The Anglo-Saxon Mission


FOTCM Member
This is a new one from Project Camelot's Bill Ryan. I'd like some eyes and ears on it and maybe some analysis from those who may have insight on the various topics this "witness" brings forward.

I'm not going to ask you to watch Bill Ryan - that's just too painful - but there is a transcript.
Well I got half-way through it and have to run some errands. It seems like very standard disinfo conspiracy theory. All earth/human/3rd density thinking. No extra densities, no cometary fragments or natural disasters, just some masterminds in London. Also all, geopolitical strategy between "Anglo-Saxons" and "Chinese." Of course there probably groups in London who think they are masterminds, but...

And, like all good disinfo., there's enough things that could well be true. It looks like they are familiar with Cass/Sott material with engineered flu viruses and ethnic specific bio weapons, but since they (at least as far as I got) left out all the alien/extra density/space object stuff it seems like the intent of the disinfo is to keep us in 3D fear.
Here's an interesting bit that ties in:

A UN nuclear watchdog report suggests Iran could be developing a nuclear bomb, apparently confirming long-held suspicions in the West. But Tehran denies the claims, again insisting that its atomic intentions are peaceful. Michel Chossudovsky, who's from an independent Canadian policy research group, believes that what Iran says hardly matters, because the U.S. is planning for war.

Maybe one of ya'll who have read Prouty's book, "JFK", can pull up and quote his comments on the MAD option. That's an interesting counterpoint.
It's true that what Iran says hardly matters, but I seriously doubt that Iran has a nuke or that nukes will be used, at least not high-yield nukes as in "nuclear war". To be honest, I'm not surprised anymore about the disinfo being spread by PC. When you open you door and video cams to all and sundry so that they can have their say, you're gonna get a lot of disinfo simply because there is so much of it out there. It's just a pity people like Bill are so naive and resistant to using a little critical thinking
I am not geopolitical expert so I can only give my impressions FWIW
I did read through the whole thing and I have to say its was interesting read.

There is indeed mention of geophysical event (second half Mr. Premise :) ) and all in all everything said here is pretty much in line with the basic frame given by Cs, Pleadeans and Ra, and also things that we already know about and have been discussed extensively on this forum.
He is also saying several times what we already sort of established:
- it doesn't matter where we are but who we are, the key is in consciousness etc.
This bit also resonated well with me:
"It's got to do the with the fact that what's marvelous about the human race is the ability to transcend problems and reach deep within themselves to produce the very best out of themselves in the worst situations. And of course, in the military that kind of situation is almost a tradition, that under extraordinary pressure you have people behaving with incredible heroism, and it's that response to pressure that makes us wonderful."
I never heard of Jaurès despite of my formative years in socialist country where we extensively studied worker's movements throughout the history.

All in all I didn't think it was so bad. I was left with several questions though.
If he is so well informed how come he doesn't recognize Zionist involvement which is evident even to casual observer.
Should Russia really be dismissed so easily?

BTW Laura did you know you are lined up for their next interview- its at the bottom of home page. If you click on your name the recent SOTT article comes up.

I never been to this website before, so I browsed a bit. Didnt last very long.
Under the heading Bigger Picture - this is the first paragraph:
"The visitors who crashed at Roswell were future humans1. They were not from another planet2, but from a future Earth – stepping (which may be a better word than traveling) back in time to 1947 to attempt to deal with serious problems which had occurred in their history3."
After this I had to stop.
Stormy Knight said:
I did read through the whole thing and I have to say its was interesting read.

I take it there was no mention of Queen Elizabeth shape-shifting into a Reptilian? :P (must - have - humor)
Stormy Knight said:
I never been to this website before, so I browsed a bit. Didnt last very long.
Under the heading Bigger Picture - this is the first paragraph:
"The visitors who crashed at Roswell were future humans1. They were not from another planet2, but from a future Earth – stepping (which may be a better word than traveling) back in time to 1947 to attempt to deal with serious problems which had occurred in their history3."
After this I had to stop.

I really won't be surprised if, over the next few years, PC becomes THE major source for information on "how to hug a grey" and "why the space brothers are coming to save us".
This was interesting, and I think its good to remain skeptical. Let me get some of the things that bother me out of the way first:

W: Well, in a nuclear exchange -- and I believe there will be a limited nuclear exchange -- there will be some sort of ceasefire. That was spoken about; they anticipated a quick ceasefire, but not before millions had already died, principally in the Middle East.

So we're probably talking about Israel here, the population in Israel being sacrificed. Also places like Syria, Lebanon, possibly Iraq, definitely Iran, you know, the towns and major cities, power plants and so forth, that sort of thing. And then a ceasefire before it goes full-out.

At first blush, the plan by the PTB to "sacrifice the population of Israel" seems to be at odds with what I presently understand about global power structure -- one wouldn't think that Israel was expendable since they seem to be sort of the control-center of psychopathy. But then again I just read the following that was posted earlier today by Windmill Knight:

Session Sept 24, 2001

Q: (L) [...] What is going to happen with the Middle-eastern
situation; this Afghanistan or whatever?

A: Herding of population to much finer order of control.

Q: (L) What is the purpose of this control; this increasing control.

A: Preparation for war in Palestine.

Q: (L) But nobody has said anything about having a war in Palestine. They're
all talking about having a war in Afghanistan. How does Palestine fit in

A: It is the ultimate objective of Israel.

Q: (L) Why would they want to have war in their own country? Well, aside
from the fact that they've been having a war in their own country for a long
time. I guess they want to bring it to a final conclusion. What is going to
be the result of this plan?

A: Destruction of Jews.

Q: (L) Well obviously this is not what THEY are planning, is it?

A: No.

Q: (L) They are planning destruction of Palestinians, right?

A: Yes.

Then there is this part about "benevolent ETs":

W: And I also understand that there are more humanitarian and altruistic ET entities working against this timeline and are somehow maintaining a precarious balance without taking any direct intervention themselves.

..."These benevolent ETs" -- I don't actually like calling them "ETs"... I believe that these people are us and we are them.

...Now, if we're talking about intervention, this is when there will be an intervention by the "benevolent ETs." The people who are really us, this is when it may happen, but I don't know. I've got a strong intuitive feeling it will, but at the moment the situation that we have right now is not conducive for that type of intervention. Not right now.

This sounds kind of familiar ("we are you in the future"), but the one part of this that is out of place is the suggestion about intervention, which we know that 6D STO does not do.

He describes the "geophysical shift" in the following way:

W: I believe, personally, that come this shift -- I call it a shift because that's what I believe is going to happen; the Earth's crust is going to shift round about 30 degrees, about 1700 to 2000 miles southwards, and it will cause a huge upheaval, effects of which will last for a very long time to come. But the human race isn't going to die off. We're still going to be here. It's who we are at the end of that -- is where my mind is. And as for this regime, that's where their mind is. This is why they're doing what they're doing because they want to be in control at the end of it.

...we've now entered into that period where this geophysical event is about to take place, when we consider the length of time that's passed since the last one which happened about 11,500 years ago, and it happens round about 11,500 years, cyclically. It's now due to happen again.

So he has the general idea of a cataclysm right, including cyclicity (I'm not sure what to make of his exact figure of 11,500 years -- its similar to other figures which get tossed around about cosmic cycles) , but he is using what you might call the Patrick Geryl model, which usually involves something along the lines of a pole shift, the shifting of the Earth's crust, etc -- this is probably the most popular cataclysm model currently being marketed.

Finally, there is this:

B: This is extremely close to what David Icke talks about. It's extremely close to what Dr. Bill Deagle talks about, and to what we've talked about a number of times.

W: Yes.


B: Something that we spoke about earlier when we had a conversation a few days ago was there's a supreme arrogance in these people, which you've experienced at first-hand, which George Green described when we first met and talked to him about a year and three-quarters ago: He said: They think they've won. They're not worried about anything any more. They're not trying to silence all the alternative media. Not really, you know. It's not going to make any difference. What difference is a couple of voices going to make? The plan's still going to roll out. It's not going to make any difference at all, they believe, what you or I might say.

W: Well I go along with what George Green said. He's painted a far better picture than I could, because that's exactly what it's like. They are incredibly arrogant. Along with their other attributes that they have, there is that arrogance there. It's quite tangible. Yes. And they're just comfortable about what they're doing, totally comfortable. They're not hiding around and sneaking about. I mean, these are quite open people, some of them, public figures.

One of the things that I've noticed about the most obvious disinfo people on Project Camelot is that they all reference each other -- Bill is leading the Witness (no pun intended) here in both cases, so its hard to tell if the latter was already familiar with Icke, Deagle, and Green, or if he was just going along with Bill, but something to consider.

One thing I noticed that could be construed as positive (maybe) is his description of what we know to be psychopaths, without actually using the word:

W: I'm sure other people have come across characters like that in their lives. There's not a compassionate bone in their body. They do not resonate any spiritual warmth whatsoever. They're cold, they're calculating. To use a phrase that's common here, "butter wouldn't melt in their mouth".


W: Yes. And my perception is that this intelligence is incredibly logical, without any empathy, without any love, care, understanding or compassion. They're cold and calculating and logical beyond any logic that we could muster normally. They go well beyond that -- they're such supremely intelligent people. These are people who can produce answers to really difficult questions without blinking an eye. They are very, very bright people, but bright only in the sense that their logic is extraordinary.

Other parts of his story seems plausible but unverifiable. This summary by Bill Ryan caught my eye in particular:

I asked the question to our source: If there's an expected catastrophe, then why initiate a Third World War? His answer, for the first time to me, made terrible sense.

The real goal, he explained, is to set up the post-catastrophic world. To ensure that this "New World" [note the term] is the one the controllers want, totalitarian control structures need to be in place when the catastrophe occurs - with an excuse that the populace will accept and demand them. Martial law in the right, carefully chosen countries before the catastrophe occurs will enable the "right" people to survive and prosper in the post-catastrophic world, and the beginning of the next 11,500 year cycle. What may have been carefully planned on a covert global scale, for the last several generations, is nothing less than who will inherit the Earth.

Who are the "right" people? The white Caucasians. This may be why the name of this project is The Anglo-Saxon Mission. Hence the justification for the planned genocide of the Chinese people - so that the New World is inherited by "us", not "them".

Our source was not informed about the planned fate of the second and third world countries such as those in South America, Africa and Asia. But he presumes that these would be allowed to fend for themselves and probably not survive well - or maybe not at all. The totalitarian military governments of the western, white, people are set to be the inheritors.

If you substitute "psychopath" for "white Caucasian" (and it has been discussed since the last session that there is probably an above-average correlation between these two categories), then this might actually be somewhat close to the truth.

Perceval said:
I really won't be surprised if, over the next few years, PC becomes THE major source for information on "how to hug a grey" and "why the space brothers are coming to save us".

It could be -- the one thing that might suggest otherwise is their recent spat with Steven Greer over this very point (Greer is the grand-daddy of the grey-huggers as far as I'm concerned), where they accused him of being naive on the point of all "ETs" being positive, but who knows how the wind will blow at Project Camelot on this point in the future -- they certainly bought Dan Burisch's scenario that Stormy Knight quoted above for a long time!
Laura said:
This is a new one from Project Camelot's Bill Ryan. I'd like some eyes and ears on it and maybe some analysis from those who may have insight on the various topics this "witness" brings forward.

I'm not going to ask you to watch Bill Ryan - that's just too painful - but there is a transcript.

I watched the Bill Ryan interview and can't really add anything to what Shijing has posted.

How ever, after reading the document, I couldn't help being reminded of a TV series I enjoyed watching called "Dark Angel" which is about enhanced human beings trying to free themselves from their creators.

There is quite a bit of material that seems to resonate to what the C's describe in regards to cybergenetic organisms. This document describes organisms that have much more complex technology than I have read previously (though I am far from any kind of expert). Very grisly as well like:
In September of 07 we were presented with our future, Omega 13 was the designation of one unit that
was our prototype, we had DNA samples from our previous units and the metal frames were brought in
these grew living human tissue around the frames, also we would take a human and remove the spinal
cord and place the exactor and this grew a combination of metal and enhanced bone

She seemed to have interaction with reptilian beings of 6th (unknown what is meant by this but I assume means 4th density) and apparently do not have our best interest in mind:
“Some of us are here to control this planet, some to enslave it further, most wish to rule and claim it,
but we are here to protect it”
This "jump gate" was a disturbing scene to me. Especially that we apparently created the gate which allowed the reptilian beings to overrun the facility.

How can any of this be verified? I suppose we need to keep our eyes and ears open for more people coming out with these types of revelations and cross reference
Well, looks like PC has determined this piece could be a hoax.

A personal note about the Heather Anderson affair:

The document that Kerry made available for public scrutiny is a poor one, written by someone with an educational level inconsistent with that required of an insider scientist of any description.

On the Project Avalon Forum, Heather refers to herself as "Dr Anderson", and another member (Marco) who claims he knew her, refers to her as an MD (i.e. a medical doctor). I very, very much doubt that this is true.

Identical repeated typos - e.g. SOLIDER for 'soldier' - occur in Ben Murphy's writing. Ben Murphy is the Project Avalon member, named in the published PDF, who claims that Heather was a real person whom he knew, and who, frightened and on the run, stayed with him and his wife for a while.

E-mails from both Ben and Heather have identical IP addresses. However, Ben explains this by saying that all Heather's messages were dictated by her to him. He also states that this is the reason the same dyslexic mistakes (SOLIDER, etc) occur in both his writing and hers.

When all the above became clear, I accused Ben of hoaxing the material, and banned him from the Project Avalon forum. I apologize to him here as there was not enough evidence - and more on the subject of evidence follows below - to justify a definite ban as a hoaxer.

I was angry that Camelot was being played. Indeed, Heather does seem to have been a real person. Camelot may indeed be being played, but not by Ben. A number of people are working quite hard on getting to the bottom of this little tangle on the grounds that it's just possible that what emerges might be important and valuable. For instance, we've recently heard that Heather is not dead after all, but has recently sent a message stating that she is in Strasbourg.

In the meantime, my strong personal opinion is that this is a waste of Camelot's time, and that we should focus on real whistleblowers (and real people) with provenance who are able to produce compelling evidence to support their claims. It's unfortunate that any of this reached the public. At best, it's a distraction. At worst, this is a sting operation against Project Camelot with the intention of discrediting our research.

In my view, those following our work expect us to apply intelligent due diligence to cross-check information that comes our way before publication. Also in my view, we have a duty of responsibility as gatekeepers, respected and followed by tens of thousands of people worldwide, to check the provenance of the information we record and report as carefully as possible while working in an arena which is awash with accidental and deliberate disinformation. It's my personal commitment to do good, solid research while remaining open to genuinely new and startling information - because the universe, as Sir Arthur Eddington famously stated, is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose.

It's easy to make mistakes, or to be fooled by those with compelling cover stories and resources to back them up. I commend Kerry for her unstinting support for whistleblowers of every kind - and there are many kinds. We don't always get it right, and have both made mistakes. The nature of our work over the last three and a half years would have required one to be superhuman not to have been on a learning curve.

Our learning continues. We're pledged to share our journey with our readers and viewers. Kerry and I are united in our passion for the truth, and are both committed to giving our best to help the world become a better place through the free flow of information that has been withheld from the public by those who wish to control us for reasons of their own.

Hi, I read the transcript.

The only thing I wanted to say about it was that for me personally it made me think how the PTB must have meetings like these. With their plans for world domination. I guess there are meetings like this around the world. Whether this was one of them I don't see how we could know.

He seemed to be quite in tune with the general idea here in that ultimately the STS powers are so arrogant that they believe they will succeed regardless of what else may happen so deeply involved are they in thier wishful-thinking.

Something that we spoke about earlier when we had a conversation a few days ago was there's a supreme arrogance in these people, which you've experienced at first-hand, which George Green described when we first met and talked to him about a year and three-quarters ago: He said: They think they've won. They're not worried about anything any more. They're not trying to silence all the alternative media. Not really, you know. It's not going to make any difference. What difference is a couple of voices going to make? The plan's still going to roll out. It's not going to make any difference at all, they believe, what you or I might say.

W: Well I go along with what George Green said. He's painted a far better picture than I could, because that's exactly what it's like. They are incredibly arrogant. Along with their other attributes that they have, there is that arrogance there. It's quite tangible. Yes. And they're just comfortable about what they're doing, totally comfortable. They're not hiding around and sneaking about. I mean, these are quite open people, some of them, public figures.

W: I'm sure other people have come across characters like that in their lives. There's not a compassionate bone in their body. They do not resonate any spiritual warmth whatsoever. They're cold, they're calculating. To use a phrase that's common here, "butter wouldn't melt in their mouth".


W: Yes. And my perception is that this intelligence is incredibly logical, without any empathy, without any love, care, understanding or compassion. They're cold and calculating and logical beyond any logic that we could muster normally. They go well beyond that -- they're such supremely intelligent people. These are people who can produce answers to really difficult questions without blinking an eye. They are very, very bright people, but bright only in the sense that their logic is extraordinary.

It all sounds scarily possible but I guess that's the point. Still it made me think :/
Thing is, it is not likely that real "whistle blowers" would get out and really reveal any secrets. Just think how easy it is to "off" inconvenient people without any clue that it was intentional, and, on the other hand, how easy it is to set something up to look like a person was offed for the sake of creating a myth around their disinfo. Morris Jessup is a case in point, and after researching that one in depth, I've never forgotten the lesson learned there.

So, why would "apparent whistleblowers" come out? Obviously to tell a good story that probably has some - even a lot - of truth in it, but important details twisted, reversed or slanted in a particular direction. Just think of Alex Jones and David Icke.

And of course, much of what is slanted or twisted will refer to information that can't be proven or verified one way or the other.

Have a look here: _ This guy's life work seems to be twisting everything I have ever written... and he's a lot better at it than Vincent Bridges! If you read some of his stuff, you'll get an idea of how worried they are about me, the Cs, what we are doing here and that should give us a clue as to why these purported "whistleblowers" come out and say stuff that is SOOOO similar to what we have been saying for years, only with twist and turns and slants...
Laura said:
Thing is, it is not likely that real "whistle blowers" would get out and really reveal any secrets. Just think how easy it is to "off" inconvenient people without any clue that it was intentional, and, on the other hand, how easy it is to set something up to look like a person was offed for the sake of creating a myth around their disinfo. Morris Jessup is a case in point, and after researching that one in depth, I've never forgotten the lesson learned there.

So, why would "apparent whistleblowers" come out? Obviously to tell a good story that probably has some - even a lot - of truth in it, but important details twisted, reversed or slanted in a particular direction. Just think of Alex Jones and David Icke.

I agree. I was sorry to see yesterday that the video had been taken down for copyright maintenance, because I wanted to see how this guy came across in the actual interview (even if only the tone of his voice, since I got the impression he wasn't actually on-camera). Bill mentions that his background checks out, but since we don't know how Bill goes about doing a background check, we pretty much have to take his word on that. It seems ludicrous that if this guy was really who he says he is, that TPTB wouldn't be able to figure it out pretty much immediately and go to town on him.
Here are a few excepts from Prouty on MAD
"In the real world- where more than six trillion dollars have been spent on military manpower, military equipment, and facilities since WW II ended in 1945- we discovered that the major battles of that Cold War were fought every day by Third World countries and terrorists. At the same time, the enormous military might of both world powers proved to be relatively ineffectual, because those multi-megaton hydrogen bomb weapons are too monstrous, and too uncontrollably life threatening, to have any reasonable strategic value.
The existence of these multimegaton hydrogen bombs has so drastically changed the Grand Strategy of world powers that, today and for the future, that strategy is being carried out by the invisible forces of the CIA, what remains of the KGB, and their lesser counterparts around the world.

...Not long after the great war, the world leaders were faced suddenly with the reality of a great dilemma. At the root of this dilemma was the new fission-fusion-fission H-bomb. Is it some uncontrollable Manichean device, or is it truly a weapon of war?
These leaders have realized now that use of the thermonuclear, fission-fusion-fission type of megaton-plus bomb will destroy mankind, nature, and Earth. Therefore, they have asked, must they abandon the historic madness of all-out uncontrolled warfare, or, in its stead, can they discover and create some alternative to war that will perpetuate nationalism and maintain national sovereignty?...

....Today the power elite can see no assured survival for themselves and their class if hydrogen bombs are used in their warfare. Up until the end of WW II, this power elite on both sides of the fray, who exist above the war, have always been assured of survival. In any war in the future in which there is an exchange of H-bombs, there can be no assured Armageddon-type survival for the chosen, for mankind, for all of nature, or for Earth itself."

excerpts from "JFK" by Fletcher Prouty pp 1-8
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