Structure of the control system

David Topi

Jedi Master
Since I can remember, I have been always creating diagrams about how I thought the world was working. With the years, those schemas have become more complex. I though of sharing some general overview that I like to discuss always with friends.
It is purely my own understanding, and pretty much in no way fully correct and much less complete, but I thought it was a good place to share it also and see how to do perceive the power structures of the planet we live in.

(because I do not know how to insert an image directly on the post, just created an attachment, mods help required if possible to do so)


  • controlsystem.jpg
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I think it's way more complex than that. But it's a good start.
Where is MOSSAD? Cs say that some members of MOSSAD are at the 3D/4D interface.
Laura said:
I think it's way more complex than that. But it's a good start.
Cool, i have a full excell with names, this is just the index :-)
For me mossad was a the same level of CIA, do not remember having read that but will update it, thanks!
As a resent visitor to Malta I find interesting to see the Knights of Malta at level 4 in this chart of Yours, any comments on that?
clerck de bonk said:
As a resent visitor to Malta I find interesting to see the Knights of Malta at level 4 in this chart of Yours, any comments on that?

Nothing special about it. I am trying to include all front-doors public "secret societies" into a more or less single level within the structure, and the Knights of Malta are one fo them, supposedly having been created centuries ago (see and then go underground to infiltrate again among current positions of power. It is said they have some ties in the current Vatican affairs ( I believe it was described in the book Vatican Assesins, along with the Jesuits in 2007).
Not much I can tell about it personally, although I keep reading and making connections everytime I find some books that deal with the subject, I have never been much interested in those secret societies, just trying to understand their "role" in the public arena and their influence in today's world.
Because the details do matter :).
More about the structure of the ptb, in the lower levels (but just in the USA, for what I see, as it does not mention much about other organisations from other countries)


1. The Executive Branch
Council on Foreign Relations
Trilateral Commission
The Bilderberg Group
National Security Council
Joint Chiefs of Staff
National Program Office
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

2. Intelligence Branch
National Security Agency (NSA)
National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
National Reconnaissance Organization
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Federal Bureau of Investigation, Counter Intelligence Division (FBI)
Department of Energy Intelligence
NSA's Central Security Service and CIA's Special Security Office
U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM)
U.S. Navy Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI)
U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI)
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
NASA Intelligence
Air Force Special Security Service
Defense Industry Security Command (DISCO)
Defense Investigative Service
Naval Investigative Service (NIS)
Air Force Electronic Security Command
Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
Federal Police Agency Intelligence
Defense Electronic Security Command
Project Deep Water
Project Paperclip

3. War Department (VN: Use to be called "Dept of DEFENSE", now its "War Dept. Tells you what their objective is, but then we have known that since the movie and book "1984", haven't we?)
CIA's Directorate for Science and Technology (VN: Now this where true perversion resides)
Strategic Defense Initiative Office (SDIO)
Ballistic Missile Defense Org. (BMDO)
Department of Energy (DOE)
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories
Sandia National Laboratories-West (SNL-W)
Idaho National Engineering Laboratories (INEL)
Sandia National Laboratories (SNL)
Phillips Air Force Laboratory
Tonapah Test Range
Haystack (Buttes) USAF Laboratory , Edwards AFB, California
Los Alamos National Laboratories
Area 51/Groom Lake (USAF/DOE/CIA) Base & S-4 (Papoose Lake Base)
U.S. Special Forces Command
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
The Jason Group
Aquarius Group
Defense Science Board
Defense Nuclear Agency
U.S. Space Command
North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD)
Air Force Office of Space Systems
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
NASA's Ames Research Center
Project Cold Empire
Project Snowbird
Project Aquarius
Project Tacit Rainbow
Project Timberwind
Project Code EVA
Project Cobra Mist
Project Cold Witness

4. Weapons Industry (VN: many on here receive grants from Britains Tavistock group which is treason).
Stanford Research Institute, Inc.
RAND Corporation
Edgerton, Germhausen & Greer Corporation
Wackenhut Corporation
Bechtel Corporation
United Nuclear Corporation
Walsh Construction Company
Aerojet (Genstar Corporation)
Reynolds Electronics Engineering
Lear Aircraft Company
Northrop Corporation
Hughes Aircraft
Lockheed-Maritn Corporation
McDonnell-Douglas Corporation
BDM Corporation
General Electric Corporation (VN: owned in large part by the Queen of England, among other firms)
PSI-TECH Corporation
Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)

5. Financial Department
Federal Reserve System
CIA self-financing
Department of Justice self-financing
Special Forces self-financing
Have you seen Mark Lombardi's work? He "was an American Neo-Conceptualist and an abstract artist who specialized in drawings attempting to document financial and political frauds by power brokers, and in general 'the uses and abuses of power". As far as visuals go, something along the lines of what he created I think would be easier to read. Either that or a Venn diagram that could show the overlap of various groups, and how they are all ultimately contained in the same sphere of global control. Be careful though, he died under suspicious circumstances.

David Topi said:
2. Intelligence Branch
National Security Agency (NSA)
National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
National Reconnaissance Organization
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Federal Bureau of Investigation, Counter Intelligence Division (FBI)
Department of Energy Intelligence
NSA's Central Security Service and CIA's Special Security Office
U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM)
U.S. Navy Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI)
U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI)
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
NASA Intelligence
Air Force Special Security Service
Defense Industry Security Command (DISCO)
Defense Investigative Service
Naval Investigative Service (NIS)
Air Force Electronic Security Command
Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
Federal Police Agency Intelligence
Defense Electronic Security Command
Project Deep Water
Project Paperclip

Remember also this one:

Q: Who was responsible for installing the post hypnotic suggestion?
A: Chain of Command.
Q: Okay, the STS chain of command. In human terms, who was involved?
A: M1.
Q: What's M1?
A: British Intelligence.
ignis.intimus said:
Have you seen Mark Lombardi's work? He "was an American Neo-Conceptualist and an abstract artist who specialized in drawings attempting to document financial and political frauds by power brokers, and in general 'the uses and abuses of power". As far as visuals go, something along the lines of what he created I think would be easier to read. Either that or a Venn diagram that could show the overlap of various groups, and how they are all ultimately contained in the same sphere of global control. Be careful though, he died under suspicious circumstances.


thank you, jnever heard of him before, but will certainly check his work.
Remember also this one:

Q: Who was responsible for installing the post hypnotic suggestion?
A: Chain of Command.
Q: Okay, the STS chain of command. In human terms, who was involved?
A: M1.
Q: What's M1?
A: British Intelligence.

yep! goes straight to the list!
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