end. cool middle fixed. UFO hide freeze deciding. push it away. pushed time. heard through to me hey shrunk jumped peel playing nice. playing time cover-up playing nice mother-of-preparedness. acting nice being nice big picture 'nice' action. source emotional analogs outside world response. response mechanism errors. reading instrument inversion cues shy path of least resistance. locally internal cause-and-effect satisfying nagging Why Mommy Why Why Why? just because locally internal causes and effects locally internal the unknown… locally internal-response cause and effect bank (locally internal and non-locally internal) Why outside other understanding (local-self, non-local self) hidden [?] unexplained in love time-frame reference… beginning hole-in-the-wall ….campus corner bad bar… maybe I really shouldn't be with her… “in love talking� outside projected… breaking the news… play time.. time spaced out.. “yeah, it looks like a face but you could probably make it anything….man get some sleep before you go crazy!� … baseline ripping… you finally made it…. paradise! waking measure cause and effect feels all encompassing universal view… causes and effects…. “I am always positive......lacking in spiritual knowledge.......incapable of objective interpretation.� data hint progress… take the reigns…. shifted happiness/peace of mind…. accumulated power linearly-caged reading instrument function logic successfully… survival-of-the-fittest[:] time time time, streaming flow of consciousness, time time time [ "linear sequential" "visual simultaneous" "analysis" "synthesis"; ba x pa, ba x wa, sa, sta quirky special (assuming no assumptions) ]

So it seems that it might have been possible that my ex's "feelings of love" were outside projected.......yeah, I know I could be making stuff up but it still makes me think.....could somebody help me out here? I need another's advice to help me remain objective [edit: subjectively objective as possible]!

[Edit: of course, not to mention all of the other information that had been implied by my sequence of quotations from "seemingly" random responses of has given me cause to think that there is some type of order in the randomness (or am I losing myself in my thoughts?)]
seekingobjectivity said:
About your question, yeah you're probably right about "what could she do anyway?" and I suppose it could have been the same for me. But seeing as how you brought the topic up, I decided to go over everything that I had written and I found that I had unconsciously/inadvertantly said the following in quotes in relation to that (though I did keep in mind that it might merely a coincidence, but I did it anyway):
Right… I must say this wasn’t the response I was expecting!
It’s true that after reading through your text, I picked up on the bits that apply to my own experiences, which I thought I could ask you about in order to see your perspective on the matter.

For the sake of making this simpler to examine, let’s think of the total sum of text you’ve provided in this thread as a “quarry

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