The Arrivals


Padawan Learner
I don't know if this belongs in the movies category, as it is a Youtube series, but it's long enough to qualify as a real movie - 50 parts, some better than others, but overall a wow effect. It was made by two young Islamic film makers who manage to mix conspiracy theory, end times theology, and the idea that hyperdimensional beings are involved in our world into a fascinating conglomeration. There are lots of scenes from movies, most notably Lord of the Rings, The Matrix and Eyes Wide Shut. Just to see Lord of the Rings from an Islamic perspective was worth getting through all 50 videos.

Definitely worth the time, and it gets better towards the end.

The arrivals videos

Hi everybody.

This evening I found these videos, they seem interesting in some points, so I looked for a search in the forum and I din't find any reference about them.

I'd like to know what's your opinion about them, if someone watched, anyway here is the link.


This link is the english version i looked for the forum's members, there is more information than in the subtitle one version i'm watching (subtitles in spanish---> i'm a nerd listening english---> improving now, may be some day i'll understand well), if you don't mind i'm going to paste the link to the subtitled version ( in spanish for others members with the same limitation, but i must advise that there are more things in the english version):


There are 48 parts,I only watched 15 and I'll go on after writting this post, and we can see another perspective (arabian perspective) about a lot of subjects.... iluminati, new world order, energy, sex, mind control..........

A priori I believe these are interesting videos so I need to share them with you.

I hope you'll find interesting this information.

Mod Edit requested addition: To others languages (subtitled), i guess that with a quickly search in you tube,it may show some results.

Greetings !!

Mod Edit: Topics merged
Re: The arrivals videos

I also watched the arrivals video some time back and found it quite interesting. Like the Zietgeist video, I believe it is designed to stir up strong emotions and cause unnecessary paranoia. Yes we are heading for some kind of disaster, and yes there is a conspiracy, but we must all have a cool head and not be hasty in our judgments and actions.
Re: The arrivals videos

samy said:
I also watched the arrivals video some time back and found it quite interesting. Like the Zietgeist video, I believe it is designed to stir up strong emotions and cause unnecessary paranoia. Yes we are heading for some kind of disaster, and yes there is a conspiracy, but we must all have a cool head and not be hasty in our judgments and actions.

Hi Samy, I'm not going to discuss about the allegedly intentions behind these videos, I think that everybody can create his/her/their own opinion about it, i'm actually watching the video 23, when i end with all them i'll post my impressions. I'm agree with you respect to the Zietgeist videos and about to have a cool head and not be hasty in our judgments and actions.

Thank you for sharing your opinion.

Greetings !!
Hi everybody.

First of all thanks for moving this into the correct section, as i told in my first post about these videos i made a search in the forum but it seems i didn't it in a right way because i didn't find this thread.

I have just finished watching all the videos, they are 50. I think there are interesting things. And in the other hand there are many questionable statements that i found in it. In a general point of view i belive that these videos are a good job, but limited into the religions and prophecies perspective.

Anyway i learned a few things so in my case it was a positive experience.

Greetings !!
I watched some of it some time ago and I don't remember that they talked about hyperdimensional beings rather they are mentioning Satan and his servants-elite and demons(jinns) , I remember they told that aliens are deception of world elite to scare people to accept NWO. There are some good explanations about hidden messages in cartoons, video games, movies. There is much interpretation from the Kur'an and mentioning of God, but the main thing they miss is that the Kur'an is like the Bible - fraud and full of lies, and it was created by the same forces that created christianity and all lies about Jesus Christ and our history. But the main difference between christians and muslims is that many muslims are faitful to their teachings and christians are not. One thing that I like in this videos is music. Here is a link on YouTube:
dannybananny said:
But the main difference between christians and muslims is that many muslims are faitful to their teachings and christians are not. One thing that I like in this videos is music.
There are so many contradictions in any religious "teachings" that I don't even see how you could call anyone faithful to their religion - it all depends on which parts of their religion they decide to adhere to, doesn't it? Muslims and Christians have a huge bloody history of war and conquest. The effects of each religion is the same on their respective followers as far as I can tell - it encourages bigotry, violence, oppression, ignorance, pathology, lying to self and others, and so on. I think many Christians are just as faithful to their religion as any other religious group - they are following in the footsteps of their violent, jealous, unforgiving, manipulative, controlling, and lying god who, despite all that, claims to "love" them. You can do almost anything and find your actions justified by some passage from your religious holy book of choice, so I really don't know how to classify someone as faithful to their religion or not.

One could argue that this forum is more faithful to the true Christian religion than anyone else if you just look at the parts that teach us to love one another and to seek truth in all things because we can only Know/Love God through his Works, which is the objective reality, and that Heaven is within and not some external "place". The book also teaches self observation before judging others while ignoring our own faults. And yet, the same book also teaches and promotes the exact opposite of this, depending what page you open to. Although to follow the "positive" principles of this book isn't arbitrary or accidental. Many people will pick and choose parts of their religion that they "like" on an entirely subjective basis. But it seems that if one was to compare certain aspects to other esoteric works, then it is possible to weed out things that are truly beneficial to our development based on objective criterea. But how many Christians or Muslims are doing something like that?
The effects of each religion is the same on their respective followers as far as I can tell - it encourages bigotry, violence, oppression, ignorance, pathology, lying to self and others, and so on.

Yes, this is truth about most of religions but not every religion only Christianity and Islam. Buddhism isn't violent but it's teachings are "wrong" and they had connections with nazis, they worship Buddha that told them to not worship him, etc.... Hinduism has it's cast system and desinfo about reincarnation. I agree that all religions are negative because you don't need religion if you know the truth but we live in the world that is based on lies. I wanted to say(maybe I used wrong word because of my poor English) that many muslims help others, they are honest, they don't lie, they are humble people, have respect to each other because there is something positive in their religion like there is in Christianity but the difference is that they are practicing that positive part of their religion more then Christians. Yes, we have violence, holly war against infidels, fanaticism, but most muslims are decent people . On the other hand many Christians(especially Catholics) aren't doing what is their religion teaching, like 10 commandments(yes they are lies from 4D STS but even some of them are positive like don't kill, etc...if they would do that this world would be a better place), we have hypocrisy, because I was Catholic and I know that. When they finish the mass they are instantly swearing, etc... so what's the purpose of it I asked? It's all about some luxury in society, some tradition. There are some people thet are positive and Catholics but they are rare. You won't find Muslim that is swearing or cursing his Good or mother.

Muslims and Christians have a huge bloody history of war and conquest.

Yes, but in the recent time, last 2 century muslims didn't invade other countries but West is doing it still today and through it's all history, don't mentioning that muslims respected other religions when they conquered some area and christians slaughtered or forced people to accept their religion.I don't want to look like I'am defending someone, I just want to be objective and it's like you have two "evils", smaller and greater, but it's still what it is.
Well, Buddhists are escapists in practice. They do nothing in the face of global tyrrany, which is the same as being part of it. They busy themselves with their meditation and contemplation and let the world burn as they do nothing.

I am wondering what gives you the impression that Muslims are in general any more positive than Christians? Is there any data to support this? Is there any data that "they are practicing that positive part of their religion more then Christians"? It seems that all religions go through cycles. Whenever and wherever there is a concentration of pathological types, no matter what the local philosophy or religion is, everything goes to hell. There are Christian communities where people, despite their religious brainwashing, are generally good and loving towards one another. It seems that the natural human tendency is to pick out the parts of our religion or philosophy that reflects our own humanity. So if someone is a good person in a good community, they will follow the "good" parts of their religion as much as possible. But let a bunch of pathologicals into this community and that same religion turns into an unholy crusade of destruction. The more ponerized a community, the more they will use whatever religion or philosophy is popular to destructive ends. And the less ponerized, the more that same religion or philosophy will be used positively.

It is true that there is a huge concentration of pathology in the Western world right now, so what you say about Christians may have merit if only because they have been so fully taken over by psychopaths at this point in time. And if so, this isn't because Christianity as a religion is more "evil" than Islam, it is just how its followers are programmed to use it at any given time by the pathologicals who are in control.
Well, Buddhists are escapists in practice. They do nothing in the face of global tyrrany, which is the same as being part of it. They busy themselves with their meditation and contemplation and let the world burn as they do nothing.

I read somewhere that the C's were asked for help during the Holocaust (Laura was not the first channeler) yet they did not interfere due to free will infringement. Does that make them a part of it?

Don't forget that we are also practicing the EE breathing program, does that make us escapists?
samy said:
I read somewhere that the C's were asked for help during the Holocaust (Laura was not the first channeler) yet they did not interfere due to free will infringement. Does that make them a part of it?
As I understand it, the C's do help those who ask to the extent that they can from their density. Most people aren't doing what is necessary to establish direct contact with higher densities, part of which requires exhausting all other resources first. And even despite this limitation, the C's are able to reach many people through those that do establish direct contact. As you said, Laura is not the first, and the resources with "higher knowledge" (Gurdjieff, for example, is proof of this) have always been there if someone looked hard enough. "God helps those who help themselves, and others".

Having said that, I don't think that we can compare ourselves with the C's. We cannot judge the C's on what they don't do because we don't know what other densities can or cannot do, and why. We can, however, understand why humans do or don't do things, because we know our capabilities. The C's always remind us that all there is is lessons, and perhaps one of those lessons is to learn how to manage our own civilization without being led by the hand by higher beings. This would put the responsibility of helping our fellow humans on us. We also cannot model ourselves entirely on the behavior of "higher beings" because their role is different simply because they are "higher beings". There is good, there is bad, and there is the specific situation that determines which is which - context is everything. The context of being human is entirely different than being a dog, or being on a higher level. If someone near you is hurt, it is on you to get them to the hospital, not the C's.

It could be similar to how we interact with 2d. If a lion is hurt, it is on other lions to help if they can - but they are less conscious so they have less "responsibility" - they do only what is in their instinct. We can do our part from our context - standing against those who dump industrial waste and trash nature for profit, and help restore the natural environment that other humans trashed. This allows nature to then help itself on its own level as necessary. Everyone does their part from their level and to the degree that it is most appropriate and helpful, which is dictated by who they are and what they see.

samy said:
Don't forget that we are also practicing the EE breathing program, does that make us escapists?
But this is not all we do. This forum has never been about just breathing and meditating, this is just an enabler to help us better fix our machine so we can network to a greater capacity, and help others to a greater capacity as well. But it seems that the Buddhists would do something like the EE breathing program and that's it, no networking, no blogging, no writing books, no making websites, no doing research and showing others the result of same, no studying psychology and sharing what you learn with others, etc.
SAO said:
samy said:
Don't forget that we are also practicing the EE breathing program, does that make us escapists?
But this is not all we do. This forum has never been about just breathing and meditating, this is just an enabler to help us better fix our machine so we can network to a greater capacity, and help others to a greater capacity as well. But it seems that the Buddhists would do something like the EE breathing program and that's it, no networking, no blogging, no writing books, no making websites, no doing research and showing others the result of same, no studying psychology and sharing what you learn with others, etc.

Exactly - the EE program is a very powerful tool - and part of what we do. It must be matched with knowledge input on a continual basis. This has been made clear a few times, so I'm curious about why you got a different impression, samy?
dannybananny said:
Yes, but in the recent time, last 2 century Muslims didn't invade other countries but West is doing it still today

Yes, but if they could they would. For the last 2 centuries Muslim countries are governed "mostly" by the puppets of the western psychopaths. And most of these puppets are psychopaths too. They do what they are allowed to do.
SAO said:
Buddhists would do something like the EE breathing program and that's it, no networking, no blogging, no writing books, no making websites, no doing research and showing others the result of same, no studying psychology and sharing what you learn with others, etc.

It seems from your previous posts that you are dismissing an entire religion based on how you view their followers. I'm not a Buddhist but I know that there is truth buried in all practices/religions even if it's contaminated with lies. And it's up to us to extract these truths based on objectivity and not dismiss everything based on subjectivity. For example, before I found out about Laura's work I read a lot about other esoteric works by spiritualist/ scientists/ new agers/ astrologists/ psychologists and so on; so now that I found Laura's work, should I throw all of them away in the trash? Of course not, but now with a different view I'm more capable than before of discerning truth from lies.
Yes, but if they could they would. For the last 2 centuries Muslim countries are governed "mostly" by the puppets of the western psychopaths. And most of these puppets are psychopaths too. They do what they are allowed to do.

I agree that there are puppets but this what you wrote is generalization. You are assuming that almost all leaders and elite are psychopats, and assumptions always get you! It isn't so simple, it's easy to say that they are all psychopaths but there are surley some of them that aren't, some of them have soul but they like other crew! They can be also politicans that are manipulated, blackmailed, etc...
You are also assuming that they would invade other countries, how do you know that?

It seems from your previous posts that you are dismissing an entire religion based on how you view their followers. I'm not a Buddhist but I know that there is truth buried in all practices/religions even if it's contaminated with lies.

No one didn't say that there isn't some truth, in every religion there is some truth but they aren't doing nothing to make this world a better place, they are just talking of love and peace but this thing with Buddhists is little deeper than that. I think they are in conntact with 4D STS and underground civilizations, there are some stories about that, one is especially interesting because it's about one man that found some tombs in Buddhist temple and in one of that tomb there was grey(this story and others are in the magazin Nexus, number 40)!They talk about Shamballa, "city of Gods", and gatekeepers of that "city" are Buddhist. I think this name relates to underground civilizations. So if that is true they are deliberately hidding the truth and they sure now it. They call them Gods because they have technology and psychic powers, but it doesn't mean that they are benevolent! There are also stories about nazi expeditions that went to Tibet, and there is one interesting movie, I forgot the name of it(I'll try to found it), in the beginning of the movie Red army is fighting against nazis in Berlin, and Soviets find Buddhist priests that did suicide, I think they were in circle and there was one Buddhist with green gloves, like they were doing some black magic or something! So, I like to call Buddhists Vatican of the East.

I read somewhere that the C's were asked for help during the Holocaust (Laura was not the first channeler) yet they did not interfere due to free will infringement. Does that make them a part of it?

There is a free will in question, isn't it ironic that they want to be saved if they choose to be killed on 5D so they can clean they carma? C's mentioned that Indians and Jews called(I think) Federation for help but that would be distortion of free will of Indians and Jews. Jews had to pay they carma because they were some kind of supervisors in Atlantis, so what goes around comes around.

It is true that there is a huge concentration of pathology in the Western world right now, so what you say about Christians may have merit if only because they have been so fully taken over by psychopaths at this point in time. And if so, this isn't because Christianity as a religion is more "evil" than Islam, it is just how its followers are programmed to use it at any given time by the pathologicals who are in control.

They were taken by the psychopats and negative people for a long time ago but now they are uleashed in full spectrum. It isn't more "evil" but christianity killed more people through history, I think that this is sufficient for a more negative religion. This is because of psychos that are more numerous in the West and this is a historic fact but it could have been another way around, but it wasn't, and there is a reason for that . Muslims have more discipline and this is because their harsh education and because of that they practice almost every aspect of their religion, and many Christians don't even do basic things they religion teaches them, I'am talking from my experience because I live in country that is 94 per cent Catholic. With all else I agree. There are other factores involved in that, like genetics, etc... White race is the most agressive and eastern you go people are more spiritual. C's also said something that religion is a base for social behavior of aryans.

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