Tech Noir: Russian Army to Receive Next Generation Combat Robots in 2016


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Tech Noir: Russian Army to Receive Next Generation Combat Robots in 2016
December 28 2015


The Russian Armed Forces will be augmented by advanced robotic military systems in 2016.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The Russian Armed Forces will receive a number of Russia-made robotic military systems of new generation in 2016, the country's deputy defense minister said Monday.

"Advanced robotic systems of new generation designed for military application are tested within the framework of development work. A number of them will be delivered to the army in 2016," Col. Gen. Pavel Popov said in an interview with Krasnaya Zvezda (Red Star) newspaper.

He added that dozens of land- and sea-based robotic systems as well as hundreds of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle systems were used by the Russian Armed Forces, despite the fact that they did not exist several years ago.

Russia is planning to modernize up to 70 percent of its military hardware by 2020. The total cost of the modernization program is estimated to reach about 20 trillion rubles (some $284 billion at the current exchange rate).

Universal Soldiers: Combat Robots to Join Russian Army in 2016
January 7 2016


Russia is rolling out a wide array of innovative robotic machines to optimize the performance of its armed forces in 2016.

"Advanced robotic systems of a new generation designed for military application are tested within the framework of development work. A number of them will be delivered to the army in 2016," Col. Gen. Pavel Popov said in an interview with Krasnaya Zvezda (Red Star) newspaper."

In the next decade remote-controlled and robotic platforms will account for about 30 percent of the Russian combat power in addition to dozens of land- and sea-based robotic systems as well as hundreds of UAVs already used by the Russian military.

Robotic scouts, sappers and firefighters were all part of a unique display of automated combat machines unveiled during last year’s Army-2015 military exhibition outside Moscow.

Platform-M is the latest such robotic combat system, created to fight without entering into contact with the enemy.

Armed with a grenade launcher and a machinegun, it is a universal combat unit ideal for reconnaissance and patrol missions, as well as for guarding important sites.

“Armed” with bulldozer blades and trawls, the Uran-6 detects, identifies and destroys mines containing up to 60 kilograms of TNT. Its companion, the Uran-14, is an obstacle-breeching and fire-fighting robot.

The Argo remotely-operated robotic platform can also swim, which makes it an ideal means of fire support for Marine landing units. The Argo is armed with a single 7.62mm machinegun and a troika of RPG-26 rocket-propelled grenade launchers.

The list of military robots slated to enter active service in 2016 also includes the YULA-N mobile mini-robot. Weighing about a kilogram, it can transmit information to an operator up to 100 meters away for a whole two hours non-stop.

And, of course, one should mention the Kadet – a miniature scouting robot which can also be used to haul small cargoes.
ATLAS: Next Generation of DARPA Humanoid Robot Released (Videos)

The evolution of humanoid robots is happening at an ever-quickening pace. These advancements are occurring not only in their mechanics but also with the incorporation of artificial intelligence.

One of the humanoid robots that has garnered the most attention is ATLAS, developed for DARPA by Boston Dynamics. ATLAS has been through several incarnations since its inception in 2013 as part of the DARPA Robotics Challenge and, as you’ll see in the videos below, if a truly Terminator-like killer robot ever does come to fruition, ATLAS very well could be the one.

Although ATLAS was seen as an improvement from the U.S. Army’s version known as PETMAN, it began as a clunky and hulking 6′ 2″ 330-pound unstable creation that only could move indoors while connected to a tether. Nevertheless, it was equipped with sensors and an onboard computer system which set the framework for future models.
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