Strange noises over phones


The Living Force
I just found a number of youtube videos in which people have experienced phone calls with similar strange noises coming from the other end:

People in the comments say they've experienced this also, some several times, on land lines and on mobile phones. It seems usually the people on both sides of the line hear the sound, which interrupts the middle of a call or is present from the beginning. One person claimed to have received multiple voicemails of this kind, however.

Some claim that there was some synchronicity regarding the timing: for instance they were talking about religion, unexplained experiences, or UFOs around the time that it happened or before the call, or had high strangeness type experiences before or after. Confirmation bias? Some speculate about glitches or bad connections. The most "authoritative" comment was this Greg Gauthier person claiming it was "cross-talk":
Greg Gauthier
2 months ago

This is just digital cross-talk. It was a common problem in digital cellular networks in the early days transitioning from older CDMA analog forms to digital. It's essentially data that your phone doesn't have the parity key for, so it doesn't know where each packet starts and stops, and it's trying its best to guess where those boundaries are. The result from the headset is what you heard. A bunch of gibberish.
Why are we here?
2 months ago

Why are people still getting them today though? and different variations of them
Xavier Vincent-Diaz
1 month ago

Greg this happened to me before on my smartphone not too long ago
Greg Gauthier
1 month ago (edited)

Yes, I am mistaken. After doing a little research, it turns out cross-talk is actually still an ongoing issue with digital carriers today. I guess I just assumed by now the technology would be improved enough to prevent it. I stand corrected.
It sounds plausible that it could be some type of connection error that happens occasionally, although I didn't find much further information on the net about phone crosstalk, and no example recordings. Cointelpro? Here's what I did find:
Oh this makes me remember the strange calls and such that the Author John keel talked about in some of his books.
Somehow reminds me of the noises you can hear when you listen to a walkie-talkie.
I dunno...maybe it is another signal that gets picked up on the line.
Difficult to say what's the origin of these interferences but perhaps the crosstalk explanation is the best one indeed.

Although wouldn't the aliens love to make us believe that uh !! ;)
Background noise

When you talk, the phone that is tapped can "blow off sounds": something like the echo, electric discharge, "clicks" ... However, this does not mean that you are a victim of "spies" - may be a participant is in heavy city traffic where everything is heard. However, if you hear a pulsating noise from your phone when not in use - it can be a serious problem.


If you use your mobile phone close to other electronic devices (such as TVs), and he gave them to interfere, it may be due to the presence of foreign devices in case your mobile phone. In most cases disturbances are normal, but if it happens when you are not using the phone, it can actually mean that you tapped.
Tigersoap said:
Although wouldn't the aliens love to make us believe that uh !! ;)

Exactly. Unless it's something that gets out of hand in your personal life, why worry/ think about it too much? That's giving your power and will over to a distraction. If it is aliens, you're giving them exactly what they want.

Something to think about. :)
BrightLight11 said:
Tigersoap said:
Although wouldn't the aliens love to make us believe that uh !! ;)

Exactly. Unless it's something that gets out of hand in your personal life, why worry/ think about it too much? That's giving your power and will over to a distraction. If it is aliens, you're giving them exactly what they want.

Something to think about. :)
Well, if their goal is to feed on negative emotions, I guess 4D STS can get you either way if you get too worried about it, eh? It's something interesting that's happening, but I probably won't look into it any further unless I happen across some info that seems to explain it. Probably technological errors.
Probably technical errors or may be something else we could speculate on and never get a straight answer.
I have experienced these 'glitches' myself. It went on for years while I was being an all loving all accepting missionary for the love and light movement. It stopped when December 21 2012 didn't go as planned and beliefs were shattered and I began demanding that the universe tell me the truth.

What I heard were clicks, shhhh sounds of all different pitches, wooshing like wind in a tunnel, electronic sounding beeps, taps like morse code, ringing but more like the brrrr noise humans make to mimic the ring sound. There might be others I can't think of right now but it wasn't just one sound, it was all the above mixed together to make what sounded like a language, it was never consistent, I would listen and even comment that I didn't understand, it really seemed to me like something was trying to tell me something.

It happened all the time, like daily or more but only with certain people. Interestingly it happened the most with mum and a close friend who are both 'light workers' ... My friend started getting it too after a while and she was convinced it was aliens.

But my most favourite part of all this was when mum was at some light worker conference in Sydney and a lady came up to her in a bit of awe like she was meeting someone special and started talking to her in the language we had been hearing on my phone expecting that my mum would communicate back to her the same way, mum was baffled, and very very surprised to say the least. We were more baffled when my youngest daughter at 2 or so months of age started making the same noises as opposed to common baby babble. At about 6 months old she would point her finger wanting me to touch finger tips and then she would say 'pshhht' while deeply looking in me in the eye,.... I can't deny that this seemed like some sort of gesture that mates would do to greet each other. It definitely wasn't something I've ever seen of a baby so young, it was beyond her age the way she waited for the right moment of calm and quiet and then reach out to connect with her finger to mine. May be I read into it at the time a bit too much but there also was what I consider to be a very strong energy exchange when we she 'pshhht-ed' me.

Now I can't explain any of this, I didn't do any research and I haven't even considered making my own conclusions, they're just things that happened among a pile of other weirdo events. The list is long and getting longer.
That's just my experience :)
I worked in a telephone exchange for a while back in the 70's, and I have experience in connecting and testing lines and tracing calls etc. I know that you can get bad connections in the wiring, especially if the techo did not solder the ends, sometimes they just wrap them. Another thing that can happen is if the wires being dragged through the frames drag over another wire and rub off the insulation enough to make an intermittent connection.
A telephone line carries +48 volts, and when connecting it reverses to -48 volts ( for metering) then it applies a 90 volt AC to the line to ring the bells (ring tone), and then it applies the voice line when you pick up. Basically - there are about 300 things that have to happen in a step by step or a crossbar exchange before you start to talk.
The other thing that can happen is if the techos at the exchange are monitoring the line - they have to have permission to do this.
Crosstalk can also happen by inductive or capacitive coupling of adjacent lines.
Modern exchanges are digital, but your connection still has to go through some wiring.
Aliens? Maybe not.
Spies? Maybe.
Faulty lines? Probably.
I've had a condition where the noise increases after a rainstorm.
I guess water has ingressed into the cables..
I second what MusicMan has said, even though our phones and many home phones are digital, there is still a lot of old style analog wiring in the system which can pick up radio, interference, crosstalk.

What makes those sounds even more weird is how cellphones work.
They try to squeeze the audio into a tiny signal using compression. This compression usually butchers the subtleties, sometimes cutting out sections or over amplifying parts. The audio codec also adds in fake static in order to make people feel like they are still connected.

Back in the 90s, the start of digital music, when there was a badly compressed song (or bad download through modem), you would hear similar sounds like in those videos. When the data is scrambled a bit, it can throw off many seconds of audio- because the way they compress things to be so small is by finding patterns based on what is before (and sometimes after) - and use math to represent many "frames" of sound as one main frame- and the others by difference of frames.

It's easier to explain in video frames. Video usually goes at 24,25 or 30 frames per second.
You have a frame that is Primary (P), it's directly compressed like a picture would be.

Then there are so many frames after that- Intermediate frames (I) that are created by a formula that sees the difference between that frame and the P frame.
Sometimes the next frames are a difference of that I frame and the next I frame.
It ends up being a like a digital version of the "telephone" game. If one of the I frames gets corrupted, the rest of those I frames look horrible and glitchy.

So pretty much the same happens to sound, but it's harder to explain because audio can be coded at anywhere from 8,000 hz (8000 times a second) to 48,000 hz (and even 96,000).
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