I fully agree. Generally speaking, before let's say the early two thousands, music in general, seemed to be deeper, or if you will, more soulful. After that, music in general, has gotten worse and worse, IMO. It is probably not a coincidence that it went downhill after 9/11 and the start of the explosion of the Internet, the cellphone and especially social media.
On this line, there are a couple of exchanges in the sessions where this is discussed.
13 June 2015
(L) Does a person's taste in music reflect their state of awareness, development, and being?
A: Yes, more or less, though there is a range of preferences at various "levels".
Q: (L) Okay, next question:
A: It can be strongly affected if only subconsciously.Does a person's taste in music reflect their personal aim in life?
Q: (L) Okay:
A: The sound opens the door for the lyrics to enter for good or ill.What is more important in determining a song’s value: the lyrics or the sound/mood/feeling?
Q: (L) Does that mean that a song that sounds really horrible and mechanical and like somebody just beating on a pot or clanging on the hood of their car or something, and if that's the kind of music the person likes, but it also has good lyrics, then that's okay?
A: Not exactly. The sound can open gates at - or of - different levels and parts of the internal makeup.
Q: (L) Okay, next forum question:
A: Of course.Is the NSA using musical tastes and downloads to track and identify certain 'types'?
Q: (L) Next:
A: Sadly, in some circles, yes.Is the song "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" really used as a mind-control programming tool like Catcher in the Rye?
Q: (Galatea) So, if people like anarchy music about hating the government and law, then they're gonna stir up some trouble?
(L) I dunno. Maybe they would track somebody like that and think that they could turn that person to their own uses.
(Perceval) They said there are some types of music that are listened to by certain types of people... Certain types of emo music or whatever that certain types of young people listen to, like outsiders or loners and that kind of thing, and those people could be tracked as candidates for "use"...
A: The 70's were the time of development of such concepts and technologies. The 80's were the period when implementation became more widespread. At present 90 percent of broadcast music has corrupting elements.
Q: (Pierre) So we have to listen to old music. Music from before the 70's. Or classical music.
(L) Obviously we need to be paying much closer attention to our musical tastes, and analyzing what it is about songs that we like. And obviously, we need to pay a lot more attention to what we listen to in the background. But that means I'm safe since I only listen to old classic rock like Bob Seger, whose music is the best! [laughter]
A: Yes. Goodbye.
TV and movies, same session:
13 June 2015
Q: (L) What kind of technical means do they use to project mental manipulation by way of TV or movies?
A: Simple bombardment visual and verbal.
Q: (L) Do they use subliminal implantation of ideas?
A: Not needed most often.
Q: (L) The music that kids listen to, is there any effort to program them in this media?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Do they use subliminals?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Do they use electronic signals?
A: Yes.
More on TV and now also music, check the last phrase of this exchange:
19 November 2005
Q: (Perceval) They’re going to use it for black ops to start Armageddon. (Galahad) I can see the front page of the Signs page Monday. [Laughter] (Atriedes) We’re going to have to install a filter! (L) Well, just think about all the predicted mass landings. What about Bubble's questions (Perceval) Bubbles wants to know what’s up with her memory loss?
A: Too much TV and too much music with encoded brain jellifying signals. Learn to sleep properly and cut way back on the music. It is better to listen to music of that type only when physically active.
Q: [Bubbles enters the room] (Mr. Scott) Speak of the devil (Bubbles) What? (Atriedes) Literally. We got an answer. (Bubbles) You got an answer? What? (Galahad) You’re not going to like it. (Perceval) I need to ask her second question. What is it that she perceives in her room in terms of, in her words, “the green monster thing” and scary sensations when she wakes up?
A: By-products of previous mentioned issue.
Q: (Perceval) So, your memory loss is the result of “too much TV and too much music with encoded brain jellifying signals. Learn to sleep properly and cut way back on the music. It is better to listen to music of that type only when physically active”. And the scary monsters you’re seeing are the results of that. (L) So there are signals being sent into your brain through this music, and it’s causing your brain to be jellified so it can be used by external forces to come into your reality and haunt you. (Mr. Scott) So you can listen to it when you’re exercising. (Perceval) But it’s probably better not to have it right in your ears.
A: That’s it in a nutshell!
Q: (Perceval) It’s frying your brains and making you see things. (Ar) It all started at a particular time, two years ago. (Perceval) You had built up years of brain frying. Your brain will work OK and then at a point where you’ve fried it too much it’ll go bonkers. It’s like when you fry a steak. It looks the same for awhile, but eventually it starts to... (L) This is your brain, and this is your brain on drugs. (Andromeda) This is your brain on too much music. (Bubbles) I don’t listen to too much music. I only listen to it when I’m going to sleep. (L) That is probably the worst thing you could do before you go to sleep because that stuff does things to your brain and then it continues to operate while you’re sleeping. (Galahad) Because it says “you need to learn to sleep properly and cut way back on the music”. So there’s a relationship between the fact that you’re listening to the music and you’re not sleeping properly. (Bubbles) I have this thing. I listen to music, and then I go to sleep. (Perceval) You could change the type of music you listen to before sleeping. There are certain kinds of music that aren’t encoded with the signals. (L) Listen to classical before going to bed. (Bubbles) Sometimes I do! (Perceval) Well, you need to do it more and less music music with freaky messages encoded into it. (Atriedes) Is Eminem a complete tool of the powers that be? Sometimes it seems to have a good thing; sometimes it doesn’t.
A: If it is popular and/or widely sold, it is part of the “program.”
Interesting to know then is how these signals and frequencies are actually embedded in the music. Could be that the chords and its sequence may have something to do with it? Is it the lyrics? Is it the computer programs used to record the music and create the final mix? Is a subsequent process drifting from the way we know on how a single, a record or an album is finished? Is it done by the record label? Is it done consciously?