Termite attack in Florida


The Living Force
Termite attack in Florida
Creating a hybrid colonies grown at twice higher rate than usual

ORLANDO - Two of the world most devastating types of termites have begun to breed in Florida and create hybrid colonies grown at twice higher rate than normal, the researchers reported.
Asian and Formosan termites together are responsible for most of the 40 billion dollars in damage how many termites cause to a year in the world. Their hybrid offspring that could significantly increase, he says Nan-Yao Su from the University of Florida. Homeowners soon be able to see the damage, yet we can not know whether the hybrid offspring be fertile or sterile, because reproduction termite colony begins when about to reach the age of five
Asian and Formosan termites lived in different areas and reproduce at different times. Due to climate change and the area and the time of propagation of these two types of termites began to overlap.
Floods, tornadoes, termite invasion ...., What Are we still waiting in the future? :shock:

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