The Dark Side Of The Force

Thanks for starting this thread, floetus. You've aired your emotional states, observed buffers and programs kick in to take the edge off from the shock and discomfort, learned and helped others learn. It's helped me reading it as well.

Also thanks to everyone for there very helpful and insightful replies.

And definitely, "there is a certain magic in this place, something that holds it together -- the network. It's a feeling I can't explain, that I don't want explain. I believe it's
the light side of the force"

That is the TRUE hope of TRUE change (which starts with each of us) to balance the false hopes of a too over-stressed and traumatized world and population.
RyanX said:
For instance, if you have a blog or facebook account, post the link on there to let others know. If you're an artist of some variety, you could put this energy into your own creation, maybe in such a way to bring an awareness of this situation (and many similar) to others. Just don't let the anger run away with you - keep it below the neck. Recognize this anger is a natural reaction to such a revolting video.

When I listened to this tune, I remembered the 'scenes' from this footage. The memories joined the music and the lyrics and formed some kind of ultra cynical music video in my mind. What would happen if someone really made such a music-video out of it, such cynical? In our days this also would be a matter of clicks, piece of cake. I feel that 'war-material' in such an 'art-video' should be staged, artificial, obviously pretending being 'like' real, don't you think? I would never dare using actual footage. And if the 'artist' staged it, the question would still remain: Would the recipient benefit from it, not 'any' recipient -- that's for sure. The Denver-Air-Port-Artist obviously never considered those questions. I guess he was just happy to succeed, to simply reach such broad public, even children and people moving from A to B, who were not asked if they wanted or if they were 'able' to handle such 'provoking' contents in a healthy way. One fine day movies like 'Anti Christ' and 'Irreversible' are shown on TV at noontime -- 'children's programmes' or better 'children's programming', well... you see. It seems to be not an easy thing! It's a giant controversial complex, at least for me. I guess, I am a child of Neil Postman* -- in every respect.

*famous and influential American media critic

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