Jedi Master
I was surfing around and happened upon this article, "The Coming: A Boeing Whistleblower’s Warning
Will a Massive Celestial System Change Our Solar System?" _
It was found at, I did a forum search and found something about Dee Finney being a follower of Mr. Bridges or something...Whether it's cointelpro or not, IDK. I did find it interesting, as it went into the magnetic ribbon at the edge of our solar system, questions of it being The Wave, concerns at NASA of EMP...
here's an excerpt of some of the dialog with the whistleblower, they were talking about NASA's concern with something causing changes with the sun;
Will a Massive Celestial System Change Our Solar System?" _
It was found at, I did a forum search and found something about Dee Finney being a follower of Mr. Bridges or something...Whether it's cointelpro or not, IDK. I did find it interesting, as it went into the magnetic ribbon at the edge of our solar system, questions of it being The Wave, concerns at NASA of EMP...
here's an excerpt of some of the dialog with the whistleblower, they were talking about NASA's concern with something causing changes with the sun;
Now, I remember reading these articles from a year or two ago, so I went out on a limb
and asked the OP: “So, this 'ribbon' of magnetism we are heading into, could it be
the 'Wave' that has been mentioned before. The Wave is supposed to be an area of
increased energy that the solar system is supposed to fly through. BUT, what if the
actual Wave isn't increased 'energy', but this magnetism, and as our heliosphere and
the various gravity fields of our system interact with the 'ribbon of magnetism'
(NASA), it causes unkown energy exchanges that can be very dynamic. Am I close
And he responds: Like I said, NASA isn't sure of everything it believes may be
happening. Something is happening and many who have the ability to send
birds up to look are also trying to figure out just what "is" real.
When OP said this, without saying „no‟, then I was on a mission. So I pushed him:
And, what do you mean 'figure out what "is" real? Do you mean what effects could
be possible? Or is there something that they have recieved data on, but it doesn't
quite make sense? So they are sending that new satellite up there to get 'better'
He responds: "real" We have to give a reason which things show up on
certain data that gets out on the net.
This answer was right in line with what I initially proposed, because magnetics and
strange particles are difficult to detect and was sure NASA was having a difficult time
explaining the data that pertained to this „mystery‟.Then, OP gives us a HUGE clue. He says: I am NOT trying to survive a moon
crash - that one was funny. Not even an asteroid, because to many
variables. I am learning how to adjust to a lack of electrons in house wiring
for some time.
I asked directly after this: I've got a good question.
Is NASA concerned about a near certain event? Or are they more worried because
some of these 'secrets' look like they are going to be exposed and their is nothing
they can do about it?
He responds: Some of both but not why you might think. Everyone at NASA
has a family somewhere. They're not a bunch of govt bought robots - they
have feelings. They fear what can happen. But they have to pay their bills
like all of us. They have to keep money coming into the budget. Many WANT
to keep money coming hoping that they can figure out what is fact - and
THEN they would LIKE to open up about it..... that's what I hear in the halls
- NOT in official conferences. But - it is a very vicious circle folks.
This, I feel, is more plausible an answer than ANY shill would give!
Directly after this statement, someone posts: EMP.
His Response: Electro MAgnetic Pulse - that's a big concern and now I really
have to go.
Bingo! Now, this answer is REALLY backing up what I proposed about Fluff and the
Magnetic Ribbon! Something that wouldn‟t directly affect Earth, but NASA was
concerned about affects to the Sun. Why? Because, according to OP, something is
going to cause a massive EMP that could possibly affect the entire globe! Something
is going to cause a disturbance on the Sun that will result in solar storms damaging
enough to affect the entire Earth! This at a time when Solar Cycle 24 is heading
towards MAX!
Things are beginning to click together!
When OP comes back, an AC posts: I know what the OP is talking about, it has
nothing to do with an "event" from the sun as we know it, like a flare or pulse or
anything like that. It has to do with a "timeline"
In short, part of what I know is this, certain features that our sun has displayed is at
question. During the monitoring of our sun features in a specific way has manifested
in observable events that have taken place many years ago and events that have yet
to be.
The process of observing our sun in this specialized way can also be used to monitor
other celestial events that have already occurred and those that have yet to occur.
Our sun is fine, however it is the culmination of the results from these observations
that are at question.
The question is not one of what but of when.