Yes, but if they could they would. For the last 2 centuries Muslim countries are governed "mostly" by the puppets of the western psychopaths. And most of these puppets are psychopaths too. They do what they are allowed to do.
I agree that there are puppets but this what you wrote is generalization. You are assuming that almost all leaders and elite are psychopats, and assumptions always get you! It isn't so simple, it's easy to say that they are all psychopaths but there are surley some of them that aren't, some of them have soul but they like other crew! They can be also politicans that are manipulated, blackmailed, etc...
You are also assuming that they would invade other countries, how do you know that?
It seems from your previous posts that you are dismissing an entire religion based on how you view their followers. I'm not a Buddhist but I know that there is truth buried in all practices/religions even if it's contaminated with lies.
No one didn't say that there isn't some truth, in every religion there is some truth but they aren't doing nothing to make this world a better place, they are just talking of love and peace but this thing with Buddhists is little deeper than that. I think they are in conntact with 4D STS and underground civilizations, there are some stories about that, one is especially interesting because it's about one man that found some tombs in Buddhist temple and in one of that tomb there was grey(this story and others are in the magazin Nexus, number 40)!They talk about Shamballa, "city of Gods", and gatekeepers of that "city" are Buddhist. I think this name relates to underground civilizations. So if that is true they are deliberately hidding the truth and they sure now it. They call them Gods because they have technology and psychic powers, but it doesn't mean that they are benevolent! There are also stories about nazi expeditions that went to Tibet, and there is one interesting movie, I forgot the name of it(I'll try to found it), in the beginning of the movie Red army is fighting against nazis in Berlin, and Soviets find Buddhist priests that did suicide, I think they were in circle and there was one Buddhist with green gloves, like they were doing some black magic or something! So, I like to call Buddhists Vatican of the East.
I read somewhere that the C's were asked for help during the Holocaust (Laura was not the first channeler) yet they did not interfere due to free will infringement. Does that make them a part of it?
There is a free will in question, isn't it ironic that they want to be saved if they choose to be killed on 5D so they can clean they carma? C's mentioned that Indians and Jews called(I think) Federation for help but that would be distortion of free will of Indians and Jews. Jews had to pay they carma because they were some kind of supervisors in Atlantis, so what goes around comes around.
It is true that there is a huge concentration of pathology in the Western world right now, so what you say about Christians may have merit if only because they have been so fully taken over by psychopaths at this point in time. And if so, this isn't because Christianity as a religion is more "evil" than Islam, it is just how its followers are programmed to use it at any given time by the pathologicals who are in control.
They were taken by the psychopats and negative people for a long time ago but now they are uleashed in full spectrum. It isn't more "evil" but christianity killed more people through history, I think that this is sufficient for a more negative religion. This is because of psychos that are more numerous in the West and this is a historic fact but it could have been another way around, but it wasn't, and there is a reason for that . Muslims have more discipline and this is because their harsh education and because of that they practice almost every aspect of their religion, and many Christians don't even do basic things they religion teaches them, I'am talking from my experience because I live in country that is 94 per cent Catholic. With all else I agree. There are other factores involved in that, like genetics, etc... White race is the most agressive and eastern you go people are more spiritual. C's also said something that religion is a base for social behavior of aryans.