Guardian said:
Megan said:
That's pretty explicit. It seems like this product would be particularly deadly to cats and small dogs.
Why? That's exactly the kind of data I'm looking for, and not finding much? What kind of keywords should I be searching?
It's a cellular data device on a collar, so the data you would be looking for would be for cell phone impacts on health. I searched a little for any negative feedback on the TAGG device and found none, which is not surprising.
The exposure might depend to some degree on how often the device reported in, but I am guessing that would be fairly frequently. Data tends to be dirtier than voice, so this is not a good scenario. The usual considerations would be present, such as that the transmitter power has to increase with the distance from the tower or when the signal is obstructed. And the device might not even work at home, if you don't have cellular coverage there.
I don't think there are any studies looking at the effects of exposure in animals when the transceiver is in this particular position. The effects would seem to depend on how the collar happened to be turned, and could show up in the spine, throat/thyroid, and any other nearby internal organs, especially if not shielded by bone. This would be a much more severe exposure than anything a passive microchip implant could produce, just for perspective. The transmitter signal causes DNA fragmentation and tissue heating, among other things.
The research data for humans is out there, but you have to know where to look. Some of it undoubtedly uses animal models, which might be helpful. The studies used to show that cell phones are "safe" are rigged, and it can be helpful to know how that is done. The exposure standards are also bogus -- they are based on a model that doesn't even apply to most adult men, let alone children or pets, and they don't take into account changes in the technology over the years.
One book I have read recently that pulls much of the information together in one place is
Disconnect by Devra Davis. I have it as an audiobook, which doesn't help much here. The information regarding cell phones and human children would come the closest to what you can expect to happen to pets. Here's a short article that she wrote in 2010: _