The Controversy of Zion


FOTCM Member

By Ivor Benson

The Author: In Europe during the years immediately before and after World War II the name of Douglas Reed was on everyone's lips; his books were being sold by scores of thousand, and he was known with intimate familiarity throughout the English-speaking world by a vast army of readers and admirers. Former London Times correspondent in Central Europe, he had won great fame with books like Insanity Fair, Disgrace Abounding, Lest We Regret, Somewhere South of Suez, Far and Wide and several others, each amplifying a hundredfold the scope available to him as one of the world's leading foreign correspondents.

The disappearance into almost total oblivion of Douglas Reed and all his works was a change that could not have been wrought by time alone; indeed, the correctness of his interpretation of the unfolding history of the times found some confirmation in what happened to him when at the height of his powers.

After 1951, with the publication of Far and Wide, in which he set the history of the United States of America into the context of all he had learned in Europe of the politics of the world, Reed found himself banished from the bookstands, all publishers' doors closed to him, and those books already published liable to be withdrawn from library shelves and "lost", never to be replaced.

His public career as a writer now apparently at an end, Reed was at last free to undertake a great task for which all that had gone before was but a kind of preparation and education that no university could provide and which only the fortunate and gifted few could fully use - his years as a foreign correspondent, his travels in Europe and America, his conversations and contacts with the great political leaders of his day, plus his eager absorption through reading and observation of all that was best in European culture.

Experiences which other men might have accepted as defeat, served only to focus Douglas Reed's powers on what was to be his most important undertaking - that of researching and retelling the story of the last 2000 years and more in such a way as to render intelligible much of modern history which for the masses remains in our time steeped in darkness and closely guarded by the terrors of an invisible system of censorship.

The Book: Commencing in 1951, Douglas Reed spent more than three years - much of this time separated from his wife and young family - working in the New York Central Library, or tapping away at his typewriter in spartan lodgings in New York or Montreal. With workmanlike zeal, the book was rewritten, all 300,000 words of it, and the Epilogue only added in 1956.

The story of the book itself - the unusual circumstances in which it was written, and how the manuscript, after having remained hidden for more than 20 years, came to light and was at last made available for publication - is part of the history of our century, throwing some light on a struggle of which the multitudes know nothing: that conducted relentlessly and unceasingly on the battleground of the human mind.

It needed some unusual source of spiritual power and motivation to bring to completion so big a book involving so much laborious research and cross-checking, a book, moreover, which seemed to have little or no chance of being published in the author's lifetime.

Although there is correspondence to show that the title was briefly discussed with one publisher, the manuscript was never submitted but remained for 22 years stowed away in three zippered files on top of a wardrobe in Reed's home in Durban, South Africa.

Relaxed and at peace with himself in the knowledge that he had carried his great enterprise as far as was possible in the circumstances of the times, Douglas Reed patiently accepted his forced retirement as journalist and writer, put behind him all that belonged to the past and adjusted himself cheerfully to a different mode of existence, in which most of his new-found friends and acquaintances, charmed by his lively mind and rich sense of humour, remained for years wholly unaware that this was indeed the Douglas Reed of literary fame.

Of this he was sure, whether or not it would happen in his lifetime, there would come a time when circumstances would permit, and the means be found, to communicate to the world his message of history rewritten, and the central message of Christianity restated.Interpretation: For the rest, The Controversy of Zion, can be left to speak for itself; indeed, it is a work of revisionist history and religious exposition the central message of which is revealed in almost every page, understanding and compassionate of people but severely critical of the inordinate and dangerous ambitions of their leaders.

In the final chapter, under the heading the Climacteric, Douglas Reed remarks that if he could have planned it all when he began writing his book in 1949, he could not have chosen a better moment than the last months of 1956 to review the long history of Talmudic Zionism and re-examine it against the background of what was still happening on the stage of world politics.

For 1956 was the year of another American presidential election in which, once again, the Zionists demonstrated their decisive power to influence Western politics; it was the year in which the nations of the West stood by as helpless spectators as Soviet forces were used to crush a spontaneous revolt and re-install a Jewish-Communist regime in Hungary; and it was the year in which Britain and France, under Zionist pressure, were drawn into the disastrous fiasco of an attempt to capture the Suez Canal, an adventure from which, once again, Israel alone gained any advantage.

Everything that has happened since Reed wrote those last sentences in 1956 has continued to endorse the correctness of his interpretation of more than 2000 years of troubled history.

The Middle East has remained an area of intense political activity and of the maximum falsification of news and suppression of genuine debate, and it was only the few with some knowledge of the role of Talmudic Zionism and Communism who could have had any chance of solving the problem of successive events of major importance, like the so-called Six Day War in 1967 and the massive Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982.

Those who have read The Controversy of Zion will not be surprised to learn that there were clear signs of collusion between the Soviet Union and Israel in precipitating the Israeli attack on Egypt, for it was only because Colonel Nasser had been warned by the Kremlin bosses that Israel was about to attack Egypt's ally Syria that he moved nearly all his armed forces to his country' s northern border, where they fell an easy prey to Israel's vastly superior army.

It seemed as if nothing had changed when in 1982 Israel launched a massive and most ruthless attack on Southern Lebanon, ostensibly for the purpose of rooting out the Palestine Liberation Organisation, but actually in furtherance of an expansionist policy about which Jewish leaders have always been remarkably frank.

By this time, however, the pro-Zionist mythology generated by Western politicians and media in which Israel was always represented as a tiny and virtuous nation in constant need of help and protection, was obviously beginning to lose much of its plausibility, so that few were surprised when the British Institute of Strategic Studies announced that Israel could now be regarded as fourth in the world as a military power, after the USA, the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China - well ahead of nations like Britain and France.

More deeply significant was the reaction of the Jewish people, both in Israel and abroad, to an apparent triumph of Zionist arms in Lebanon. While Western politicians and media remained timorously restrained in their comment, even after news of the massacre of an estimated 1500 men, women and children in two Beirut refugee camps, 350,000 of the residents of Tel Aviv staged a public demonstration against their government and there were reports in the Jewish press that controversy over the Lebanese war had rocked the Israel army and affected all ranks.

Of this, too, Douglas Reed seems to have had some presentiment, for among the last words in his book are these: "I believe the Jews of the world are equally beginning to see the error of revolutionary Zionism, the twin of the other destructive movement, and, as this century ends, will at last decide to seek involvement in common mankind" .

To learn about the book and critical comments about it - search Google for ""knud eriksen""
Gosh, I love all the new information worlds that open up from the efforts of SOTT.

Thanks for turning me on to this man Laura, I'd never had heard of him otherwise.

i just want to say that paranoia is warranted when speaking about the tribe too loudly, shining too bright a light on them. even when the light is borrowed. remember that there is no 1st amendment here in europe. in fact, 'free speech' laws are tighter here.
name said:
i just want to say that paranoia is warranted when speaking about the tribe too loudly, shining too bright a light on them. even when the light is borrowed. remember that there is no 1st amendment here in europe. in fact, 'free speech' laws are tighter here.
What exactly is your point?, and I don't mean this in a way to put you on the definsive.
Joshua said:
What exactly is your point?, and I don't mean this in a way to put you on the definsive.
my point is that linking to that kind of material opens one up to attacks of the nastier sort in jurisdictions like Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, where slighting certain people is not taken lightly by authorities. i say that after having read most of the "How Odd of God" article available there.
name said:
Joshua said:
What exactly is your point?, and I don't mean this in a way to put you on the defensive.
my point is that linking to that kind of material opens one up to attacks of the nastier sort in jurisdictions like Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, where slighting certain people is not taken lightly by authorities. i say that after having read most of the "How Odd of God" article available there.
So you are saying that by linking to the works of this historian/journalist Douglas Reed Laura is opening herself up to attacks?

Where is Mecklenburg-Vorpommern? And what kind of attacks? I don't think potential attacks have ever scared Laura off anything.

To sum, you are saying that she shouldn't highlight Mr. Reed's work? Do you have a specific problem with his POV?
As I understand "name", he wants to say IMO that the laws in Europe especially Germany ("Mecklenburg-Vorpommern"?) are made in such a way that everybody criticising or challenging the "status quo" of the history of Europe during or after the wars during the last century may be seen or will be declared as neo-nazi or anti-semitic, regardless of possible truth of the contents.
* Yes, I think that linking to works like the one of Douglas Reed is dangerous.

* Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is one of the federal states ('Bundeslaender') of Germany. It one of the states which was in the former DDR (German Democratic Republic).

* Attacks ? would the takedown of this forum be bad enough ? The German Govt typically suppresses such material. AFAIK linking to anything is seen as equivalent to giving full support to any material one links to, in the weird understanding of the world of the german judiciary. There have been precedents of people being criminalized for linking to info looked askance upon by german authorities. As to the last point, I am probably far more paranoid than Laura and many other people. I think that being paranoid about criticizing jews and having the german govt involved is sensible, to say the least.

* I'm not saying Laura should not highlight Mr. Reeds work. I'm saying that it is dangerous. I live in Austria where we have legislation similar to germany, but sloppy enforcement. I'm saying that when the king is wrong, it is dangerous to be right. I speak out of experience, having grown up in chile under pinochet, where you know to thread your way carefully around some subjects. lets just say that the shizos and psychos and the whole menagerie of evil characters in Lobaczewski's work are not some abstract comic-strip characters, but very real people with real power to make other people's lives miserable.

* I have no problem with Mr. Reed's work. I think that it is valid and important.

name said:
* Yes, I think that linking to works like the one of Douglas Reed is dangerous.

* Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is one of the federal states ('Bundeslaender') of Germany. It one of the states which was in the former DDR (German Democratic Republic).

* Attacks ? would the takedown of this forum be bad enough ? The German Govt typically suppresses such material. AFAIK linking to anything is seen as equivalent to giving full support to any material one links to, in the weird understanding of the world of the german judiciary. There have been precedents of people being criminalized for linking to info looked askance upon by german authorities. As to the last point, I am probably far more paranoid than Laura and many other people. I think that being paranoid about criticizing jews and having the german govt involved is sensible, to say the least.

* I'm not saying Laura should not highlight Mr. Reeds work. I'm saying that it is dangerous. I live in Austria where we have legislation similar to germany, but sloppy enforcement. I'm saying that when the king is wrong, it is dangerous to be right. I speak out of experience, having grown up in chile under pinochet, where you know to thread your way carefully around some subjects. lets just say that the shizos and psychos and the whole menagerie of evil characters in Lobaczewski's work are not some abstract comic-strip characters, but very real people with real power to make other people's lives miserable.

* I have no problem with Mr. Reed's work. I think that it is valid and important.

As long as one, both in the individual as well as the collective sense, "doesn't go there", as a result of fear, which, under the circumstances of the past, is quite a reasonable reaction, no knowledge of of the mechanism of culture/society/history will get out. It is precisely this "knowledge", that is required if ANYTHING is to be "DOne". We need to "know" what we're up against.

One thing to keep in mind, is that it is THEY who are afraid of US. There are a LOT more of "us", than there is of "them". A lone ant is but a pest. An army of ants can be lethal to an "invader". As long as we the "sheeple" can be kept as a bunch of lone ants, fighting each other, no less, the invader is left to conquest. "Colinearity", in the broadest sense, is exactly what the "invader" PTB DON'T want. As the saying goes, the truth hurts.

name said:
* Yes, I think that linking to works like the one of Douglas Reed is dangerous.

* Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is one of the federal states ('Bundeslaender') of Germany. It one of the states which was in the former DDR (German Democratic Republic).

* Attacks ? would the takedown of this forum be bad enough ? The German Govt typically suppresses such material. AFAIK linking to anything is seen as equivalent to giving full support to any material one links to, in the weird understanding of the world of the german judiciary. There have been precedents of people being criminalized for linking to info looked askance upon by german authorities. As to the last point, I am probably far more paranoid than Laura and many other people. I think that being paranoid about criticizing jews and having the german govt involved is sensible, to say the least.

* I'm not saying Laura should not highlight Mr. Reeds work. I'm saying that it is dangerous. I live in Austria where we have legislation similar to germany, but sloppy enforcement. I'm saying that when the king is wrong, it is dangerous to be right. I speak out of experience, having grown up in chile under pinochet, where you know to thread your way carefully around some subjects. lets just say that the shizos and psychos and the whole menagerie of evil characters in Lobaczewski's work are not some abstract comic-strip characters, but very real people with real power to make other people's lives miserable.

* I have no problem with Mr. Reed's work. I think that it is valid and important.


Now I'm clear. Reading of your experience really makes me appreciate living in California. I don't have to even think of the things you mention. Not that I'm not on a list somewhere, or that something couldn't happen, but it's not anything I even think about. Thanks for sharing this.

As a side note, I used to produce news shorts for ORF. One of the main correspondents, who I won't mention here, was a friend of mine 20 years ago in high school, as he was an Austrian Exchange student who came to the US.

Anyway, thanks for filling me in on your reality.
Google for "controversy of zion pdf" and you will find an online download. The more I read, the more impressed I am with this work. When I read the following, I positively got chills up my spine:

[Islam], like Christianity, taught no hatred of other religions. Muhammad
showed only reverence for Jesus and his mother (who are both the subjects of
profane derision in Talmudic literature).

However, Muhammad held the Jews to be a destructive force, self-dedicated.
The Koran says of them, "Oft as they kindle a beacon fire for war, shall God
quench it. And their aim will be to abet disorder on the earth; but God
loveth not the abettors of disorder ". All down the centuries the wisest men
spoke thus of the tribal creed and the sect, until the Twentieth Century of
our era, when public discussion of this question was virtually suppressed.

Thus was Islam born, and it spread over the meridianal parts of the known
world as Christianity spread over the West and Buddhism, earlier, over the
East. Great streams began to move, as if towards a confluence at some
distant day, for these universal religions are in no major tenet as oil and
water, and in the repudiation of master-racehood and the destructive idea
they agree.

Christianity and Islam spread out and embraced great masses of mankind; the
impulse that moved in men became clear. Far behind these universal religions
lay Judaism, in its tribal enclosure, jealously guarded by the inner sect.

In the Twentieth Century this powerful sect was able to bring the masses of
Christendom and Islam to the verge of destructive battle with each other. If
the present generation sees that clash, the spectacle will be that of one
great universal religion contending with another for the purpose of setting
up the creed of the "master-race".
This is definitely the book to give to all your Christian relatives and friends.
i mirrored the whole site, and i noted that there are some wrong links. will see if i can recover those documents too.

until now i've read only the short quotes posted by laura to the "bollyn and mona" thread. it is exactly the kind of bright, harsh light they fear so much. i wont be able to read it for now because i received the ponerology book today (jumps happily), and last friday i had bought myself erich fromm's "the sane society" based on a lead from one of hkoehli's postings.

there is one thing, a suspicion i have about the theme of zionism and jews. when analyzing the trouble and tribulations of humanity, anybody who dares to set aside taboos will ultimately find their way back to the tribe and their very peculiar history and what is known of their interactions with the rest of us. and anybody who comes so far as to wanting to analyze the political status-quo and including their influence will find themselves before that big wall of fire of disapproval on all levels. my suspicion is that in the greater design of things they are small fry. they are too visible and as a group they look too convenient a scapegoat to be the real baddies. to me they look as having been set up as a collective 'fall guy'.

the thing about them being referred to as the cattle or captives of the levites (IIRC) should make one think. the 'cattle' alusion means that they are subordinate to a master or shepherd (the 'good shepherd' p'haps ?) and then there is the weird reason why they were chosen, which seems to have escaped attention of everybody while everybody is bashing them for their 'chosenness'. Deuteronomy 7,7 (New International Version, says this "The LORD did not set his affection on you and choose you because you were more numerous than other peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples." - So: why would that crazy god go for these people who were 'the least of all the peoples' (Young Literal Translation) ? (Note: In German, in the 'new lutheran' oecumenical bible I own, the passage similarly reads "... ihr seid ja das geringste unter allen Volkern", what can also be understood as the lowliest or most humble of all peoples).

who exactly are the levites, the priestly caste, in current times ? who were they then and where did they come from ? is there any known history of the levites and what they were up to before they stumbled upon the jews ?

and then, while many people are bashing the illuminati, jews, zionists, secret services ... there still remains that 8000 pound gorilla of conspiracy who is not only sitting in our collective living room but has also taken posession of the remote and the fridge and who has until now received not much more than what could be described as a cursory glance from more critical investigators: the catholic church. the history of the church is intertwined with that of those we know today as jews, and neither the church nor the jews - ashkenazim - have more than a cursory claim to existence before 1100 or 1200 AC, about the time of the first crusades.

you may smack me down on dates and details, but the fact remains: before the 'dark ages', neither had much claim to fame nor anything else, both 'jews' and the catholic church started being what we know them to be today at about that time, and, lest we forget, both seem to be a *european* phenomenon. in the case of the catholic church this is clear, re the jews, of you look at jewishgen_dot_org (a genealogy site) you'll note that most names have their origin somewhere in europe, very few outside.

before that time (dark ages), 'jews' were either khazars who had recently converted to judaism (who exactly were these priests who convinced the khazars - a kingdom of warring tribes - to convert ?) and whose descendants would later call themselves ashkenazim, or they were sephardim in diaspora around the mediterranean and who apparently lived well integrated in then still young muslim societies. similarly, what is today the catholic church was then a diverse bunch of 'christian' sects who often did not even concur on what was legit scripture. the events which seem to have unified not only europe into "western culture" but also christendom into the catholic church are the immigration of the khazars/ashkenazim into europe and the subsequent crusades. from or after this time - end of the 'dark ages' - come the first known unified versions of what we know today as the bible, and also, something else happened (later) what could probably not have happened before and w/o some kind of unifying influence: the defeat and expulsion of the muslims from europe.

i also find it interesting enough to note the differing ways in which 'jews' convived with either christian or muslim societies. on the muslim side of the world we have the sephardim, who AFAIK were always respected and mostly left in peace - there is no record of persecutions and pogroms against 'jews' known to me. in light of the excerpts from the reed book it is also interesting to note that, in muslim societies, 'jews' lived comparatively safe and respected despite strong warnings against them in religious scripture, for example in Al-Baccara, the second Sura of the Koran (Note: 'Baccara' is Arabic for cow. The name of this Sura refers to the Golden Calf and those who adore it, specifically the "Children of Israel"). on the 'christian' side of the world things are completely inverted. here, there is not much, if anything at all, said against 'jews' in religious scripture, but since the beginning of recorded history, around 900 AC IIRC, there have been constant persecutions and pogroms against 'jews' which seem to have subsided only by the middle 1700s (interestingly, about the time of amschel mayer rothschild), when various edicts of tolerance were released. all what happened since then is recorded if more-or-less taboo history.

my impression is that ashkenazim and sephardim are apples and oranges.

(edited for clarity and completeness)
I had just finished writing the post -- included at the end of this one -- when I read Laura's comments, which I would like to comment on first.

Laura said:
Google for "controversy of zion pdf" and you will find an online download. The more I read, the more impressed I am with this work. When I read the following, I positively got chills up my spine:

Douglas Reed said:
[...]In the Twentieth Century this powerful sect was able to bring the masses of Christendom and Islam to the verge of destructive battle with each other. If the present generation sees that clash, the spectacle will be that of one great universal religion contending with another for the purpose of setting up the creed of the "master-race".
Chills?--I've been wearing a metaphorical sweater and blanket for the past 24 hours! I have only read up to chapter 29, but it has been a fabulous read.

Time after time an original, universalist impulse is twisted into a particularistic, ethnic group weapon of deception and dominance, with the interesting property of being serviceable over long stretches of time.

As Reed points out, the original beneficent monotheism is transformed by the Deuteronomistic Levites into a malevolent force by the insertion of passages which directly counter the universal spirit originally intended. It's especially chilling to read the story of Moses in Exodus 2 and 3, where he is welcomed by the Midianites and marries a Midianite woman, and then compare it to the Levites' re-write in Numbers 25 that calls for him to annihilate the Midianites.

And then there is the corrective applied by the Christ person/group to rectify the Levitical perversion, and which is itself coopted and turned once again toward political ends in its amalgamation with the Roman Empire. And what really went down conveniently lost, as Laura noted, thanks to a "Dark Age."

And then the Islamic movement, itself another corrective attempt --a correction of a correction no less!! when Christianity was seen to have become corrupted -- is transfomed in our lifetimes into part of a grand Apocalyptic set up. Three STS strikes and out.... for the human race? Here's how Reed describes the shenanigans:

Douglas Reed said:
[...]The ancient Israelites [the northern tribe] built on current ideas, and by this means apparently were well on the way to a universal religion when they were swallowed up by mankind.

Then Judah[the southern tribe] put the process into reverse, so that the effect is that of a film run backward. The masters of Judah, the Levites, as they drew up their Law also took what they could use from the inheritance of other peoples and worked it into the stuff they were moulding. They began with the one just God of all men, whose voice had been briefly heard from the burning bush (in the oral tradition) and in the course of five books of their written Law turned him into the racial, bargaining Jehovah who promised territory, treasure, blood and power over others in return for a ritual of sacrifice, to be performed at a precise place in a specified land.

Thus they founded the permanent counter-movement to all universal religions and identified the name Judah with the doctrine of self-segregation from mankind, racial hatred, murder in the name of religion, and revenge.

The perversion thus accomplished may be traced in the Old Testament, where Moses first appears as the bearer of the moral commandments and good neighbour, and ends as a racial mass-murderer, the moral commandments having been converted into their opposites between Exodus and Numbers. In the course of this same transmutation the God who begins by commanding the people not to kill or to covet their neighbours' goods or wives, finishes by ordering a tribal massacre of a neighbouring people, only the virgins to be saved alive!

Thus the achievement of the itinerant priests who mastered the tribe of Judah, so long ago, was to turn one small, captive people away from the rising idea of a God of all men, to reinstate a bloodthirsty tribal deity and racial law, and to send the followers of this creed on their way through the centuries with a destructive mission.
In my initial post, I touch on another fascinating point in Reed's book.

For example, in Chapter 5, "The Fall of Babylon," Reed suggests the following road map of the present /future, which strikes me as still holding quite nicely, thank you, 50 years later! I have filled in what seemed to me reasonable candidates for his schema for the events since 1956. (Reed's contribution is the rows "Babylon", "Russia", and "Germany".)

(Please pardon the following; it's supposed to be a table, but I don't know how to import a table, so the following appears a bit wiggly. There should be three columns.)

"Foreign Oppressor" "Jehovan Prophet "Liberator"

Babylon -- Belshazzar Daniel Persia -- Cyrus

Russia -- Nicholas II Weizmann Britain -- Balfour

Germany -- Hitler Weizmann USA -- Truman


Arabs - Nasser? Ben Gurion, USA -- Eisenhower
(Was there any Sharett Kennedy
Palestinian Leader? )

Palestine-PLO Levi Eshkol USA --LBJ, Nixon
Y. Hammuda

Palestine -- Arafat Meir, Rabin, USA -- Nixon,
Begin, Shamir, Regan,
Peres, ... Bush, Sr.
Netanyahu Clinton

Iraq -- Saddam Shamir, Sharon USA --GWB
bin Laden

Palestine -- Hamas Olmert USA --GWB

Iran -- Ahmadinejad ?Netanyahu? USA -- ?Hillary?
?Beast of Revelation? / ??? ?Condi?
?Mother of All
Working Girls ?ArchAngel Gabriel?
of Babylon?

Note 1: the "Mother of All Working Girls of Babylon" is a format permitted name for the main character of Revelations 17:5

Note 2: Presidents Eisenhower through Carter really weren't strong supporters of Israel. That period -- 1952-1980 -- was a transition period when some leftist / Democrats morphed into the Neo-Conservatives we all know and love, and US foreign policy actually attempted to meet US needs -- what a novel idea? Technically, no one was playing the liberator role during this time, but events kept marching toward the full re-emergence of this tri-partite pattern when our current crop of neo-cons first got "blooded."

Note 3: An argument can be made that ALL the US presidents, including Truman, were manipulated and actually powerless to do otherwise. And Balfour certainly falls into that class as well. This all raises the interesting question of whether Cyrus was also a dupe, or whether the STS / Levites were merely using to their future advantage a political event over which they had no control. They certainly used the pattern repeatedly after Cyrus, and in circumstances in which they were in control.

Note 4: The identifying of Israeli prime ministers as "Jehovan Prophet Triumphant" is because the Israeli lobby satisfies the definition Reed gives of the JPT : "the great man at the foreign ruler's court..." Whether or not they will be able to "survive, the disaster which is about to befall the "persecutor" remains to be seen.
RflctnOfU said:
One thing to keep in mind, is that it is THEY who are afraid of US. There are a LOT more of "us", than there is of "them". A lone ant is but a pest. An army of ants can be lethal to an "invader". As long as we the "sheeple" can be kept as a bunch of lone ants, fighting each other, no less, the invader is left to conquest. "Colinearity", in the broadest sense, is exactly what the "invader" PTB DON'T want. As the saying goes, the truth hurts.

Great point Kris!

If you look at the world as it is today as compared to how it was say 30 years ago, you can see how the family unit has been targeted for dismantle. Parents both work for stuff because that is the norm. Kids have lack of leadership and little moral support. Sex is sold in every corner of the media as the norm... If you are distracted and getting lack of inner comfort, you're less likely to be stable enough to even want to search for truth. Even worse, your entire educational system and thought system has been spoon fed to you since you were born into this world. And change is scary.

Despite the sleeping masses, it is promising to see that there are people waking up. And yes, the PTB are very afraid. Lies and deception are like building a foundation on sand. It won't hold up in the end.

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