"The celiac iceberg"

That's pretty typical for playing around with wheat. Once your intestines begin to heal, your sensitivity (reaction to a poison) begins to return, and then you eat it again, it's bad news. And it sounds like it is particularly bad for you.

I tell ya, pizza is deadly stuff.
Quote from: Potamus on March 20, 2010, 09:42:06 PM
Those with the courage to follow through his 2-3 month bulking agent cleansing program (ooops he suggests using psyllium wheat husks)

great thread!
I just checked up Psyllium husk to know exactly what it is, as I'm taking it to regulate the rhythm in my bowels, and found it has nothing to do with wheat. It is the seed husk of a plant of the same family (plantago) as the plantains we find along streets and in cracks, which by the way also helps to heal wounds (when you use the leaf on the wound).
So as far as I know, we can all continue to use Psyllium husk to help our bowels!

Hi Pipi,

While Psyllium is not of the wheat family, and by the way neither are oats, they are processed on machinery where wheat, barley and rye are also processed. They are almost universally contaminated by gluten. I know there are a few brands of oats available from a dedicated gluten free factory... such as Bob's Red Mill ... but I know of no such dedicated facilities for psyllium. From my own experience, I would recommend avoiding psyillium. There are many forms of fiber that are available psyillium free. My favorite is Chia seed.
Quote by Potamus:
"... Seriously, I am finding it incredible that friendly little wheat can cause such reactions. I just can't get my head around it somehow...."

Nothin' friendly aBOUT it. I remember being in denial about the effects of gluten. I would be off of it for 6 months and doing great and thinking I could get away with just a little bit. The horrifying result, every time ... I cannot and never will be able to tolerate gluten. (can't even lick an envelope) My immune system reacts like a hammer! It took me about 2 years to really get a solid acceptance around being a celiac. Sucks.... but I am 10 years now... better for it.

I am sorry to hear the reaction you are going through. I have found several ways to heal the damage and pain, one of which is pretty darn quick. L-glutamine powder dissolved into room temp water. Mix till water is clear and don't wait. Drink it right down so that when it starts breaking down, it will do so inside of you. Preferably on an empty stomach for regular use, but anytime you accidentally eat gluten, this is a first thing to do ASAP. Taken on a regular basis, this will help to rebuild the lining of your gut... especially all the little celia that absorb all your nutrients.

I also found the Glucosamine and MSM can be helpful, though they can cause minor gas for some. And not to be underestimated, Zinc! Very important for forming tissues.

I never go anywhere without enzymes and I always keep L-glutamine powder in my cupboard.

Hope you feel better soon.
Thank you guys so much! What a relief! I'll get some of the amino acid. Better today. Got to stay on the horse. That bit about being vigilant is just too true. I knew somehow when the invitation came Monday, that it would lead to disaster. A friendly invitation from someone I love led to one of the darkest evenings I have had in a while. Buggers use my friends as vectors against me!! I only have myself to blame. That is humbling (and why I changed my avatar). I noticed yesterday morning that the look in my eyes that I have in this photo - looking up from my examination of that paper cup so many years ago - is precisely me. (Udi's bread rocks BTW!) cheers.
I just walked over to the health food store near my office for L-glutamine, and noticed that the manager of the department is the same guy that has been there for years. I asked him about all of this, the celiac effects, etc. and he said that he has seen many folks with the kind of effects I am experiencing. He confirmed Laura's and Lauranimal's comments that abstinence makes one more vulnerable later. I told him I was trying to quit wheat, and he warned me sternly that I will get it by accident, and that I will have a strong reaction. He apparently wanted to make the point very clear. He said that some folks take two weeks to get back to normal, and that the bad gas and bleeding I experienced is typical. He also villified corn, stating that it is bad also. I bought the L-glutamine (and found some pH strips - finally).

He gave me some Sea Buckthorn extract, which he says promotes mucous membrane health. He is a big value add, I think I'll print out sayerji's articles for him to return the favor. Anyways, I hope this is useful info for somebody... It certainly is for me! - P
Anyone else but me questioning the Marco Polo legend at this point?
He went to China and brought back the invention of pasta. Wheat from China?? Riiiight
On March 17th this spring I gave up eating wheat and dairy. Based on what I read earlier in this thread and the encouragement from Laura and Psyche, I gave it a try. For six weeks I was scrupulous about what I ate and not a speck (that I could discern) of wheat and dairy was consumed.

I did not have a lot of aches and pains to start with, a big part of which I attribute to eliminating almost all sugar from my diet nine months before, so I did not notice a big change in my bones and joints, nor did I find any changes in my asthma. But, I did find that after about 4 days my energy level was increasing. After about 10 days I had a remarkable increase in energy and mental clarity. It was as if some depressive fog was lifted and I felt lighter, clearer, energized, and present. My desire and need for caffeine essentially disappeared, and I no longer craved carbs--especially in the afternoon when I would have a very noticeable physical low. Before I eliminated wheat and dairy, I felt tired a lot--not a lack of sleep tired, but a "no energy" kind of tired.

Another benefit is my skin is clearer, cleaner, and rosier looking, and I am told by close friends that my eyes are brighter and the dark circles under them have gone. I also feel less bloated, almost all gas eliminated, and my intestines are not inflamed. In the past I was diagnosed with diverticuloses and became very sensitive to the “normal” feel of my bowels—only it wasn’t until I quit W & D that I realized what I thought was normal was actually constant low level inflammation with spikes at times. After stopping W&D my belly became flatter and I did not have gas, and that constant slightly irritated feeling in my guts was gone.

During the last two weeks of May I ate a little wheat and dairy for two reasons; one because I wanted to test what changes I would have if I ate it again, and this was the perfect time to do it as I had been on the diet long enough to experience the good changes and my work load was so intense during the last two weeks of May that I literally did not have time to shop and cook and pack lunches. In the course of two weeks I ate two flour tortilla wraps, two sandwich buns, three dinner rolls and my first piece of New York pizza/”opium,” + - 6 cookies, a little cream, 3-4 oz of cheese, and a piece of cheesecake/”cocaine.”

I had no discernible immediate response to adding these foods back, but the tiredness, lack of energy, gas, and irritated bowels, crept back into my life. For the last week I have been back on a diet free of almost all sugar, all wheat, barley, oats, and all milk products except for a little butter two or three times a week, and the good changes are back! So that is it for me—no wheat or dairy in my regular diet, maybe on a rare very special occasion with friends, a small serving of something, but the longer I go without it the easier it gets to live completely without it, and I used to be a person who said, “ if I could only choose one food to live on it would be bread.”!

By the end of June my house guests, and vacation time will be over and I will have a quiet period of 7 weeks home alone and only teaching two days a week. My plan is to do the strict detox diet during that time and see what further benefits I can experience.
Good luck to all of you with your healthy changes.
shellycheval said:
I had no discernible immediate response to adding these foods back, but the tiredness, lack of energy, gas, and irritated bowels, crept back into my life. For the last week I have been back on a diet free of almost all sugar, all wheat, barley, oats, and all milk products except for a little butter two or three times a week, and the good changes are back! So that is it for me—no wheat or dairy in my regular diet, maybe on a rare very special occasion with friends, a small serving of something, but the longer I go without it the easier it gets to live completely without it, and I used to be a person who said, “ if I could only choose one food to live on it would be bread.”!

Great news shellycheval! I'm very happy for you. :) Although I would not have it even on rare occasions. A little bit of it can create great havoc. Not even in supplements. That is also why you have to be careful with processed foods, which often have traces of gluten.

shellycheval said:
I had no discernible immediate response to adding these foods back, but the tiredness, lack of energy, gas, and irritated bowels, crept back into my life.

This is why it is an "iceberg" with most of the damage concealed and just a little bit showing at the top! One wonders, of course, if it was just making you tired, lacking in energy, gassy and so forth, what ELSE might it have been doing in the way of silent damage to your body?

As I wrote recently to someone else whose partner has a sudden TIA - out of the blue - and the doctors are telling her that her arteries to her brain are like 80% blocked and she had absolutely NO symptoms! - researchers have been saying for years that it is dairy that damages blood vessels and causes the build up of arterial plaque which is what occludes blood vessels. Some people are obviously more sensitive than others and damage occurs rapidly and heavily even without a single external symptom. Like Gaby said, they just have a heart attack or stroke one day and that's the first they know.

Since we know that the evils of gluten are similar to the evils of dairy, we have to wonder how much damage is being done to the body without ANY symptoms?

You are lucky, like me, you do have symptoms that let you know that your body is suffering with that stuff. But not everyone is so lucky.
Lauranimal said:
(can't even lick an envelope)

What's in the envelope glue? I'm asking because I can't stand to lick an envelope...or stamp back when they were lickable. I always wet a sponge....and I've gotten laughed at for doing so for decades. It's considered one of my "funny quirks"

I thought maybe I had some subconscious fear of getting a paper cut on my tongue or something like that, but your comment is making me wonder. With a few notable exceptions, my body's always been really nice about warning me about poisons, toxins, etc. ...if I take time to listen.
Laura said:
As I wrote recently to someone else whose partner has a sudden TIA - out of the blue - and the doctors are telling her that her arteries to her brain are like 80% blocked and she had absolutely NO symptoms! - researchers have been saying for years that it is dairy that damages blood vessels and causes the build up of arterial plaque which is what occludes blood vessels. Some people are obviously more sensitive than others and damage occurs rapidly and heavily even without a single external symptom. Like Gaby said, they just have a heart attack or stroke one day and that's the first they know.

I hope everybody read the above! It sounds surreal, but there are people who feel perfectly healthy. It can be a person doing exercise on a regular basis, thinking that he or she is eating healthy and thinks is in good health because they don't smoke. Then, it happens that they are asked for a medical test for a job, and lo and behold, they have an unstable inflammatory plaque of 99% in the left main artery of the heart. This is an emergency requiring open heart surgery right there in the moment. It is so difficult for them to come into terms with the urgency of it, after all, they feel fine! Other lucky people have attacks from which they can recover and take control of their health. Other people just drop dead.

Inflammatory foods like dairy and gluten, transfats, etc but also, mercury have a clear role in cardiovascular diseases. And it can all happen without the person noticing and feeling perfectly fine. Silent dis-eases!
I had no discernible immediate response to adding these foods back, but the tiredness, lack of energy, gas, and irritated bowels, crept back into my life.

You are lucky, like me, you do have symptoms that let you know that your body is suffering with that stuff. But not everyone is so lucky.

My personal experience confirms these (the experiments continue). Again thank you!

Some people are obviously more sensitive than others and damage occurs rapidly and heavily even without a single external symptom.

It's interesting psyche, et al, I wonder how much this level sensitivity has to do with just plain awareness?
Guardian said:
Lauranimal said:
(can't even lick an envelope)

What's in the envelope glue? I'm asking because I can't stand to lick an envelope...or stamp back when they were lickable. I always wet a sponge....and I've gotten laughed at for doing so for decades. It's considered one of my "funny quirks"

I thought maybe I had some subconscious fear of getting a paper cut on my tongue or something like that, but your comment is making me wonder. With a few notable exceptions, my body's always been really nice about warning me about poisons, toxins, etc. ...if I take time to listen.

Hi guardian,
Envelope glue most often has gluten in it. In fact, many other types of glue do too. It can also be hidden in coating on pharmaceuticals or supplements. [added] A lot of people are aware that soy sauce is cultured on wheat and contains gluten, but if you are one who still eats dairy, you should also be aware that most blue cheese is also cultured on wheat. It's just hiding in soooo many places.
Lauranimal said:
Hi guardian,
Envelope glue most often has gluten in it. In fact, many other types of glue do too.
It can also be hidden in coating on pharmaceuticals or supplements. [added] A lot of people are aware that soy sauce is cultured on wheat and contains gluten,

Thanks Lauranima, that's really interesting because soy sauce is another one of those things I can't even stand the smell of. I've never liked breads/grains either. I eat mostly meat with beans, rice, eggs, nuts, etc. Some days I just eat the meat, especially if it's hot outside.

but if you are one who still eats dairy, you should also be aware that most blue cheese is also cultured on wheat. It's just hiding in soooo many places.

I do eat dairy in the form of cheese, almost exclusively swiss cheese and VERY aged cheddar. The cheese has got to be well aged or it doesn't appeal to it. Wonder if the age makes a difference in regards to this "glutin?"
Guardian said:
I do eat dairy in the form of cheese, almost exclusively swiss cheese and VERY aged cheddar. The cheese has got to be well aged or it doesn't appeal to it. Wonder if the age makes a difference in regards to this "glutin?"

Even if it makes a difference (which seems unlikely :/), you still got the problem that it contains caseomorphin (casein), the equivalent of gluteomorphin from gluten. See here: http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=17513.msg157472#msg157472
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