Synchronicity or..? Nicolas Cage and the Next “911-2b…”


The Force is Strong With This One
Synchronicities or “meaningful coincidences” can either occur “spontaneously” (as in natural) or can be engineered (man-made/"other.").

You may recall that back in February of 2000, The Lone Gunman series aired on FOX TV. The pilot episode was about a commercial airliner being flown into the World Trade Center Towers, a little over a year and a half before 9/11 happened. Here is a short clip from the episode depicting this….

Oliver Stones’ 1996 9/11 film World Trade Center starring Nicolas Cage is a story about events transpired on said fateful day.


Another film about a psychic who can see into the future starring Nicolas Cage deals with a nuclear detonation in a US city. The film was released on September 25, 2007.


As you may have read, many authors and journalists are “predicting” that the next 9/11 (or 911-2b) will be a nuclear attack on Los Angeles or another major US city as prelude to declaration of martial law and the end of America as we know it…


Now to my point: Interestingly and “coincidently…? the film depicting a nuclear 9/11 starring Nicolas Cage is called… Next.


Oh, I almost forgot. On one of the scenes, Cage's love interest in the film, Jessica Biel, asks what time it is, to which Cage's character replies: “9:10
Synchronicity or..? Nicolas Cage and the Next “911-2b…”

Yes like the movie swordfish just a month before 9-11
Hello Parapadi,

I have seen Swordfish before. But I don't recall Seeing anything related to 9/11. What exactly are you referring to?

Thanks in advance.
PS Now I'm going to have to rent the movie again...
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