Chapter 3 the second door to dream
Yes it's true moreover Cs which recognize the truths by Castaneda, say that the dream is just an fun.
But to return to this question on the ontology which can be compared with the phylogenesis, they have existence only with in the framework of the physicality, in the vehicle where the soul evolves. The ontology of a soul is its karma. 1D, 2D and 3D have in common only the genetic material that 4D STS enjoy treating(manipulating). We the 3D human beings are clamped in these bodies as other species owe the being in the 2D and 1D of mammals and vegetables and minerals.
Very solemnly don Juan explained that the life and the consciousness, bound(connected) exclusively to the energy, are not the exclusive priority of a body. He mentioned that the wizards had seen that there are two sorts of aware(conscious) beings crossing(going through) this earth, the organic beings and the inorganic beings.
" The inorganic beings supply their extreme consciousness, and the wizards [...] their energy.
[…] They wish to create in your thought a memory of their forms. The moment came to serve you as this memory. "
Don juan ordered me to close my eyes and to keep them closed. Then he guided me up to rocks where I sat down. " Seated Rest there, and visualizes(displays) their forms until they will be as in your dreams [...] It was necessary to me that little time to have a mental image of their forms so clear(net) as in my dreams. Don Juan says to me:
" Now you can open eyes ", and I opened them. [...] Well then, just front I saw two black faces(figures), such two fine tree trunks. [...] I asked don Juan if trees had too of such projections. " They have it. But them projections are even less friendly us than those of the inorganic beings. "
Anyway we can speculate on the interpretation of the inorganic beings, are they in minerals, are there the other entities in vegetables, I find it interesting, but anything will prove us if don Juan was told the truth, maybe Laura knows it ?