The Golden State, Not So Golden!

Up close in your face facts and visuals about the hard core housing situation in kool Kali land of the Stars.

I must admit I'm also on the edge with my own home financially. I'm not sure how long I will be able to hold on. Perhaps another 7 or 8 months. In order for me to survive now I had to resort to renting out rooms. I rent out two rooms but presently only have one filled. Things are critical enough that I must rent out the second bedroom ASAP even though in many ways I'd like to keep it as my own personal space and use.

I would prefer of course not to resort to renting to people I really don't know...people that I usually meet through my ad on Craigs list, but when it comes to surviving you do whatever it takes to maintain yourself.

A very brief history of the pitfalls of renting rooms to strangers. My empty room has a most "interesting past." The last occupant was and is to the best of my knowledge a Psychopath of some sort. Some authors such as Theodore Millon identifies 10 Subtypes of Psychopaths. He also notes that the 10 could be further refined into many more taxonomies. Anyway I had this Psychopath man living in my personal space for about a year and 2 months and that's a VERY LONG time to be that close to someone like that.

Like many of you on this site I have been studying this subject for a several years now and have been reading the books, yet still I can and have made BIG mistakes when it comes to identifying them clearly. I don't feel so bad though when I realize that highly trained professionals i.e. psychiatrists, psychologists, psychoanalysts themselves can be fooled by patients they have been working with for years!

Never forget they Do WEAR THE MASK OF SANITY. And some wear that mask much better than others. Yes there is also a seam, a flaw, somewhere in that mask, however fine and invisible it appears, the trick is discovering it before you are taken on a ride.

A typical interview of new renter prospect may take an hour or hour and a half. You can really can't tell all that much about someone in that alloted time.

I'm not in the right head space right now to go through the many details of my experience but I will say it only ended when he finally was sent to prison for 2 years and fined 97K for two Felonies that he was convicted of. Namely insurance fraud and workman's compensation fraud.

He's been gone now for 10 days and I am very much in recovery, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I am still cleaning things up after him as he didn't do any cleaning. The worst is the extremely Toxic residues that I perceive he left on the etheric plane of the room. For that I've been burning White Sage and Jasmine, in addition to leaving all the windows and shades open so the sunshine and air can purge it out. And I got the message to PRAY for assistance in removing what I would like to call cosmic Smegma that he polluted my home with.

I personally think there is a definite "vibrational frequency" difference in psychopaths and what sometimes are referred to as normies or those with Soul DNA.

The room was furnished. I took out all the furnishings save a large walnut bookcase, and put them in the garage right away. The bed I threw away immediately. The smell of this room is difficult to describe, but like something decaying, fetid, rancid.

I've NOTICED that the Drachs have found a wonderful way to work on me. What better way than to insert one of their Operatives directly into my personal living space??? Yes its happened more than once.

All I can say there is nothing like a real life experience compared to just reading a book about it.

Maybe later I'll post more details of things he did and see what you folks think and have to say about it.
Thanks for the video link. A picture really is worth a thousand words. :scared: I wonder if you might have better luck finding roomates by putting the word out through contacts involved in healing work, education, etc. Not to say that there aren't psychopaths to be found in those environments as well, but at least that way you can get a reference from someone you know.

I'm native Californian. I feel really sad about what's happening there. I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling too, and I wish you the inner strength to deal with your situation in the best possible way.
I watched the video last night which horrified me. The scenes of workers throwing the life possessions of a family into the trash were really disturbing. It seems that the family was either so totally demoralized that they didn't have the wherewithall to organize a yard sale to raise some cash, or they were forced to leave so quickly that they didn't have time to do so.

There was such needless waste and suffering for that family, and for those who still remain, there is the suffering that comes from neighbors witnessing such an event and thinking that it could be a foreshadowing of their own futures.

I am so sorry, Nordic Healer, that you yourself are having a hard time. It turned my stomach when I read that circumstances had led you to rent a room in your home to a psychopath. I worked under two psychopaths, but I didn't have to live with them.

I always found your posts interesting and insightful, and I wondered why there weren't more of them.

Well, you are in my thoughts. May you find your way out of this.

Nordic Healer said:
He's been gone now for 10 days and I am very much in recovery, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I am still cleaning things up after him as he didn't do any cleaning. The worst is the extremely Toxic residues that I perceive he left on the etheric plane of the room. For that I've been burning White Sage and Jasmine, in addition to leaving all the windows and shades open so the sunshine and air can purge it out. And I got the message to PRAY for assistance in removing what I would like to call cosmic Smegma that he polluted my home with.

I personally think there is a definite "vibrational frequency" difference in psychopaths and what sometimes are referred to as normies or those with Soul DNA.

I agree. There is something not quite right about them, and it does take some time to cleanse oneself from their influence. I've come to the point that if I have the slightest feeling that someone is "off", I listen to that feeling. I don't try to second guess myself anymore.
Thank you Miss Isness and Webglider for your heart felt responses :halo: I appreciate very much your caring support in regards to both the Psychopathic renters and the gutting of CA and American homes, and my own Personal Plights in that realm!! Seeing on video homes being abandoned with most all of their personal effects left behind, does make it so much more real than just reading about it. It's as if they were fleeing for their lives in the middle of the night, with no time to take much of anything but a small suitcase. Can we say Nazi Germany all over again??

I do feel though all of this is helping me to Detach more than ever from this 3rd density world of Materialism... where Forms reign supreme over "Essence." I feel all of this is part of my Initiation process. The Crucible that refines.

Last Sunday I had a number of things sold in a major auction house of CA. It was my first time to every do anything like this. Included in this sale was a 17 Jewel Gold Rolex Watch that my generous mother gave me as a college graduation present. I know it was a huge Sacrifice for her to give me an expensive gift like this at the time. Of course there is deep sentimental value there. I felt though that having things like that in the future, with all that's fast coming in, would be superfluous. It will help me to buy more time to sustain myself. For this I am grateful. The markets are off though and I only fetched roughly Half its estimated value. I was told by those in the know that every few months things are going to have less and less value for resale as the collapse continues. So the longer I wait to sell stuff off, the less it will fetch.

I also sold off a collection of antique English Royal Doulton Porcelain Dogs that my uncle gave to me many years ago when I was around 8 years old. I think he recognized the Artistic-Creative side in me way back then, as this is not the kind of gift you would typically give an 8 year old. I learned from my mother that he probably originally purchased them way back in the 1940's. I must admit I did shed some tears when they went. I liked seeing them on the top of my maple chest of drawers in my bedroom. The large English Springer Spaniel was especially a Beauty. So many memories connected to them. They had somehow survived all those moves and clumsy people nearly breaking them...but this finally took them down.

I also sold a pair of 24K Gold earrings that I had given to my mother as a gift way back. They were misrepresented in the catalogue as 14k, but they made the correction when the auctioneer described them during their sale. Being that gold is the one pretty stable money I thought they also would have brought more, but no.

My Grandmothers special "good dishes" that I inherited after she passed were also sold. They were English Royal Tuscan, white with gold rims. The auctioneer tried to Start the bidding at 1 Thousand, but had to back off when no one showed any interest, down to 100. They finally went for a song at 350. They dated back to also the late 40's or early 50's. I remember eating off of them many times when a kid during special Holiday celebrations.

One more item I would like to mention was a pair of Sterling Silver Candlestick Holders purchased from I Magnin in the 1970's. These were estimated to be worth around 500. They only fetched a very poor 62. I have to admit I was pretty upset with that. I should have pulled them from the sale.

I am bringing the reader down to these personal details in the hope that it will make the whole process even more Alive and Personal for them and their lives... because it looks like in the end most of Us, one way or another, soon or late, are going to be going through this process because we are Not part of the Psychopathic Ruling Elite Minority. The LOOTING of America and the world is accelerating very fast now as the TAKE DOWN continues!!!

As more and more people become homeless, the numbers eventually will go into the Millions. I think our lovely Fed Gov will then ROUND THEM UP and take them by railcars to Fema Camps under the pretense that they can Work for food and lodging and to pay off their past general debts and TAXES and CREDIT CARDS, When their bodies give out under the Horrible Conditions in these Prisons, they will then systematically be EXTERMINATED OSIT.
I must admit I'm also on the edge with my own home financially. I'm not sure how long I will be able to hold on. Perhaps another 7 or 8 months. In order for me to survive now I had to resort to renting out rooms. I rent out two rooms but presently only have one filled. Things are critical enough that I must rent out the second bedroom ASAP even though in many ways I'd like to keep it as my own personal space and use.

Hi Nordic Healer,

This post of yours stuck in mind.

Any improvement in your situation?


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