Strange light phenomena in the sky / 'shining moving clouds'

Windmill knight

FOTCM Member
I just came across this video of what appears to be a very strange natural (electric?) phenomenon in the clouds over Indiana. They are calling it Haarp but I don't think that's related.

Compare with this one from Singapour 2011:

And another from the same year:

Any ideas?
Clouds are collections of water droplets, one of their characteristics is that the implementers of electricity. This looks like the release of electricity within the clouds
Is it just me or do the clouds seem to remain "static"- that is they do not seem to be moving, changing shape the way clouds normally do? (I am referring to the 1st video)

The phenomenon does appear to be plasma like- I thought it looked almost like an aurora, so if real it may be something similar. Pretty weird looking, to be sure
Another thing I noticed was the description on the video's HAARP,UFO it's terrible, but people have no framework to put it into, mainstream science won't touch it, so what there left with is conspiracy theorist's interpretations, same as "Chemtrails" I suppose just another example of vectoring people awareness, I wish more people read the human cosmic connection :(
It reminds me of Sun's discharges shown when there's a coronal ejection, so yes, it looks like plasma.
mkrnhr said:
It could be also a focusing effect of sunlight through the clouds.

This occurred to me too, especially in the second video where you can clearly see arches being formed -- similar to the electromagnetic arches in the sun's corona. If it's not a direct observation of glowing plasma, it could be electric fields rearraning and re-orienting the droplets (or even geometric ice crystals) in the clouds. In both cases it is an indirect observation of what must be going on all the time in earth's atmosphere: lots of electric activity!
It reminds me of Sun's discharges shown when there's a coronal ejection, so yes, it looks like plasma.

Yes, I thought there was some similarity with that phenomenon also.

If it's not a direct observation of glowing plasma, it could be electric fields rearraning and re-orienting the droplets (or even geometric ice crystals) in the clouds. In both cases it is an indirect observation of what must be going on all the time in earth's atmosphere: lots of electric activity!

Yes indeed!

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