Talking from the fence


The Force is Strong With This One
Hi everybody, this is about the first time I am posting here.
In some post people like me are considered "fence lurkers", that's unfair at least in my case.
I have read most of the material of this site, and it has been, and still is a major "re-modelation" of my worldview.
So this explains my silence, digesting still this tremendous amount of new information, so it can become knowledge.
I want to say thanks to all of you, Laura and Ark and all of the team, and every of you members of the forum, you a giving me a lot of help, be it only that I follow you quietly to listen to your comments and discussions.
I think many of us started to post this way. I know I did. I didn't know what to say or where to start.

But you've taken a step and that's the main thing. One step at a time is great when one is faced with an overwhelming amount of reading material.

Learning IS fun though, I have to say. :scooter: ( especially when you figure out how to add on the little smiley thingies :lol2: )
Hi jarod_al,

I think you'll find that many of us were lurking before joining while others just jump right in as soon as they find the forum.

There are benefits and downside to both. I lurked for a couple of years before I joined and found that being familiar with the material and understanding member expectations was quite helpful.

However, what happens when one lurks is the lurker takes without giving, thereby creating an imbalance.

Lurking is an old internet chat room or newsgroup term for those who lurk in the background, watching without making their presence known. It kind of sounds creepy, eh?

When I thought about why I was lurking, it was due to fear. I really wanted to be a part of this phenomenal group but was terrified I wouldn't be able to contribute in any meaningful way. I justified it as taking time to catch up in knowledge before joining, but eventually found this to be untrue. It was only because I was afraid.

I am glad you made the move. You can catch up as you go along. Pick and chose where to focus your attention so you get the fundamentals down and you will do fine.

Hi jarod_al,

Glad to see you joining in the networking fun. :D

I understand where you are coming from with learning from the sidelines, or lurker status, by reading all the comments and then utilizing the knowledge gleaned from each exchange. The only downside, jarod_al, is that without networking, we do not really "see" ourselves. We cannot "know" for certain that what we see as ourselves and our programs are really what they are. This is one of the invaluable things about networking with a like-minded group. We are shown the things about ourselves that our predators (programs) don't want us to see. Oh yes, we can see the superficial things. But those programs that have been caused by our deepest hurts and fears are not known to us. Only with the help of those who can "see" those programs will they be brought out to the light of day so that we can then see them for ourselves and then begin to Work on them and then to heal.

Good for you for taking that first step. Keep up the good work! :)
Hello Stellar, truth seeker, Gonzo, Nienna Eluch: What a welcome, thank you.

Being this section WHAT´S ON YOUR MIND, I want to throw in this question (maybe dealt with in a different place, nevertheless..):

Having intuitions - hearing voices in the head - communications via automatic writing - etc, etc. from apparently* well-intended higher sources,

* When I say apparently well-intended higher sources, is because in numerous, if not in all instances, the transmitted information was beyond what I possibly could have known, and the information received was always beneficial to me or those around me.

So why the suspicion?
First, the sources never identify themselves, information comes just through. Second, I´m concerned that bad-intended entities could "jump into the open door".


PS, maybe the question is not "how to be sure", but "how to make reasonably sure not to be tricked".
Hi jarod_al,

Trust no one. Even after all these years of Laura communicating with the C's, she still doesn't seem to believe 100 percent. She knows to research, network and verify.

There are a few simple giveaways, however, when an entity with bad intentions is playing nice. They will use messaging that strokes your ego, your sense of specialness. Sometimes they too might demonstrate their ego in forms of bragging and such.

Just because something tells you things that seem beneficial for you does not mean they are beneficial for you. For example, if an entity gives you information that saves you from a difficult situation, they may have actually prevented you from experiencing a learning opportunity.

By the way, could you give some examples of what has been said to you? Perhaps if you were to share the information here, others might see what you aren't currently able to see. As well, perhaps you could share the method by which you are communicating. The vehicle itself can be problematic as many methods often involve one's ego to influence the message or could be prone to interference, etc.

I think that would be a good start.

I am glad you chose to ask here before going to far and possibly getting over your head.

I, For one, know that I am not adequately prepared to deal with something like that on my own, as I would not be able to protect myself as much as I would like and would, as Don Jaun would say, indulge too much perhaps. That is to say, I might get carried away by the excitement and not retain a sober and cautious approach.

I'm glad that you are joining in some, jarod_al.

In many ways I have the same problems so I don't post as much as I maybe should, but little by little I am working through it. You will too.
Hi Gonzo,
yes, I was thinking in the same way: Entities can appear nice and helpfull, just to get the trust from one. Also somebody said: Ask them to identify y declare themselves if they are from the Light or from the Darkness, but those from Darkness have no scruple to lie.

The communications I receive are of varied kinds, maybe from different entities:

1. Alerts: Driving in town passing, not very fast, a parked truck. When about halfway the truck, a "loud" voice screams in my head: STOP. I slam the brake, make a screeching halt, front part of my car aligned with the front of the parking truck, and in this very moment an about 4 year old child crosses the street.

2. Help in difficult situations: I was in Kuwait as a start-up engineer of electronic equipment. That darn thing just didn´t work. Nobody there who could help me. So at night in the hotel I rolled out the circuit diagram, with those thousands of components, and wondered, which of those was malfunctioning, when virtually my eyes where directed (I have no other way to describe this) to the symbol of a transistor in the lower left hand corner.
The following day we removed the transister (which showed no external signs of damage), solded a new one in, and the equipment worked.
This was 30 years ago, but up to today y receive this kind of help when I ask (which I do only when I´m really dead against a wall).

3. Counsel when I´m really down: Once in a while I get really down. Those of you who know depressions know what I´m talking about.
Then I sit down with a notepad and begin writing questions:
"Spirit, here I am, why I´m so depressed?"
Then I empty my mind and wait of what is "coming through", moving my pencil almost by itself:
No, not depressed, more specifically not having in life what I was expecting"
"So what were you expecting?""
"This kind of happiness, bliss, I had when I was a young boy. But then came the adolescence, and suddenly only those were something who were stronger, those who had a motorbike, those who knew to dance and had pretty girlfriends, and I suddenly was none of those. I ask you Spirit, how do you explain me that?"
"Isn´t that what we agreed upon, when we made your lifeplan together, you and I, before this incarnation?"

In all these cases I had, and still have no doubts that I´m treating with a benevolent entity, possibly my own higher self. I bring this subject up because of the warnings in this Forum that Attack can come in any moment, any way, and I need to protect myself, but how without loosing these valuable communications?
jarod_al said:
Hi Gonzo,
yes, I was thinking in the same way: Entities can appear nice and helpfull, just to get the trust from one. Also somebody said: Ask them to identify y declare themselves if they are from the Light or from the Darkness, but those from Darkness have no scruple to lie.

n all these cases I had, and still have no doubts that I´m treating with a benevolent entity, possibly my own higher self. I bring this subject up because of the warnings in this Forum that Attack can come in any moment, any way, and I need to protect myself, but how without loosing these valuable communications?

I think any entity that declares themselves as this or that would be suspect, as this seems to be a subtle violation of free will in that the choice is being made for you.
An entity that respects free will would give the question and the decision of orientation back to you, letting you do the work, OSIT.
jarod_al said:
In all these cases I had, and still have no doubts that I´m treating with a benevolent entity, possibly my own higher self. I bring this subject up because of the warnings in this Forum that Attack can come in any moment, any way, and I need to protect myself, but how without loosing these valuable communications?

Hi jarod_al.

It is not for me to judge whatever seems to be communicating with you, but I notice there is nothing that has been offered you that you couldn't have done yourself (by which I mean that you could learn to do). For example:

1. Alerts: Really paying attention and using defensive driving techniques could also have prevented an accident, OSIT.
2. Help in difficult situations: Really understanding the relationships between those components with a knowledge of what kinds of things can go wrong, added to the knowledge of what is the current problem and mix with a little intuition from your own ability to do subconscious calculations at terrific speeds, could also have pointed to that transistor.
3. Counsel when I´m really down: That same written asking and listening writing technique can be useful for anyone anywhere in any situation as a way of allowing knowledge you already have inside you to arise into your present-time awareness.

So far, no entity needed. :)

In addition, if this is/were your 'higher self', don't you think you would expect yourself to be highly critical and test everything with a scientific approach to help guarantee that you wouldn't be forced to compete with other entities sneaking information in?

Do you feel like this approach would not be approved of by this 'entity'?

Edit: Added parenthetical comment to first sentence for clarity of meaning.
Hi jarod_al

I've been a fence lurker for years. I think with this particular site, fear of being "seen", and called on our BS keeps us in the shadows. And recently I've been struggling with the notion that I am taking without giving.

Gonzo said:
However, what happens when one lurks is the lurker takes without giving, thereby creating an imbalance.

Lurking is an old internet chat room or newsgroup term for those who lurk in the background, watching without making their presence known. It kind of sounds creepy, eh?

When I thought about why I was lurking, it was due to fear. I really wanted to be a part of this phenomenal group but was terrified I wouldn't be able to contribute in any meaningful way. I justified it as taking time to catch up in knowledge before joining, but eventually found this to be untrue. It was only because I was afraid.

And yes - when you think about it, it is kind of creepy. Rather voyeristic.

For me, having gotten so very much from the forum over the years - it is time to participate. I'm trying to look at it as coming in from the rain.

And I agree with Bud ... your insights could very likely be coming from within you. I spent a number of years with "spirit guides" and such. After much reflection I found they never really told me anything useful, that I could not have figured out for myself and ultimately found the concept kind of creepy - and voyeristic. ;) I decided I didn't want "entities" looking in on me. FWIW.
dormouse said:
Hi jarod_al

I've been a fence lurker for years. I think with this particular site, fear of being "seen", and called on our BS keeps us in the shadows.

Fear of being ''seen''', I can understand that. Let's say people start giving you mirrors at some point, and some parts of you will be ''seen'',
Think about it: Would you want to learn from that interaction and grow, knowing we all want the best for you?
If your answer is yes or close to it, think about the fear you mentioned. Is it more important?

Called on your BS? I don't think it's BS, without "BS", there wouldn't be no lessons to learn from!

What if some people learn something great from your posts (without you knowing it) and it helps them in their lives? What if your simple active contribution helps us all, including Yourself, in some way? Are these things more important than the fear of your predator, of your ego and self-importance?

Not only might you take more than give by not participating, but you are taking a lot less than you could. The more you interact, the more you can take, ánd give.

If you're here to learn, to listen and to share, there is nothing to be afraid of. I guess you'll have to see for yourself :D

Just so you know: You, and all other lurkers (ex-lurkers!), have my support, and probably that of many others too, We're all in this together! I admit, it can be scary, but it's exciting, You'll see!
Hi Jarod,

Thanks for sharing...It also helps me to find my words. I can relay well to both of your subjects: posting and communicating with entities.

1. I also have been reading the material now for several months without posting. I felt and still do, that I would not know what and how to participate. The material is overwhelming, the threads are all so relevant, the level of knowledge is so high. So phhhht.... But my wish to be part of this amazing network pushes me out of my shell, that I closed hard in all those years of dealing with the predators mindset. So I realize now, that its just very, very hard work to open up. Its like a muscle or leg, that I had forgotten or never used before. I feel shaky, insecure and it hurts. But its a good hurt...

2. I also spent years figuring out, which are the good or the bad spirits, that wanted to "talk through" me. And after going through so many trials and tribulations. I realized, that it all came down to that "they will use messaging that strokes your ego, your sense of specialness", as Gozo mentioned. They can play sweet and enlightened but they are very tricky and in the end they deprive you of everything that is valuable to you: discernment, will to learn, the soul searching. That was my experience on that subject. In the end I closed down possibilities to reach me. Actually I noticed I have to continuously be on guard. That's one of my learnings at the moment. I try to observe constantly how it works that I am being influenced... Hope to learn all I can with and through this network.

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