The European Union: Glorious New 'Holy Roman Empire', Anglo-American Trojan Horse, or Left-Liberal Globalist Nightmare?

The RN is pro-otan, pro-LGBT, pro-war in Ukraine (remember that they applauded Zelenski a few days ago in the assembly) as Don said, it's a party who will give illusion of change and when people are gonna realize that RN is like Macron Party, things could change. Announcing a dissolution of national assembly in a matter of minutes seemed a move most likely planned in advance. In this election parties rejecting the European Union scoring less than in 2019, while people are more and more in favor of leaving the EU... sure RN made a big score and I believe in it, but Asselineau and Philippot (the last one is just a copycat of Asselineau) should have obtained more votes, it was again partialy a rigged election (and we can assess it with what the C's said because regarding past election). and of course this handshake is nothing between Bardella and Attal

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Borrell: the doors to the EU will be closed for Georgia if the government continues its actions
The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy noted that the people of Georgia will have to pay for the actions of the government
BRUSSELS, June 24th. /tass/. The European Union will close its doors to Georgia if the country's government continues its current course. This was stated by the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrel, upon arrival at a meeting of the Council of the European Union.

"The EU doors are open for Georgia now. But if the government continues to do what it is doing, these doors will be closed," he said, expressing the opinion that the people of Georgia will have to pay for the actions of the government.

According to Borrell, the foreign ministers will discuss the situation in Georgia and the potential actions of the EU against its background. "I will inform you about the results of the discussion after the meeting," he added.

On May 14, the Georgian Parliament adopted the law on transparency of foreign influence in the third reading, which provoked harsh statements from the European Union and the United States. President of the Republic Salome Zurabishvili vetoed the law on May 18, but Parliament overcame it on May 28. Non-governmental organizations have repeatedly stated that they will not be registered in the register in the event of the adoption of the law, as they do not consider it fair to be called organizations pursuing the interests of a foreign force. The ruling party claims that this definition is correct if they receive funding from abroad and they are only required to be financially transparent.

The law applies to non-governmental organizations and the media, more than 20% of whose funding comes from abroad. They will be required to submit a declaration of income and expenses to the Ministry of Justice in January of each year. In case of non-fulfillment of this obligation, they will be fined 25 thousand lari (more than $8,700). If the declaration is not provided after the fine, 20 thousand lari (about $7 thousand) will be charged for each month of delay.

The EU will ban access to the three largest Russian mass media
The Council of the European Union has announced restrictions on access to three Russian media outlets — RIA Novosti, Izvestia and Rossiyskaya Gazeta — in the EU. The restrictions will come into force on June 25. This decision was made as part of the ongoing policy of sanctions against Russia against the background of the conflict in Ukraine.

The EU Council said in a statement that these measures are aimed at combating the spread of disinformation and propaganda, which, according to the European authorities, are actively used by the Russian media to influence public opinion in Europe and undermine confidence in European institutions.

It should be noted that earlier in Europe, access to a number of Telegram channels of the Russian media was already restricted, in particular, we are talking about France.
ЕС запретит к трем крупнейшим российским средствам массовой информации

В название ветки вынесен вопрос аж с тремя вариантами ответа. Вот пара очередных "штрихов к портрету", чтобы легче было выбрать более подходящий вариант.
Finally, Russia began to respond in this field as well. From this moment on, the objectivity, impartiality and reliability of all these media outlets in relation to Russia, which left much to be desired before, will probably drop, as they say, below the baseboard.
Russia's response measures: restrictions on the broadcasting of European media

In response to the decision of the EU Council on May 17 to ban the broadcasting activity of three Russian media outlets (RIA Novosti, Izvestia and Rossiyskaya Gazeta), Russia introduces counter restrictions on the broadcasting of a number of European media.

The ban, which comes into force on June 25, is aimed at resources that systematically disseminate false information about the course of a special military operation.

Among the European media that are subject to the ban: Austrian OF, Osterreich, Belgian Le Vif, Knack, German Der Spiegel, Die Zeit, FAZ, French Le Monde, LCI, Radio France.
There are 81 agencies in total.

The Russian side has repeatedly warned that politically motivated harassment of domestic journalists and fans of Russian media in the EU will not go unanswered. If restrictions on Russian media are lifted, Russia will also reconsider its decisions.

Наконец то Россия стала отвечать и на этом поприще. С этого момента объективность, беспристрастность и достоверность всех этих СМИ в отношении России, которая и раньше оставляла желать лучшего, видимо понизится, как у нас говорят, ниже плинтуса.
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