Talking from the fence

Hi jarod_al,
Like truth seeker, I too am curious to know if you have started the EE breathing and wonder what your diet is like. You'd be surprised the role diet can play in our psychology and perhaps even our receptiveness.

I'm also curious to know what age you were when you started receiving such communications and did you initiate it somehow? If so, how?

I'm sorry if this seems I'm probing a little too far, but these things are important for anyone to get a better picture of what you are going through.

Hi everybody:
Let me come first to the question of communication from "higher entities"
nwigal said:
An entity that respects free will would give the question and the decision of orientation back to you, letting you do the work, OSIT.
Yes, yes, I think you are right in this, at least for the majority of those communications, what good does it to give the answer away.
But I´m still puzzled over information received which, according to my knowing could not have come from myself, things I could not have known.
In this respect I´m inclined to consider the subconscious(?!)

Breo said:
2. I also spent years figuring out, which are the good or the bad spirits, that wanted to "talk through" me. And after going through so many trials and tribulations. I realized, that it all came down to that "they will use messaging that strokes your ego, your sense of specialness", as Gozo mentioned. They can play sweet and enlightened but they are very tricky and in the end they deprive you of everything that is valuable to you: discernment, will to learn, the soul searching. That was my experience on that subject. In the end I closed down possibilities to reach me. Actually I noticed I have to continuously be on guard. That's one of my learnings at the moment. I try to observe constantly how it works that I am being influenced... Hope to learn all I can with and through this network.

Breo, thank you. It makes sense. If I haven´t sensed attacks in the past, but it could have been that I wasn´t considered a thread to the "dark forces", but getting more atuned to this site, this can change, so I will tread this from the safe side, as you indicate.

As to the subject of posting or not, I think I also overcame an internal resistance. At first I didn´t consider myself sufficiently informed to participate, but what the heck, this is called WHAT´S ON YOUR MIND, and with certain precautions not to add noise, can be instructive in one or another way.


Edit: fixed quotes
No, Gonzo, you are not probing too far, you can ask me anything, I feel very confident in this site.

This thing of communication is something I experience for decades, more than 50 years (I´m 68 right now), but only very occasionally, and most of the time about trivial matters. It's only recently, with my higher interests in spiritual things that the questions go in that direction.

Like truth seeker, I too am curious to know if you have started the EE breathing and wonder what your diet is like.

No, the EE program I haven't tried yet. My diet is in a certain way no controllable, my work is almost 80% of the time travelling, living in hotels. What I tried time ago was to eat only vegetarian, but few places offer that. So what I do for diet is: small portions of red meat, if any, better chicken of fish, ample portions of fresh vegetables and fruits (my travelling is in South and Central America and fresh fruits and vegetables are readily available here).


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