Terror plot 'being investigated'


The Living Force



Terror plot 'being investigated'

"Another great plot" is being investigated by the authorities, counter-terrorism minister Lord West warned.

"There is another great (terrorist) plot building up again and we are monitoring this," he told peers during a debate on new security laws.

Lord West, the former head of the Royal Navy, revealed the existence of the plot as the House of Lords continued debating the Counter Terrorism Bill.

He gave no more details of the threat.

His warning came less than 24 hours after peers forced the Government to abandon plans to extend maximum pre-charge detention for terror suspects to 42 days.

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith dropped the measure from the Bill after it was defeated in the upper house by 191 votes.

But she warned critics that they were exposing the country to a greater risk.
'Propaganda Alert!', indeed.

This article here, via ITN, goes into a bit more detail:


and yes, Lord West does mention the dreaded Al-Qaeda.

Of course, this warning of a 'huge' threat would have absolutely nothing to do with the House of Lords throwing out the proposed government bill to detain Muslims - sorry, I meant 'suspected terrorists', for 42 days now would it? Of course not; how could I think such a thing! :rolleyes:

However, Brown and his ilk haven't given up yet:


"Smith [Home Secretary] says 42-day detention plan not dead."

The government is planning to steamroller this bill through the Commons, regardless!

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