Supression of information...

fluxed said:
Alana said '.....and it doesn't come down to the citizens from royalty,
but from psychopaths '

You are telling me, this is not a disconnection?

Alana said:
The only disconnect seems to be on your part, because you seem to have such a fixation on royalty.

Saying that evil behaviour doesnt come to the citizens from royalty
but from psychopaths' is clearly disconnecting royalty from psychopaths.

Not all royal are psychopaths and not all psychopaths are royals. Not all royals are destructive towards humanity, but all psychopaths are. Psychopaths can be found in every nook and cranny and the problems we face today would remain even if there was never any concept of royalty. Royalty really isn't the central issue. Even if you're saying the concept/influence of royalty is what is destructive to humanity, that still misses the mark. It's the presence of pathological ideology in any form that is at the source. I'd suggest checking out Political Ponerology to get a comprehensive understanding on the subject.

You may have some useful information to share, but at this point it's pretty hard to tell because of the manner of how you communicate, how you approach others in this forum, how you approach information you are unfamiliar with as well as information you are familiar with, inaccurate assumptions you make (your opening assumptions about Laura's work are a good example), etc. All and all, it's pretty off putting. If you do think the intentions of the forum are in line with your own, then I think it would be a good idea if you took some time to understand what is actually done here.
From this thread:,9890.msg487107.html#msg487107

obyvatel said:
Fluxed, your posting privileges have been revoked. If you are interested in meaningful communication with this forum in the future, please take the time and effort to familiarize yourself with some of the stuff here including links that were provided in your introduction thread.
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