Street Flooded With Thousands Of Ducks


The Living Force
This video was taken in China, although it doesn't give an exact location but ....... I have never seen this many ducks in one place. It's hard to determine, if they are wild ducks that decided to take a stroll or they ran-off from a farm?

Looks like there are people following each group of those ducks. Could be a coincidence, but there is a farmer in China who walks his ducks where is more food for the birds several times a year. He's been doing it for a few decades. The following video is from 2012:

Five thousand ducks block road in China (eng)


Not only in China

ducklings in India:

over 2000 ducks crossing a road in Thailand:
The original clip seems to be in Thailand, as it sounds thai and the signs at the road looks like their writing. I had the idea that the child and parent (at 0:40) were the herders. Very interesting sight nonetheless :)
Parallel said:
The original clip seems to be in Thailand, as it sounds thai and the signs at the road looks like their writing. I had the idea that the child and parent (at 0:40) were the herders. Very interesting sight nonetheless :)

Thanks Parallel, I do stand to be corrected, the language on the sign is a Thai dialect, not Chinese.

I had forwarded the link to some Family members and my youngest Son had replied. One of his co-workers is from Thailand, on a student work visa. He showed him the clip and his opinion is that the ducks are farm raised and being re-located to a better feeding area. The farmer or main caretaker only has to spread some feed behind him, to get them to follow his path, while the rest follow suit.

What an amazing sight!
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